
William Blake
- London (1:11): MP3
- The Question Answer'd (0:41): MP3
- The Sick Rose (0:24): MP3
John Richetti Reads Various Blake Poems, 2014
- To the Muses (1:51): MP3
- From Songs of Innocence (0:59): MP3
- The Lamb (0:49): MP3
- The Little Black Boy (1:38): MP3
- The Chimney Sweeper (1:33): MP3
- Holy Thursday (1:04): MP3
- From Songs of Experience (0:50): MP3
- The Clod and the Pebble (0:38): MP3
- Holy Thursday (0:51): MP3
- The Sick Rose (0:20): MP3
- The Tyger (1:14): MP3
- The Garden of Love (0:44): MP3
- London (0:54): MP3
- A Poison Tree (0:50): MP3
- And Did Those Feet in Ancient Time1 (1:02): MP3
- from The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1:03): MP3
- The Sick Rose (0:55): MP3
Bernstein reads for Romantic Circles, 2007
- The Grey Monk (2:26): MP3
PoemTalk Podcast #4 on Ginsberg's performance of "The Garden of Love"
Complete Episode (24:38): MP3
Anne Waldman, from By the Side of the Road, 2002
- The Garden of Love (1:19): MP3
- Ah! Sunflower (1:46): MP3
Aaron Kramer reads excerpts of Blake's Prophetic Works, WNYC, August 11, 1977
- Complete Recording (55:04): MP3
Aaron Kramer Reading Blake Poems, date unknown
- Complete Recording (93:36): MP3
At the Knitting Factory, NYC, May 5, 1995