- Brian Kim Stefans' Introduction (2:52): MP3
- Gregory Whitehead's Introductory Comments (2:30): MP3
- Proposition 2 (1:07): MP3
- Intro: Radio Cartoons (2:18): MP3
- Evil Axis (1:59): MP3
- Intro: Martha (1:58): MP3
- The Meaning of MARTHA (2:34): MP3
- Intro: Linguistic Hermaphrodites & Rats Live On No Evil Star (2:24): MP3
- Eva Can I Stab Bats in a Cave? (0:45): MP3
- Intro: The Squid Piece (1:38): MP3
- All About Squid (1:20): MP3
- Intro: Amsterdam Intervention (2:23): MP3
- Bugs Bardo Radio! (2:55): MP3
- Into: The Dream of Freezing Sound (1:44): MP3
- Ice Music (2:48): MP3
- Intro: Fake Science Things (2:12): MP3
- Brain Mash (3:58): MP3
- Intro: Glossolalia Anagrams (1:42): MP3
- Everything I Know About Glossolalia (2:45): MP3
Complete reading (42:04): MP3
Recordings: 1984-2004
via UbuWeb Sound
- If a Voice Like, Then What? (2:48): MP3
1984, voice cut-up, Tellus cassette, why talk is a struggle
- What Words Want (4:19): MP3
1984, voice cut-up, various compilations, lumen de lumenes
- Zigurrat (4:38) MP3
1984, dance soundtrack and compilation release, chant degeneration
- Eva Can I Stab Bats in a Cave? (1:17) MP3
1984, dance soundtrack and Tellus cassette, palindrome drone
- Dead Letters (55:20) MP3
1985, documentary essay, NPR
- Display Wounds (1:31) MP3
1985, microcast, diverse stations
- Radio Degree Zero (26:30) MP3
1986, radio play, New American Radio, vulnerological investigations
- Adioradio (1:42) MP3
1986, microcast, diverse stations
- The Pleasure Of Ruins (14:33) MP3
1986, CD release, staalplaat, it's the pleasure, and it's alive
- Totenklage/Lacrymosa (3:35) MP3
1987, phonetic cross-cut, on Pleasure of Ruins CD, the invisible generation, dead, torched
- Twilight for Idols (4:37) MP3
1987, microcast, Pleasure of Ruins CD, radio utopia is no place
- The Problem With Bodies (1:20) MP3
1987, vocal apparatus exercise, polycast
- Oral or Anal? (1:06) MP3
1988, lettrist rotation from the cassette Writing on Air
- Rats Live On No Evil Star (0:54) MP3
1989, palindromic inversion from the cassette Writing on Air
- The Respirator (5:51) MP3
1990, microcast, New American Radio, our policy is to keep the patient breathing
- Principia Schizophonica (6:31) MP3
1990, lecture demonstration, 7" release, RRR
- How To Pronounce "Prosthesis" (4:50) MP3
1991, language lesson, for Tellus CD Site-less Sounds
- This Is Not a Test (2:10) MP3
1991, emergency broadcast, for Tellus CD
- Lovely Ways to Burn (27:00) MP3
1991, docufiction, New American Radio, a pyromentary for those who got the fever
- Pressures of the Unspeakable (40:00) MP3
1992, documentary performance, ABC, from the Institute for Screamscape Studies produced with Roz Cheney
and John Jacobs
- We All Scream Alone (4:54) MP3
1992, excerpt from Pressures of the Unspeakable
- Shake, Rattle, Roll (22:40) MP3
1993, radio play manifesto, New American Radio
- Here Comes Everybody (2:23) MP3
1993, excerpt from Shake, Rattle, Roll, radio litany, with Dan Lander and an anonymous chorus
- The Thing About Bugs (28:30) MP3
1994, radio performance/play, New American Radio, later CD release on Generator Sound Art -- Christof
Migone and GW in philosophical improvisation
- The Exterminating Angel (3:57) MP3
1994, excerpt from The Thing About Bugs
- The Night Train (15:00) MP3
1995, telephonic journey for Rappel CD compilation, you can't get there from here
- Degenerates in Dreamland (27:42) MP3
1995, cabaret for the disembodied, New American Radio, knees, noses and a phallus impudicus
- L'Indomptable (2:24) MP3
1996, radio essay, France Culture, excerpt, by GW and Allen S. Weiss, (duration of complete program,
- Nothing But Fog (40:00) MP3
1996, musical navigation for radio, Sound Culture SF, Gregory Whitehead and Richard Busch, with Ilse
- Scratch Peace (3:47) MP3
1997, Villa Arson jukebox, found voices
- On a Very Dirty Street (5:11) MP3
1997, Villa Arson jukebox, found voices
- Bewitched, Bothered, Bewildered (40:00) MP3
1997, documentary meditation, ABC, with Michelle Griffiths, Leandro Katz, Chantal Thomas
- Ice Music (2:27) MP3
1997, LIAR report, NPR
- Brain Mash (3:38) MP3
1998, LIAR report, NPR
- The Bone Trade (14:00) MP3
1998, imaginary conversation, BBC4, celebrity necrobilia with Walter Sculley
- The Hidden Language of Trees (14:00) MP3
1998, imaginary conversation, BBC4, they are trying to tell us something
- The Bottom of the Mind (14:00) MP3
1998, imaginary conversation, BBC4, walking the circle via the existential phonograph
- Mind, Body and Soul (14:00) MP3
1998, imaginary conversation, BBC4, artist eats three big books
- Mr. Whitehead, Are You There? (5:26) MP3
1999, group love letter for mother radio
- The Marilyn Room (3:07) MP3
2000, radio play, BBC4, voices on excerpt: Henry Strozier, Leslie Nixon, (excerpt: duration of complete
play is 56:00)
- All About Squid (2:10) MP3
2000, for Writing Aloud CD
- Marinade á la Tête (4:00) MP3
2000, cooking show, BBC4
- Eau de Moi (4:00) MP3
2000, entrepreneurial performance, BBC4
- Delivery System No. 1 (9:30) MP3
2001, voice/face play for radio, Genrator Sound Art release
- American Heavy (5:28) MP3
2001, radio play, BBC4, voices on excerpt: Jonathan Epstein, Corinna May, Allyn Burrows and Elizabeth
Ingram, (excerpt: duration of complete play is 56:00)
- Evil Axis (1:44) MP3
2002, wordplay cartoon, BBC3
- On One Lost Hair (4:25) MP3
2003, documentary performance, BBC4, the last voyage of Horatio Nelson, (excerpt: duration of complete
program is 14:00)
- Resurrection Ranch (3:17) MP3
2003, docufictive travelogue, BBC4, with Virginia Crompton, GW, and Karen Lee as Cat Slade, (excerpt:
duration of complete program is 27:30)
- The Loneliest Road (11:08) MP3
2003, radio road movie, BBC 3, music by Nick Zammuto and Paul Dejong. voices on excerpt: Karen Lee, Jon
Swan, GW and Anne Undeland.
(excerpt: duration of complete play is 88:30).
- Little Tina (2:01) MP3
2004, excerpt from WFMU live-to-air screamscape, with Kenny G.
- The Knee (2:21) MP3
2004, song setting for a poem by Christian Morgenstern, 2:21, performed on the whistled snymbal
- As We Know (2:09) MP3
2004, outcast epistemology, after Donald Rumsfeld, no we just don't know
- Danse Macabre (11:34) MP3
2004, soundtrack for marionette theater, voice by Michel Nedjar
- Project Jericho (3:53) MP3
2004, docufictional report, BBC3, produced with Mark Burman, (excerpt: duration of complete program is
Special thanks to Danny Snelson for his help in segmenting the Segue reading, and re-coding this page.
These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only. All
rights to this recorded material belong to the author. © 2007 Gregory Whitehead. Used with permission of Gregory
Whitehead. Distributed by PennSound.