LINEbreak radio program with Charles Bernstein (1996)
(29:16): MP3
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes at Jacket2 .
Watch on media.SAS
Lyn Hejinian: I was originally scheduled to appear on one of the first GP TV shows and chose to
focus on my contribution to GP 5 because of its recurring evocations of the 1978 performance of
“A”–24, which was the first explicitly collaborative project undertaken by participants in the Bay
Area Language writing scene (although it could be argued that the Grand Piano reading series
was itself a collaborative project and preceded the “A”–24 performance by several years). The
“A”–24 performance was a beginning of sorts; much grew out of it (including Poetics Journal). It
was a beginning with a future, and when I ended up appearing on the final GPTV show, it was the
futurity of the collective (and not yet complete) Language writing project writ large that I wanted
to celebrate. Sections of my GP 5 essay with a few interpolations added still seemed appropriate
to the occasion.
Hejinian on Scalapino’s Deer Night, Leslie Scalapino Memorial Lecture , Pratt Institute, NY, March 21, 2021
Media.SAS mirror URL: MP4
Lyn Hejinian on Arkadii Dragomoshchenko, Zoom meeting, Oct. 22, 2020, hosted by Alexander Skidan and Ivan Sokolov, presented by Word Order
YouTube Link
Watch on
Watch on
Talks with Jennifer Scappettone and Haun Saussy, UChicago, January 23-24, 2018
Graduate seminar in Exploratory Translation, discussing translation and Oxota: A Short Russian Novel (1:44:32): MP3
Graduate seminar in Exploratory Translation, cont. (1:44:52): MP3
Graduate seminar in Radical Documentary, discussing My Life (1:02:24): MP3
Exploratory Translation: Across the Iron Curtain, at the University of Chicago, featuring Lyn Hejinian and Ilya Kutik, hosted by Jennifer Scappettone and Haun Saussy: Readings and Conversation (1:50:20): Video
Tribute Reading for Larry Eigner's 90th Birthday, The Green Arcade, San Francisco, CA, August 7, 2017
On occasion of the publication of the selected poems, with Jennifer Bartlett , Norma Cole , Steve Dickison, Richard Eigner, Norman Fischer , Jack Foley,
Kathleen Frumkin, George Hart, Kit Robinson , and Stephen Ratcliffe .
Complete recording (1:52:07): MP3
Convergence on Poetics , University of Washington Bothell, North Creek Events Center, September 27-30, 2012
Lyn Hejinian reading from The Book of a Thousand Eyes (8:40): MP3
complete recording (1:55:03): MP3
Listen to the entire event here
Complete reading (1:11:30): MP3
Speaking at the Kenneth Irby Colloquium , Lawrence, Kansas, November 3, 2011
Complete Talk (28:49): MP3
Recordings courtesy of Benjamin D. Cartwright
Reading from The Book of a Thousand Eyes, January 15, 2011
Complete recording (16:42): MP3
reading from "Six Positions of the Sun" (7:15): MP3
on "The Positions of the Sun" (8:11): MP3
on Landscape (3:47): MP3
on Project timing (1:40): MP3
on Lateness (1:11): MP3
on Aesthetic practice (0:50): MP3
on Bonnard (1:53): MP3
on The peripheral (0:29): MP3
Complete reading and discussion (1:05:18): MP3
Introduction to "Happily" (1:35): MP3
from "Happily" (8:05): MP3
from "Oblivion" (7:29): MP3
from "The Person" (2:05): MP3
Complete reading (19:16): MP3
Reading for Double Change , Paris, January 29, 2007
The Holloway Poetry Series; University of Berkeley, October 12, 2006
From "Slowly" (7:14): MP3
From "The Book of a Thousand Eyes" (2:29): MP3
"There in your hand..." (1:39): MP3
Lyn Hejinian's portion of the reading (12:07): MP3
Introduction (6:41): MP3
Introduction to "Lola" (4:54): MP3
From "Lola" (19:58): MP3
Introduction to "Slowly" (3:51): MP3
From "Slowly" (9:26): MP3
From "The Book of a Thousand Eyes" (5:06): MP3
Introduction from My Life in the Ninties (11:04): MP3
"This is a hazard of happiness" from The Book of a Thousand Eyes (6:59): MP3
"Once a poignant catalyst..." (0:30): MP3
"The sea as it receives..." (1:10): MP3
"The D baby and her brother..." (1:25): MP3
"I could instruct the children..." (0:22): MP3
"There in your hand..." (1:23): MP3
"I ran to pack..." (0:17): MP3
"The fallen grass in winter..." (1:20): MP3
"Here in a sudden of this to Caesar..." (0:41): MP3
"Once there was a village..." (1:12): MP3
"A woman is expressing sympathy..." (1:04): MP3
"I have this to say..." (0:14): MP3
"Lyn?" (0:05): MP3
"When we want something..." (1:31): MP3
"Constant change figures..." (0:45): MP3
"Walking around, posing..." (2:07): MP3
"My mother keeps her folded bicycle..." (1:55): MP3
"Optically riveted..." (0:33): MP3
"The wife of the merchant George..." (1:27): MP3
"I have lived aboard a ship..." from The Unfollowed (0:43): MP3
"Every minute proves..." (1:01): MP3
"All that the girl thought irrelevant.." (1:25): MP3
"To begin with, I am faced..." (1:29): MP3
"constant change figures" is also featured on PoemTalk Episode 15 .
Question and answer session with Al Filreis:
Introduction (5:37): MP3
on Carl Rokosi (1:55): MP3
on "The Fatalist" (15:31): MP3
on Barbarism (4:18): MP3
the western desire to describe (4:11): MP3
"My Life" and compositional practice (2:09): MP3
younger poets and politics (3:21): MP3
poetry and ordinary language (4:08): MP3
terminology in contemporary literary history (4:05): MP3
social aspect of the language movement (1:47): MP3
truncated words (2:44): MP3
poetic practice and technology: engaging texts (3:51): MP3
the anthology process (4:36): MP3
wordplay vs. syntax in "Scheherazade" (4:08): MP3
theory and poetry: shared spaces (4:04): MP3
on Charles William Beebe (6:51): MP3
on Russian influences (4:08): MP3
reading from "the Fatalist" (2:09): MP3
Complete reading: (1:20:22): MP3
Reading for the Burning Deck 40th Anniversary Celebration, Providence, May 2001
Introduction (2:30): MP3
Book 14 of A Border Comedy (12:11): MP3
Complete reading (33:38): MP3
Introduction (2:31): MP3
Happily (7:09): MP3
A Border Comedy (9:32): MP3
The Beginner (8:22): MP3
Lyn Hejinian on Gertrude Stein
Kelly Writers House, October 12, 2000
MLA Poetry Reading, with David Bromige and Leslie Scalapino, 1998
Complete recording (1:06:36): MP3
Talk at Kings College, 1998
From the Talk Series curated by Bob Perelman
Tape 1 (46:01): MP3
Tape 2 (45:55): MP3
Reading with Ron Silliman , November 6, 1995
Moderated by Bob Perelman
Watch on
Alternate angle Watch on
Reading with Michael Palmer, Library of Congress, Mumford Room, November 2, 1995
Full Recording: External Link
Reading (46:25) (Incomplete): MP3
Excerpt from "The Cell" (10:27): MP3
Reading by Ray Di Palma and Lyn Hejinian, St. Mark’s Church, NY, May 17, 1989
Recorded on audiocassette. Recording hosted by the Library of Congress.
Side A (47:02): link
Side B (22:58): link
Reading at The Kootenay School of Writing, Vancouver, 1988
Talk on October 6, 1988 (34:24): MP3
In Conversation, Clark Coolidge and Lyn Hejinian, October 9, 1988 Part 1 (31:36): MP3
In Conversation, Clark Coolidge and Lyn Hejinian, October 9, 1988 Part 2 (32:07): MP3
Complete recording (47:27): MP3
My Life (9:08): MP3
Woodland Pattern, Milwaukee, September 2, 1985
from "The Guard" (7:05): MP3
from "The Person" (13:50): MP3
New Poetics Colloquium at The Kootenay School of Writing, Vancouver, 1985
Reading The Person on August 23, 1985 (20:40): MP3
Talk at the New Poetics Colloquium Part 1 (53:55): MP3
Talk at the New Poetics Colloquium Part 2 (26:12): MP3
only the last ten minutes of the talk were recorded
Discussion (9:03): MP3
Guess Language
Audio cassette published by Audio Muzixa Qet #C-60 (Madison: 1986)
Hejinian reads Redo (Grenada, Miss.: Salt-Works Press, 1984)
complete reading (20:38): MP3
Cassette publication included Charles Bernstein reading Ambliopia on other side.
Talk on The Rejection of Closure, April 17, 1983
Reading at St Mark's, New York, April 8, 1981
Introduction (2:07): MP3
Two Cities (4:24): MP3
The Green (13:50): MP3
Six Short Poems (6:52): MP3
Section 37 from My Life (7:02): MP3
Supplement/Section 38 to My Life (6:07): MP3
Complete reading (40:51): MP3
Reading from My Life at San Francisco State University, 1979
Note: Each section of this work marks a year in the life of the poet. At this reading, Hejinian read a sequence of four sections, starting
with the one "about" her fifth year of life (from 4-5 years old). The sections are untitled but below we identify them by the brief
phrase or sentence set off from the main text.
Introductory comments (0:52): MP3
"What is the meaning hung from that depend" [pp. 20-23; pp. 16-18; 4-5 years old] (4:10): MP3
"The obvious analogy is with music" [pp. 24-26; pp. 19-20; 5-6 years old] (3:06): MP3
"Like plump birds along the shore" [pp. 27-30; pp. 21-23; 6-7 years old] (3:41): MP3
"The inevitable sentiment is a preliminary" [pp. 31-34; pp. 24-26; 7-8 years old] (3:33): MP3
The first page references are for the Green Integer edition of My Life . The second page references are for the Sun & Moon edition.
Complete reading (15:27): MP3
Introduction (0:45): MP3
Slack Key (1:03): MP3
Eye brown study no stars (1:02): MP3
Punctual 1 (1:12): MP3
Natural Room (3:33): MP3
on Natural Room (1:06): MP3
on Punctual 1 (0:38): MP3
Number Present (7:52): MP3
on Number Present (4:05): MP3
Easy Go (0:50): MP3
Lower Row the Colors (0:24): MP3
Windows is screens (0:19): MP3
on Easy Go and Windows is screens (1:07): MP3
Not That Car (3:03): MP3
on Not That Car (0:20): MP3
Severed Page (1:51): MP3
Complete recording (30:35): MP3
Listen also to episodes hosted by Hejinian with Kit Robinson during the 1978 season.
"Lines" Talk Given at the San Francisco Art Institute, July 22, 1979
From the Talk Series curated by Bob Perelman
First part (47:55): MP3
Second part (48:23): MP3
Third part (11:25): MP3
"Chronic Ideas," 1220 Folsom Street, San Francisco, September 29, 1977
From the Talk Series curated by Bob Perelman
Tape 1 (44:10): MP3
Tape 2 (44:27): MP3
Reading My Life at UCSD Date Unknown
Complete Recording, (39:16)MP3
Recording courtesy of Michael Davidson
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