Gregory Corso
Reading at University of Connecticut, March 28, 1996
Media.SAS server link: MP4
Complete Recording (56:37): MP3
- Introduction (0:28): MP3
- Corso on reading out loud (1:14): MP3
- Corso on Homer (3:11): MP3
- "Greenwich Village Suicide" (0:51): MP3
- "Italian Extravaganza" (0:27): MP3
- "Sea Chanty" (0:27): MP3
- "Last Night I Drove a Car" (0:19): MP3
- "The Mad Yak" (0:44): MP3
- "I Am 25" (0:41): MP3
- "The Last Gangster" (0:22): MP3
- "Birthplace Revisited" (0:28): MP3
- "On The Walls of a Dull Furnished Room" (0:21): MP3
- "Notes After Blacking Out" (1:38): MP3
- "Poets Hitchhiking on the Highway" (0:51): MP3
- "Dream of a Baseball Star" (1:10): MP3
- "The Whole Mess...Almost" (1:55): MP3
- "People" (1:03): MP3
- Corso's thoughts on the 20th Century (2:42): MP3
- "When a Boy" (0:08): MP3
- "Alchemical Poem" (0:07): MP3
- "Proximity" (0:07): MP3
- "Many Have Fallen" (0:36): MP3
- "Inner/Outer Rhyme" (0:34): MP3
- "Youthful Religious Experiences" (2:42): MP3
- "Leaky Lifeboat Boys" (1:50): MP3
- Corso on knowing yourself (1:59): MP3
- Corso on Thomas Chatterton (1:39): MP3
- Corso on being a poet (1:15): MP3
- Corso on Dido and Aeneas and Percy Shelley (2:44): MP3
Reading at Rutgers, March 24, 1993
- Introductory Discussion (3:58): MP3
- Friends (1:55): MP3
- Sea Journey (0:21): MP3
- I Met a Guy Who Died (2:58): MP3
- What the Child Sees (0:42): MP3
- Earliest Memory (1:14): MP3
- Wisdom (1:05): MP3
- How Not to Die (1:41): MP3
- Inner Outer Rhyme (0:58): MP3
- My Youthful Religious Experiences (3:08): MP3
- Arts Poetica (2:50): MP3
- Q and A Session (7:42): MP3
Complete Reading (28:41): MP3
Corso Poetry Reading (13:45): MP3
- Corso introduces himself (1:35): MP3
- "Proximity" (0:19): MP3
- "Hi!" (2:08): MP3
- "Sea Chanty" (0:28): MP3
- "Italian Extravaganza" (0:33): MP3
- "Birthplace Revisited" (0:30): MP3
- "On the Walls of a Dull Furnished Room" (0:27): MP3
- "The Last Gangster" (0:22): MP3
- "Hello!" (0:45): MP3
- "The Mad Yak" (0:35): MP3
- "Last Night I Drove a Car" (0:18): MP3
Complete Reading (1:11:25): MP3
Reading at Brooklyn College, March 4, 1991
- Discusson (1:30): MP3
- The Whole Mess...Almost (2:13): MP3
- Alchemy (0:29): MP3
- For Lisa (0:07): MP3
- Proximity (0:15): MP3
- A Bed's Lament (0:42): MP3
- A Chessman's Crime (3:57): MP3
- Discussions during the booksigning and car ride back to NYC (26:33): MP3
Complete Reading (35:55): MP3
Reading as part of the "Art of Poetry" series, SF Art Institute, August 13, 1985
Part 1 (34:50): MP3
- "Family" (0:54): MP3
- Untitled (4:00): MP3
- Untitled (3:11): MP3
- Untitled (0:54): MP3
- Untitled (1:28): MP3
- Untitled (2:53): MP3
- Untitled (0:48): MP3
- Untitled (1:18): MP3
- Untitled (0:09): MP3
- The previous poem read again (0:10): MP3
- "A Spontaneous Requiem for the American Indian" (13:05): MP3
Part 2 (46:03): MP3
- Untitled (8:33): MP3
- "Eleven Times A Poem" (11:40): MP3
- "Last Night I Drove A Car" (0:17): MP3
- "Birthplace Revisited" (0:28): MP3
- "Italian Extravaganza" (0:21): MP3
- "On the Walls of a Well-Furnished Room" (0:19): MP3
- "Botticelli's Spring" (0:57): MP3
- "Haiku" (0:04): MP3
- "The Last Warmth of Arnold" (2:01): MP3
- "Two Weird Happenings in Harlem" (0:26): MP3
- "Sunrise" (0:58): MP3
- "Sunset" (0:26): MP3
- "I Met This Guy Who Died" (0:48): MP3
- "Wisdom" (0:20): MP3
- "Wisdom," read again (0:19): MP3
- For his daughter, Miranda (0:05): MP3
- "How Not To Die" (0:34): MP3
- "Inner/Outer Rhyme" (0:14): MP3
- "Youthful Religious Experiences" (2:39): MP3
- "Verse" (1:31): MP3
- "Proximity" (0:07): MP3
- "Many Have Fallen" (0:34): MP3
- "I Gave Away" (cut off) (0:38): MP3
Hanuman Presents! reading at the Poetry Project, New York May 18, 1984
Reading from Herald of the Autochthonic Spirit at St. Mark's Poetry Project, February 11, 1981
Complete recording (39:50): MP3
Courtesy of Simon Pettet
Fundraiser Reading at Naropa University, August 16, 1978
Corso Reading (1:48): MP3
Reading a Play at Naropa University, July 20, 1978
Full Recording (23:24): MP3
Marathon Reading at Naropa Univesity, August 16, 1977
Corso Reading (1:26): MP3
Marathon Reading at Naropa University, July 6, 1977
Part 1 (1:58): MP3
- "Discipline" (0:55): MP3
- "The Whole Mess...Almost" (0:27): MP3
Part 2 (2:09): MP3
- "Sea Shanty" (0:10): MP3
- "The Whole Mess...Almost" (1:33): MP3
Reading at Naropa University, June 11, 1975
Full Recording (26:07): MP3
- "Sea Shanty" (0:20): MP3
- "The Last Warmth of Arnold" (interrupted) (0:54): MP3
- "Amensia in Memphis" (1:27): MP3
- "Puma in Chapultepec Zoo" (0:54): MP3
- "On the Walls of a Dull Furnished Room" (0:23): MP3
- "Italiano Extravaganza" (0:25): MP3
- "Birthplace Revisited" (0:36): MP3
- "The Last Gangster" (0:29): MP3
- "The Mad Yak" (0:55): MP3
- "Friend" (2:15): MP3
- "Seed Journey" (0:26): MP3
- "A Difference of Zoos" (0:56): MP3
- "Man Entering the Sea, Tangier" (1:18): MP3
- "Untitled" (1:16): MP3
- "Second Night in New York After Three Years" (0:47): MP3
- "Daybreak and the Night Goes On" (6:41): MP3
Reading at Duke University, April 14, 1971
Complete Recording (13:44): MP3
- Excerpt from "Italiano Extravaganza" (0:19): MP3
- "Marriage" (8:02): MP3
- "Eleven Times a Poem" (1:02): MP3
- Corso explaining his zodiac birth chart (0:56): MP3
- Corso on reading out loud (1:18): MP3
Reading at Fantasy Studios, Natoma Street, San Francisco, 1969
Allen Ginsberg and Gregory Corso at Harvard, 1959
- Part 1, Side A (30:41): MP3
- Part 1, Side B (34:07): MP3
- Part 2, Side A (30:45): MP3
- Part 2, Side B (13:10): MP3
- Part 3, Side A (27:44): MP3
- Part 3, Side B (31:46): MP3
Note: Part 1, Side B ends mid-sentence.
Courtesy of Simon Pettet
Reading at St. Mark's Poetry Project NY
These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and
educational use only. All rights to this recorded material belong to the
the Literary Estate of Gregory Corso, Used with the permission of Sheri Langerman Baird and Raymond Foye. Distributed with permission
by PennSound.