Photos © 2007 Charles Bernstein/PennSound
Close Listening Conversation with Charles Bernstein, July 26, 2019, Belgrade (45'): MP3
Close Listening: Private Edition #1, April 29, 2007, New York
- REMEĆENJE: MP3; Serbo-Croatian text and translation
- iz zbirke KLOPKE: MP3; Serbo-Croatian text and translation
- Naše ideologije: MP3
- Umetnost, telo, tehnologija: MP3
- Tragam za kritičarkom: MP3
- Tvoje su oči nanele mulj : MP3
- Muza me danas opseda i ja ne: MP3
- Maria Grazia želi da sedne za Rilkeov sto/stol: MP3
- Ono scaronto je počelo kao incident: MP3
- Kao da je da: MP3
- Bavim se sobom: MP3
Recorded by Charles Bernstein.
Watch on Media.sas
Dubravka's Caravan
Dubravka was visiting from Belgrade. Just after we taped the Close Listening shows, I asked her about the feminist, non-national caravan through the traumatized lands of the former Yugoslavia.
(mp4, 3 min. 29 sec., 32.9 mb)
Reading of Priroda Meseca (1989) in Serbo-Croatian
Complete reading (23:44): MP3
Video: "Different Genealogies, or Why Language Poetry?" (August 2024)
(2:50): MP4
These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only.
All rights to this recorded material belong to the author. © 2007 Dubravka Djurič. Used with permission.
Distributed by PennSound.