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Charles Bernstein

: EPC / PennSound

(video works)

Video Portraits: Series One to Eleven

The Yellow Pages Ads by Jeff Preiss with Jon Lovitz

home movies by Henry Hills from c. 1988

Talk To Me (19:16) from "Impulsive Behavior" at the Whitney Museum, NY, April 8, 1999

Two films by Lara Odell: "Incident at Wal-Mart" and "Making Whoopee"

The Answer by Neils Plenge, a poetry video (2003)
Of related interest: Plenge, Lars Movin, and Thomas Thurah, "Something Wonderful May Happen" (2001) on Ashbery, Schuyler, & New York School & beyond, documentary: mp4

What Makes a Poem a Poem (60-second lecture) - UPenn, April 21, 2004 (1:23)

Blind Witness: Three American Operas (2008)

MoMA Futurist Manifesto Centennial, Feb. 20, 2009

"What Is Language Poetry?" -- 30 second lecture 2 -- San Francisco, May 12, 2010, via YouTube

"My Own Private Iowa," "On the Fly" interview, Iowa City, 11-02-10.

Felix Bernstein's video for Stacy Doris's The Cake Part, at Jacket2 (June 2011); media server link.

Pinky's Rule, an animated drawing by Amy Sillman & Charles Bernstein, 2011

"On Election Day," filmed by Gabe Rubin, August 2012 and published with subtitles Nov. 15, 2013, in Fohla, Sao Paulo, Brazil, tr. Regis Bonvicino.: PennSound link | text

"Misguided" (after Frank O'Hara's 'Second Avenue"") (2016): MP4 YouTube and Jacket2 feature

"Report, after Bruce Conner" film projector showing Conner's "Report" (1963-1967) with synch sound of Kennedy assassination news report: MP4   YouTube

This is inaudible: video talk on poetry and audiobooks for a conference in Sweden: DLK (Den Lyssnande Kritiken), Sept. 17, 2022. (11:18): MP4

"RecapX2" for Vincent Broqua, Jan. 14, 2023, poem from Near Miss: mp4, mp3, wav

Video plays for Zoom launch at Flow Chart Foundation for Alchemies of Theater: Plays, Scores, Writings by Dick Higgins, edited by Bonnie Marranca, U Michigan Press, 2024: MP4

Karolo Sukceno’s Neo-Benshi soundtrack to a scene from It Happened One Night – at Hudson Hall, Hudson, NY on Aug. 30, clip selected by Jeffrey Lependorf for a Flow Chart Foundation event. Neo-Benshi performers create new soundracks for films, usually live. Jacket2 (link and intro); PennSound MP4, YouTube [additional short clip of stage performance: mp4]

"Ocular Truth and the Acturarial Imagination: Wallace Stevens's Not So Plain Senses of Things," Friends and Enemies of Wallace Stevens, Harford Nov. 2, 2004: MP4

"Speed Listening: Reading Machines and Audio Phantasy," Nov. 2024, First International Conferenceon Phonetics and Poetics
MP4 PennSoud only

(recordings of mostly poetry readings; for most talks go to "talks")
Public Access Poetry, Dec. 29, 1977

Media sas file of Bernstein followed by Hannah Weiner (at very end of Weiner segment Bernstein reads "So Not Really Vist" from Controlling Interests): mov

Reading at The Knitting Factory, NYC, December 4, 1988 as captured in the film Jack Kerouac's "Mexico City Blues"

Bernstein clips: needles, nothing 1, nothing2

Reading at The Poetry Project, 1990: "Debris of Shock / Shock of Debris," "The Ballad of the Blue-Green Plate," "Sunsickness," Virtual Reality," and "How I Painted Certain of My Pictures." MP4
All poems from Dark City, except "Ballad," which is from With Strings.

Watch on

From an Auckland-New York video conference for Bad Language, organised by Artspace and the Jar Foundation, 11 July 2001. Auckland participants: Wystan Curnow, Leigh Davis, Tony Green
Full program (1:38:47): mp4 / rm (download)
         Poem Composed for Jackson Mac Low, from With Strings (U of Chicago P, 2001).
         Thank You for Saying Thank You from Girly Man (U Chicago Press, 2006)
         Dear Mr. Fanelli from My Way: Speeches and
(U of Chicago P, 1999)

Poets Against the War Reading<
SUNY-Buffalo Poetics Program, March 5, 2003 -- Center for the Arts
"War Stories" text

Cork Poetry Festival, Summer 2004, film by Adam Wyeth with Nathaniel Mackey, Randolph Healey, and Charles Bernstein. [Excerpt below.]

Interview with Susan Bee Bernstein for Janet Roberts' "Here & There," May 10, 2005: video

"Thank You for Saying Thank You" [youtube] from SoundEye Fesitival, 2005 (montage of poem and  interview about Shadowtime from film by Adam Wyeth and Keith Walsh [Longer version above.]

University of Chicago Poem Present series: Nov. 30 / Dec. 1, 2006  (audio and video; lecture and reading)

Cue Foundation launch/reading for Girly Man, January 16, 2007

"What, Me Conceptual?," May, 2008 Tucson

Openned London May 14, 2008: .mov

Double Change, Paris, October 25, 2008, bilingual reading with Abigail Lang

Cross Cultural Poetics, January 5, 2010

Watch on


"Morality," Kootenary School of Writing, Perel Gallery Vancouver, Jan. 8, 2010 on YouTube [PennSound backup]

"Castor Oil" and "All the Whiskey in Heaven" from All the Whiskey in Heaven, The Renaissance Society , University of Chicago, Feb. 14, 2010: YouTube; PennSound

Reading at the Banff Center (Alberta, Canada), "In(ter)ventions: Literary Practice at the Edge," Feb. 20, 2010; video by David Jhave Johnston

All the Whiskey in Heaven: Kelly Writers House, UPenn, launch, April 8, 2010
videos by Nicole Peyrafitte (more info/pix via Peyrafitte): & another picture here
"Dodgems" read by Sherry and Felix Bernstein: YouTube and on PennSound: m4v
Susan Bee reading "The Measure" and commentary: m4v
Pierre Joris, All the Armagnac in Heaven (begins partly into poem): mov
Charles Bernstein, reading: mov and just final (title poem) on YouTube (via Joris)

Reading at San Francisco State University, Recorded by Cloud House Poetry Archives, May 12, 2010: Video

Reading at Sculpture Center, Queens, NY, May 16, 2010; for Emma, on her birthday: from Umbra "In the Middle of the Way," (Drummond), "Be Drunken" (Baudelaire); and"All the Whiskey in Heaven", followed by reading of Joseph Straub: YouTube:

PennSound archival copy


"Morality," at Oslo Poetry Festival, Oct. 9, 2010, with Jordan Scott and Pär Thörn on YouTube (PennSound backup)

Dongguk University, Seoul, Oct. 19, 2010 (152 minutes): video
"Transnationalism and Cultural Translation: Distinguished Lecture Series and Symposium"
•Introduced by Brother Anthony. Poster here (pdf)
•Begins with lecture by Prof. Youngmin Kim on "Poetry and Typography/Topology: The Poetics of the Grid/Klein Bottle in Transnational 20thPoetry in English.”
•Then Bernstein talk/reading/discussion on poetry, sound, and technology starts at 40', talking through three essays: "The Art of Immemorability," " Making Audio Visible: Poetry's Coming Digital Presence," and
"Hearing Voices," (all collected in Attack of the Difficult Poems). At 66' there is a reading of "Most Frequently Words in Girly Man in Descending Order," at 72' "In Particular,". This is followed by discussion, and then ending, at 146' with a reading of “Azoot D'Puund.”


"Azoot D'Puund" via Skype to Göteborgs, Sweden, Nov. 25 2010 (YouTube link); also "Thank You for Saying Thank You" (with first line dropped)

Dia Art Foundation, New York, with Trace Peterson, introduced by Vincent Katz, Dec. 16, 2010
Segmented Bernstein audio

Watch on


Reading for Art, Fantasy, and Experience at the Gross Foundation, New York, December 12, 2010: Part One and Part Two

Collaboration & the Artist's Book: Vincent Katz, Bill Berkson, Shirley Jaffé, Raphael Rubinstein, Susan Bee & Charles Bernstein, Poetry reading and visual art projection, Maison de la poésie, Paris, April 2, 2011

E-Poetry 2011, Buffalo
May 20, 2011L Reading for Emma Bee Bernstein, for her 25th birthday (May 16), at Karpeles Manuscript Library: 1 of 2: MP4; 2 of 2: MP4
May 21, 2011: "The Present of the Word: Poetry's Coming Digital Presence (on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Poetics Program)": MP4

Attack of the Difficult Poems launch, A.I.R. Gallery, 6-11-11: MP4


"Breaking Through": 50-minute TV interview with Charles Bernstein and Ian Probstein with W.J. O'Reilly, on eGarage.TV, June 17, 2011.Includes clips from Attack of the Difficult Poems, and All the Whiksey in Heaven.

Occupy Wall Street, Foley Square, NY< Oct. 5, 2011: MP4 & youtube

Poetry Project, St. Mark's Church, New York, October 5, 2011: Video,audio

section XVLVIII from Crossing State Lines, by Drew Harty for America Now and Here. 43 seconds.

Watch on

c. 2013: Pierre Joris & Bernstein read extracts from Paul Celan's Radio Play on Osip Mandelstam (tr. by Pierre Joris, in The Meridian). Videographer/Editor/Producer: Nicole Peyrafitte: MP4

Alte Schmiede reading, Vienna, Jan. 26, 2012, with Peter Waterhouse's University of Vienna seminar, with Miriam Rainer, Julia Dengg, Manuel Niedermeier, Dimitri Smirnov, Helmut Ege, Franz Vala, Judith Aistleitner, Nina Truskawetz, and Waterhouse (Versatorium). With thanks to Katharine Apostle. Filmed by August Bisinger

Watch on

Conversation with Jhave, Feb. 7, 2012 (Jacket2 page for videos)
Direct links: part 1 video, part 2 video
from this session: "Pinky's Rule": video
from this session: "What Poetry Can Do&quvot; (2:03): video

Levi Lehto's 60th birthday celebration, Feb. 20, 2012: video

Vienna, September 7, 2013, at Ephemeropterae XII, TBA 21, Augarten, Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary
with Versatorium
Watch on

00:40 Incantation by Laugher (Khlebnikov)
01:58 The Lie of Art
from All the Whiskey In Heaven:
05:20 Azoot D'Puund
10:26 Rivulet of the Dead Jew
11:08 Doggy Bag
12:36 from "Today's Not Opposite Day" (Nonny)
13:26: In Particular
19:20 every lake
20:25 from Shadowtime

Watch on
36:46 Johnny Cake Hollow -- 4 versions / translations with Versatorium from Vienna, followed by source poem …
43:46 The Elfking or view clip here
46:52 Sapphics (from Recalculating)
47:34 Morality (from Recalculating)
49:14 Fare Thee Well
50:02 Chimera (from Recalculating)
51:30 Wherever Angels Go (from All the Whiskey in Heaven)

Berlin, Sept, 11, 2012, at Lettrétage

with Tobias Amslinger, Norbert Lange, Mathias Traxler, Dennis Büscher-Ulbrich and Charles Bernstein

Video 1 (mp4)
Dodgem (Bernstein, Amslinger, Lange, Traxler)
Introduction to the Project by Lange
Introduction to Charles Bernstein by Büscher-Ulbrich
Video 2 (mp4)
 Translation of "Poetry Bailout" read by Büscher-Ulbrich
Video 3 (mp4)
Translations of "Palukaville" read by  Amslinger
Video 4 (mp4)
"Riddle of the Fat Faced Man" and translation (Bernstein, Lange)
Translation of "Doggy Bag" read by Amslinger
Translation of You (Bernstein, Amslinger, Traxler)
Video 5 (mp4)
"Castor Oil" + translation (Bernstein, Amslinger, Lange)
"Verdi and Postmodernism" (Bernstein, Amslinger)
Translation of "The Bricklayers Arms" (Traxler)
Video 6 (mp4)
Translation of "Autonomy is Jeopardy" (Lange)
"Johnny Cake Hollow" (Lange)
Translation of "Defence of Poetry" (Büscher-Ulbrich)
Video 7 (mp4)  and Video 8 (mp4)
Charles Bernstein reads from Shadowtime
Bonus track: Mathias Traxler: two versions of "You": MP3

Charles Bernstein at the Zinc Bar, NYC, 18 November, 2012; video by Brendan Lorber

Watch on

Elizabeth Willis & Charles Bernstein, "The Obvious" as part of the Double Take series at Apexart, New York, on March 4, 2013, curated by Albert Mobilio. (Willis read a poem, Bernstein did a talk in memory of Thomas McEvilley)

Watch on

cris cheek & Charles Bernstein perform Jackson Mac Low's 40s #19 for Counterpath, accompaned by background murmur at AWP bookfair, Boston, March 8, 2013: MP4

Performing Canto VII of Vincente Huidobro's "Altazor" at Texas A&M, April 2013: mp4

Recalculating launch at Kelly Writers House, April 16, 2013. Intro Al Filries followed by reading:
MP3 audio

Watch on

Ear Inn, fragment from May 29, 2013 reading:

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The Introvert – artist's book video by Jill Moser (2013)

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Aphorisms reading from Recalculating, June 15, 2012, video web capture, part of Andrew Maxwell's LIFE SENTENCES: An Afternoon of the Epigrammatic, Los Angeles:

Watch on
"2 X 2" with Bernstein and Jorge Santiago Perednik: a film by Eresto Livon-Grosman - 2012: MP4

"At Once Yet Separate: Poet-Artist Collaboration and the Work of Leslie Scalapino" (panel, with Marina Adams, Petah Coyne, Konrad Stein, Charles Bernstein) — 10/23/13: Poetry Project/YouTube

Reading at Harvard, Woodberry Poetry room, with Peter Waterhouse and RosmarieWaldrop, April 8, 2014:

MP3 (audio only)
PennSound archival copy of video

Talk on translation, with Peter Waterhouse, "The Versatorium Playbook," Harvard, April 9, 201:

PennSound archival copy of video

"The Patquerical Imagination" (fragments) at the Institute of English Studies, University of Lodz, Poland, Nov. 25, 2014:

Watch on

American Studies Center, University of Warsaw:
"Pitch of Poetry: Moral Perfectionism, Occupy Wall Street, and the Poetics of Holocaust Representation"
(27 November 2014)

PennSound archival link

Birds of Metal in Flight: An Evening of Poetry with 5 (Americans) + 5 (Chinese), February 25, 2015

Essen, May 11, 2015

Tobias Amslinger, Lange, Léonce W. Lupett,  Mathias Traxler, and Bernstein read from Angriff der Schwiergen Gedichte (Bernstein selected poems in translation) at the Proust bookstore in Essen, introduced by Norbert Weir. May 11, 2015.  
Video © Robert Golinski. Used with permission.

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American Book Review at University of Houston, Victoria on 4-28-2016: MP4

Talk and reading on Ezra Pound and Bollingen Prize at the Library of Congress, Oct. 30, 2015 (video)
includes reading of excerpts from "Pisan cantos" and "Lives of the Toll Takers." PennSound backup video.

"The Pataquerical Imagination: Midrashic Antinomianism and the Promise of Bent Studies," boundary 2 conference, Dartmouth, May 22, 2015:

PennSound archive copy

EPC@20, Buffalo, September 15, 2011
Lecture: Pataquerical Imagination:

Watch on

Audio Recording MP4

Reading at Birchfield-Penny Museum:

Watch on

Audio Recording (34:32): MP4

Pitch of Poetry Book Launch, Kelly Writers House, April 12, 2016
(Audo here.)

Watch on


Performing "Teke Heart" by Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven (1921) at MoMA (NY) on June 7, 2016.
Jacket 2 page, mov file & alt. take: mov; sound files (recorded 6/8/16) (4:08): mp3 & wav

A tribute to Robert Sheppard the RS conference, shot in Liverpool on Septmember 30, 2016, on the street where Sherlock is filmed. (2:22): video

Other Room, Manchester, Oct. 3, 2016 (with Maggie O'Sullivan and Susan Bee): Video; poster

"Outside of Tune, Inside of Time," Glasgow, October 8, 2016. Video by Nicole Peyrafitte. Response to the "Outside In/ Inside Out" Conference and Jerome Rothenberg's John Bloomberg-Rissma's anthology Barbaric Vast & Wild: A Gathering of Outside & Subterranean Poetry from Origins to Present. A talk on outsiders, the excluded, and the alien in pursuit of a robust poetics of identify and disability; including a discussion of the limits of oppositionality for its own sake, the way outsiders are often the "new" insiders, Blake's "The Grey Monk" and Milton "On His Blindness" (in response to Nuala Watt), the dialogic in Technicians of the Sacred; and including performances of Harry Partch and John Clare and readings of "Before Time" and from Pitch of Poetry on Maggie O'Sullivan and from Jennifer Bartlett, along with a the list pataquericals.
YouTube link.
PennSound link: mp4

"Garlic in the Ground: Robert Grenier video portrait" (2016): mp4

Belgrade TV segment, Dec. 12, 2016: Tako Stoje Stvari

Watch on
Dordt College choir, under the direction of Benjamin Kornelis, performs Rich Campbell's setting of "All the Whiskey in Heaven" (March 2017): video

Reading/talk at New Holland Foundation conference, St. Petersburg, June 20, 2017
YouTube, PennSound

Poetry readings by Charles Bernstein, Alexander Skidan, Polina Barskova, Eugene Ostashevsky,
and Vanessa Place (with Natalia Fedorova) at New Holland Foundation.
Hosted by Dmitry Golynko. June 20, 2017.

Watch on

Charles Bernstein & Sergio Bessa on Brazilian poetry and Haroldo de Campos, presented at a show of Mira Schendel at Hauser & Wirth, New York on Sept. 28, 2017. Bessa spoke about Haroldo de Campos, and Bernstein read his translations of Drummond, Cabral, Cruz e Sousa, Leminksi, and Bonvicino.

Watch on

Complete recording (1:09:35): MP3

Tribute to Leevi Lehto for Helsinki Lehto celebration, Oct. 2017; filmed and edited by Gabe Rubin:

Watch on

Don Yorty's video of poems from Recalculating (2017): MP4

Artist's Space "Social Services" benefit, Oct. 28, 2017, reading "The Lie of Art" (begnning cut off), "Our United Fates," and "If Sappho Were a UFO." (8:00): MP4

Zinc Bar, Segue series, NY, Jan. 28. 2018 (first two videos by Ian Probstein):
Erica Hunt and Bernstein, part one, begins in progress: MP4
Bernstein at Zinc, Jan. 28, 2018, second set complete: MP4
"Beeline" (from first set): MP4
see Bernstein readings page for audio

"My, My, My," recorded by Sudeep Sen in Delhi, Feb. 22, 2018: MP4

Poems at the India International Centre, New Delhi, at the end of the Symposium "Against Storytelling" curated by Amit Chaudhuri, Feb. 25, 2018

Watch on

Johnny Cake Hollow

Watch on

Song Sparrow

Watch on

Bee Line

Watch on

Dew and Die

Watch on

Our United Fates

Professor Charles Bernstein and English Ph.D. student Chris Mustazza explore the history of the PennSound archive below in Knowledge by the Slice: "Radio Free Poetry: PennSound at 14" from Penn Arts & Sciences on Vimeo.

Reading at Tbilisi International Festival of Literature on May 15, 2018, with Paata Shamugia (translations): MP4

Tbiliisi, Georgia video for Indigo: excerpts from "Thank You For Saying Thank You" and conversation with Paata Shamugia, May, 2018: MP4

from "Dark City" (MP4) and from "Test of Poetry" (MP4) for Li Zhimin, filmed in Brooklyn, Sept. 10, 2018

Bogota and Medellin, Colombia, September 12 and 13, 2018: TV interview with Diego: YouTube (PennSound), clip of discussion on difficulty in Dickinson and Stein at Universidad de San Andreas: MP4; clip of Bernstein and Enrique Winter reading from "War Stories" at Medellin book festival: MP4

  Near/Miss launch at McNally Jackson Books, New York, Nov. 7, 2018
with Tracie Morris, Amy Sillman, and Felix Bernstein (audio on "readings" page):
MP4-part 1 (Sillman, F. Bernstein, Morris) & MP4-part 2 (Ch. Bernstein)
YouTube: part 1, part 2
Sillman: "Pinky's Rule."
Felix Bernstein: "Don't Tell Me about the Tide," "Intaglio," "Apoplexie," and "Klang."
Morris: "Our United Fates" and "The Ballad Stripped Bare.
Bernstein: "In Utopia," "High Tide at Race Point," "Drambuie," "My Luck," "Seldom Splendor," "Lacrimae Rerum," and "Fare Thee Well"

  "Thank You for Saying You’re Welcome," "Nowhere Is Just around the Corner," "S’i’ Fosse," "Corrections," "Bluebird of Happiness," "I Used to be a Plastic Bottle," "Also Rises the Sun" (cuts off) at Near/Miss launch at Bridge Street Books, DC , Nov. 12, 2918 (full audio of reading on main "readings" page); video by Sepideh Jodeyri: mp4 (watch full screen)

  "No One Wants to Believe the Garden is Dying: American Poets against US Sanctions on Iran," at Busboys and Poets, Washington, D.C., Jan. 22, 2019, final section, with Leslie Bumstead, Sepideh Joderil, Pierre Joris, Nicole Peyrafitte, Rod Smith, Charles Bernstein. MP4

  Feng Yi's daughter Cindy reads "Seldom Splendor" in English and Chinese and "Every Lake" in English, as part of the June 2019 Dragon boat festival in China.

50th Poetry International Festival Rotterdam, June 13, 2019: "The Truth in Pudding" (EP) MP4
"Our United Fates" (4:45): MP4

Reading of a section of Muller report for 1913, Aug, 13, 2019: MP4

Five short videos from Bob Greenberg's Brainwave series: "Steve Dalachinsky," "Devil's Dictionary," "I's Song," on Cavell, on PennSound
PennSound backup folder

International Conference of Aesthetics, Belgrade, July 23, 2019
Poems in, around, and about aesthetics, for the from Near/Miss and after: The Lie of Art, Affect Theory, Theory of Pottery, Unified Theory of Poetry, Turn Off Your Poetry Blocker, Ars Impotence, Beyond Compare, Anaesthics, In Utopia, Klang, and Johnny Cake Hollow: mp4

June 25, 2019, Double Change, Michael Woolworth Atelier, Paris
tr. Habib Tengour:

Complete Recording (21:50) MP3
Tengour and Pierre Joris also read at this event

July 29, 2019 bilingual reading and conversation with Olivier Brossard, translations, at "Ecrivains en Bord de Mer," La Baule" France: MP4
Discussion with Arno Bertina, July 18, 2019: Vimeo

Reading at Dilluns de Poesia, Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona, October 21, 2019
With introduction and Catalan translations by Mónica Caldeiro

Watch on

"Lie of Art" at Reina Sofia, Madrid Nov. 29, 2019": MP4

Charles Bernstein, Olivier Cadiot, and Abigail Lang (translator), Double Change Reading at Michael Woolworth Studio, Paris, France, for the Launch of Renflouer, November 28, 2019

University College Dublin, Dec. 2, 2019
Conversation with João Paulo Guimarães, introduced by Ian Davidson: YouTube, PennSound
Reading: YouTube, PennSound
with Cathernine Walsh (YouTube) and Christodoulos Markis (YouTube)

"In Res Robin" [Blaser] from Recalculating, Eric Mottram Festival, London, Nov. 23, 2019: MP4

Optic Nerve videos by Colin Still, London, Nov. 25, 2019
As If the Trees by Their Very Roots Had Hold of Us (from Senses of Responsibility) (3:53):  YouTube / PennSound MP4
Contradiction Turns to Rivalry (from Islets/Irritations) (4:46):  YouTubeMP4
Reveal Codes (from Dark City) (13:33): YouTube / MP4
Of Time and the Line (from Rough Trades) (2:19):  YouTube /  MP4
Solidarity Is the Name We Give to What We Cannot Hold (from My Way: Speeches and Poems) (4:57): YouTube / MP4
This Line (from All the Whiskey in Heaven) (1:10):  YouTubeMP4
Report from Liberty Street (from Girly Man) (10:37):  YouTubeMP4
Preface to Pitch of Poetry (6:49):  YouTube /  MP4
Alphabet Soup: Bernstein on Bernstein (28 min.):  YouTubeMP4 
YouTube playlist
for PennSound MP4s, fit to screen by using full screen option on lower right

Brooklyn Rail, The New Social Environment, conversation with Phong Bui, March 19, 2020: MP4 & audio only MP3

Ian Probstein and Bernstein launch of Probstein's translation of Bernsteiin, Russian Gulliver, with publisher Vadim Mesyats, April 12, 2020, Zoom, 2 hrs: mp4

"Poetry Month Will Come a Little Late this Year" for Beinecke Library: at YouTube, PennSound MP4

Two poems from The Course, collaboration with Ted Greenwald, May 21, 2020 (6:17): YouTube, PennSound MP4

Black Suns: Tribute to Harry Crosby, May 2030: MP4; Photoheliograph montage only: MP4

Hosted by Lonnie Monka, Mekuvan series, Jerusalem, May 24, 2020
(1'44"): video: YouTube, PennSound, MP3 (audio only) 00:00​ Introduction (& digressions) 06:30​ A conversation with Lonnie Monka 24:50​ Reading from The Course (co-written w/Ted Greenwald) 34:33​ Conversation continues 41:02​ Q&A

Enclave series Zoom reading, July 26 2020, introduction by Rae Armantrout: YouTube. PennSound: MP4 full event; Armantrout intro: MP4; reading only: MP4
Audio files on Bernstein readings page
The Tugboat and the Quail, As if by Moonlight, Shelter in Place, The Death of Sean Bonney, Shields Green, Heard Immunity, The Wreck of Hope, Likeness, I’s Song, Wanderers Nightsong, [What time is now?], Beeline, Covidity, Zeno’s Way, Before the Promise.

POG reading, Oct. 10, 2020, Tucson Arizona, with Mei-mei Berssenbrugge: MP4, YouTube
I‘s Song, from "Tugboat and the Quayle", On Election Day, from "Tugboat and the Quayle", Shelter in Place, A Theory‘s Evolution, Photoheliograph (Harry Crosby), Mall at Night, Be Drunken, Unhinged, Every True Religion Is Bound to Fail, Like It is, Xeno‘s Way, At Pessoa‘s Grave, Ars Impotens, After Reznikoff, after de Geif, Affect Theory, Johnny Cake Hollow, Beeline, outtake "Likeness", I‘s Song

"Folded Veil" for Celan centenniel, text from Pitch of Poetry, 60 sec: MP4

Biuro Literackie, Poland, readings from Truro, Aug. 20, 2020 listed/lnked at Jacket2
"On Election Day," "Won't You Give up This Poem," "A Theory's Evolution," "Johnny Cake Hollow," & alt, "Mall at Night," "Thank you for Saying Thank You," "Every True Religion Is Bound to Fail"
[Biuro Literackie set, Poland, PennSound Only, with mp4 and mov files]

Reading for Pratik magazine, Zoom, Nov., 23, 2020: MP4 After Leon de Greif, Like Knights Passing Out on a Ship, No There There Then

"Todtnauberg Echo" after Celan, Nov. 23, 2020: YouTube, MP4

"I's Song" (after Rückert and Mahler): YouTube / University of Chicago Press MP4
plus: montage audio with text only image: mp4 & poem only audio: MP4 plus: mp3

Festival Internacional de Poesía Santiago, Chile, Zoom, Dec. 11, 2020: Bilingual: Every Lake, In a Restless World Like This Is, Chimera, All the Whiskey in Heaven; introduced by Francisco J. Jiménez Buendía, who reads Enrique Winter's translations, with comments by Winter at the end. MP4

Globus Books, March 30, 2021, Zoom/YouTube, "Affect Theorty" and "The Death of Sean Bonney" with translations follwing by Ivan Sokolov. 12"05: Mov

Topsy-Turvy book launch, with Bernstein and Tonya Foster, from Rain Taxi: YouTube [PennSound mp4] Clip: "Poetic Citizenship and Negative Dilaetics": YouTube

Marty Erlich and Bernstein performing Erica Hunt's "Fool for Love," 5/19/21, at Jacket2

Conversation with editors of Buzdokuz (Turkey): Hasan Bozdaş, Atakan Yavuz, Hakan Şarkdemir, and Gizem Atlı: MP4 and YouTube
Excerpt of just the poetry reading, with Turkish subtitles (6 min.) at YouTube: "Nettlesome Muse", "Pandemania", "Corona", from "Where Here Were We" (collaboration with Norman Fishcher)
First part with Turkish subtitles: YouTube

"Chimera" (from Near Miss), read with Yeats's "Song of Wandering Aengus" for Korean Yeats Conference, 10/20/22: .mov

Mud Parcel Reading series, Kaurab, with Aryanil Mukherjee and Pat Clifford, Oct. 23, 2021. Reading "All the WHiskey in Heaven," and, from Topsy-Turvy, "Twelve-Year Horoscope," "Amberianum" and "Disorder of Articulation," followed by discussion. YouTube, PennSound

On "Lives of the Toll Takers" for Li Zhimin's online series: via Don Yorty: MP4, Vimeo; via Chineae course website: go to micro lesson 1.

With Paul Auster on his Burning Boy, Oct. 26, 2021: Jacket2 post

Artists Space / Segue, Nov. 20, 2021 (New York)
full reasding (39:04): mov & mp3 Introduction by Lonely Christopher
from The Course collaboration with Ted Greenald
"Sunday Kind of Love" (8:44): mp3 & mov
from Topsy-Turvy (11:10): mp3 & mov
Zeno’s Way
Freudian Slap
The Aunt of My Uncle
You Throw Like a Pearl
Somewhere Between
At Pessoa’s Grace
Buster Keaton’s Sleave
Ars Impotens
Clouds After Rain
The Darkness He Called Night
She Ma
Steve Dalachinksky
uncollected (9:11): mov & mp3
Fixing the Bishop’s Nose
My Mom Will Pay You on Venmo
Twilight of the Gods (1:51): mp3 & mov
Near Sleep
Catullus 5

Tracie Morris and Bernstein read an excerpt from their collaboration "Omnipresence" for the Elliot Bay Bookstore launch of the new issue of Conjunctions (1/21/22): MP4

Runa Bandyopadhyay and Bernstein (ZOOM): a bilingual poetry reading followed by a conversion with several Bengali poets (January 29 and 30, 2022). In the first video Bernstein reads "If Sappho Were a UFO," "Shelter in Place," "Zeno's Way," "Strike!," and Covidity (all from Topsy Turvy except "Strike!," which is from Recalculating. In the second video, the two are joined for a conversation with Bengail poets Pronab Kumar Dey, Swapan Roy, Umapada Kar, Prabhat Mukherjee, Pranab K Chakraborty, Prashanta GuhaMajumder, Kaushik Chakrabarty, Rudra Kinshuk, and Abhishek Ray. Thanks to the organizer: Ekhon Bangla Kabitar Kagaj
Reading: YouYube, PennSound MP4, audio
Conversaton: YouTube, PennSound MP4, audio
Jacket2 page for this event

Various talks and readings for Performed Poetics, a celebration of Jerome Rothenberg's 90th birthday and the works of Eric Mottram, King's College London, March 12-13, 2022: Perfomred Poetics page

Paul Celan's "Todesfuge," translated by Jerome Rothenberg, With Maggie O'Sullivan: King's College, London, celebration of Jerome Rothenberg's 90th birthday and the work of Eric Mottram. Video by Colin Still. March 13, 2022: YouTube, MP3

Poetry Place, Israel, International Festival, zoom, March 24, 2022, with Amit Ben-Ami: YouTube; PennSound MP4

Poetics Research Bureau, reading followed by conversaton with Johanna Drucker, April 28, 2022, Los Angeles:
Jacket2, MP4s: Part 1, Part 2

Retirement event for Steve McCaffery and Karen Mac Cormack, video for SUNY-Buffalo Poetics Program, May 4, 2022: (5:37):mp4

"Flag," after Etel Adnan, from Near/Miss, at Brooklyn Rail, 9/10/22: mp4

Reading at Wake Forest, Oct. 25, 2022, introduced by Amy Catanzano
55'35": mp3 audio & mov video: track listing at Jacket 2

Runa Bandyopadhyay and Charles Bernstein, lanuch of Pataquerical Balled, Mumbai
Feb. 4, 2023 at Milan Mancha: Robin Seguy and Kumar Pronab, introductions: MOV
Bernstein & Bandyopadhyay reading: MOV
Susan Bee artist talk: MP4

Dicussion of Chinese Whispers with Charles Bernstein, Dec. 6, 2023, for City Lights Live: YouTube & PennSound archival copy.

Gagosian Gallery at Marciano Foundation, inside Anselm Kiefer's "Exodus," Los Angeles, June 14, 2023; reading with Jerome Rothenberg
Gagosian-produced video, published in Quarterly (Winter 2023)
[& PennSound backup: MP4]
Plus: Informal video by Pablo Capra for Green Integer: 1. opening: MP4
2. from Shadwotime -- part one: YouTube (with text)
part two 2: YouTube (with text).
PennSound combined MP4.

'T' Space, Rhinbeck, NY, October 14, 2023: poetry and architecture
Jacket2 track listing and photos
full reading mp3,
& full video: YouTube & PennSound
& two video clips by Susan Wildes:
from "The Father": mov
The Lie of Architecture": mov

Vincent Broqua and Bernstein read "Recap" (from Bernstein's Near/Miss), on 9/9/23 at the Brooklyn launch of Broqua's Recovery: MP4

"Pre-Owned Poems" at POG, Tucson, Oct. 7, 2023: VIDEO/MP4
Audio recordings from London and New York: here.

Keith Waldrop Memorial, performing John Barton Wolgamot, "In Sara, Menckin ...": Jacket2, with context, and mp4 only.

Video launch of Best American Poetry, 11/2/23: "A Shorter Jewish Poem," "Pathetic Fallacy," and "Rye Sense of Humor" (02:14): MP4

Russian Samovar, New York, with Russian translator Ian Probstein, reading from Zeno's Way: YouTube: MP4; PennSound archive: MP4

Making of Americans marathon, NY, April 21, 2023: Mov. With text read at Jacket2.

Performing Poland/1931, with Marty Ehrlich, Rothenberg Memorial, St Mark's (NY), Nov. 6, 2024: MP4

University of Haifa -- Dec. 11, 2024 (28:13): mp4
"The Blue Divide" (from Controlling Interests, 1980)
"In a Restless World Like This Is," "Let's Just Say," & "Every Lake" from All the Whiskey in Heaven
"23" from Topsy-Turvey
"Baker's Sonnet," "A Round," "Daddy," "Pslam,"" "Wayfinder," "Je ne Maigret une Pipe," "Mandelstam"
"Stelae for Failed Time" from Shadowtime

Artists Space, Segue Series, January 11, 2025, c. 45 min.
mp4 (video) / mp3 (audio)
introdcution: James Sherry
"Denounce, Resist, Change, Struggle"
"Fault Lines"
"I Told My ..." from Up Against Storytelling (Kinds of Poetry I Want)
"Blue Divide" and "Live Acts" from Controlling Interests
"FPO" from The Course (with Ted Greenwald)
"No Public Restrooms"
"Being and Nothingess"
"In Ferment (Fragment)" {Inferno}
from "Epistem" (with Tracie Morris)
"so here we were" (with Norman Fischer)
"Offbeat" (Kinds of Poetry I Want(tr. Newton Mendonça & Jobim): mp3
"The Mind King" for Richard Foreman
"A Round": MP3
"Fare Thee Well" full reading with Sol Cabrini: YouTube

PennSound only:
Covidity MP4 & MOV
Shelter in Place
Whiskey on Rye

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© 1977–2018 Charles Bernstein and all applicable authors and author estates. Recordings available for non-commercial and educational use only. All rights reserved. Distributed with permission of Charles Bernstein and all applicable authors and author estates by PennSound.