Audio and Tape Works

Waveform Veil (2014)
Early audio tape works, 1975-1976
Class (1969-1976, published in 1982), includes "1-100," "Class," "my/my/my," "Piffle," and "Goodnight"
Listening" introduction
performed by synthetic voices (July 2001): MP3 (long version), MP3 (short version); from Drunken Boat (Quicktime)
Pages radio ads
See also "Counting Each Step of the Sun" & In Edit Mode interview
"Phone Poem" (2012) (1:30): MP3 / .wav
(Phone-A-Poem installation at Woodberry Poetry Room, Lamont Library, Harvard, Feb. 7- May 1, 2013)
Crazy of Objects (Veil) (1999/2014) (8:12): MP3, 4-track WAV
commentary at Jacket2
Research Services Interview, New Museum (NY) (6/17/14) (4:13) : MP3 and Wav
¢ Δ[1]( [1]´TÉNÃ0½#ñ‘¯(qË!´–#T¢|€kORƒ7Ùîö÷LÒ6* [Un dimanche après-midi à l'Ile de la Grande Jatte]
audio realiztions of poem, published in Codlfront (2014): version 1, version 2, version 3
Invictus, for Basil Rathbone, March 16, 2020 (1:55): MP3, WAV
"I"s Song, after Rückert and Mahler," montage, 5/11/21: MP3
see also video: MP4
Commentary for "Why Do you Love the Poem?" for Poem-a-Day series, rejected: (0:58):MP3
Commentary at b20
Main Bernstein page
These recordings are being made available
for noncommercial and educational use only. All rights to this
recorded material belong to the author. © 2014
Charles Bernstein. Used with permission of Charles Bernstein.
Distributed by PennSound.