Jennifer Scappettone

PennSound Podcast #13, April 2009
Jennifer Scappettone (41:31): MP3
PoemTalk #36, discussing Jennifer Scappettone's "Vase Poppies" and H.D.'s "Sea Poppies," October 8, 2010
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
PoemTalk #32, discussing Susan Howe's interpretation of Emily Dickinson's "My Life had stood - a Loaded Gun," May 24, 2010
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
"Pennies from Nether, and the Loaded Rain of the Cloud," lunchtime talk at the Wolf Humanities Center, University of Pennsylvania, November 15, 2018
Complete reading (01:29:09): MP3
Appearing on Cross Cultural Poetics Episode #380: The Republic of Exit 43, February 2, 2018
Complete recording (28:40): MP3
Segue Series Reading at the Zinc Bar, April 11, 2017
- An Underture (4:14): MP3
- Err-Residence (6:35): MP3
- was no one (2:41): MP3
- “As if it wasn’t trouble enough hatching” (0:24): MP3
- that is to say (1:06): MP3
- at the flowers and the blades (1:29): MP3
- Till They Are Incandescent (8:04): MP3
- and the fall was over (3:17): MP3
- Complete reading (30:37): MP3
Reading for Heatstrings at Modernism Studies Association, Boston, MA, November 20, 2015
- An Underture (2:53): MP3
- and the fall was over (3:04): MP3
- Complete reading (7:04): MP3
Appearing on Cross Cultural Poetics Episodes #313-314: Killing The Moonlight, January 6, 2015
- Jennifer Scappettone discusses her book Killing the Moonlight: Modernism in Venice, taking us right up to Marinetti, from whom she draws her title (31:49): MP3
- Jennifer Scappettone returns to discuss her book Killing the Moonlight: Modernism in Venice, picking up with Pound and taking us right up to Venice as contemporary ecological imperative (30:23): MP3
Interview with Montana Ray for Circumference Magazine
Scappettone discusses the relation between her translations, poetry, and scholarship: Link
- X Locus: Cortile (23:35): MP3
- X Locus: Cryptoporticus (Abluvion) (24:49): MP3
Appearing on Cross Cultural Poetics Episode #246: Locomotrix, January 26, 2012
- Scappettone discusses and reads from her translations of the great Italian poet Amelia Rosselli in Locomotrix: Selected Poetry and Prose of Amelia Rosselli (University of Chicago Press) (42:03): MP3
- Jennifer Scappettone's complete recording (incomplete reading) (26:19): MP3
- Q & A with Tonya Foster (31:06): MP3
- Complete recording (1:47:02): MOV (via KWH-TV)
- Complete reading (7:12): MP3
MLA Off-Site Reading at the Rotunda, Philadelphia, December 29, 2009
- Complete reading (3:20): MP3
Complete recording (16:31): MP3
A Conversation with Al Filreis at the Kelly Writers House, April 14, 2009
Reading at the Kelly Writers House, April 14, 2009
- Bull Desuetude (3:47): MP3
- Thing Ode (12:53): MP3
- Derrida is Dead (4:17): MP3
- da s (3:02): MP3
- Concerning Lasts Made (In Illinois) (2:13): MP3
- In Exion (1:23): MP3
- A translation of Amelia Rosselli's "Innesto nel vivere" (1:50): MP3
- Err-Residence/The Republic of Exit 43 (16:55): MP3
- 19 stills from Exit 43 (12:39): MP3
Concerning Lasts Made in Illinois (1:27): MP3
Full Reading (1:05:18): MP3 / MOV
MLA Offsite Reading at the Four Seasons Hotel, Washington D.C., December 28, 2005
- Derrida is Dead 2 (2:17): MP3
- Derrida is Dead 2.009 (1:57): MP3
- Introduction (1:57): MP3
- Ms. Use (3:06): MP3
- An Abeyance (1:25): MP3
- The New War (3:15): MP3
- The New War II (2:52): MP3
- A translation of Amelia Rosselli's "Sex violent like an object" (1:14): MP3
- Beauty (8:35): MP3
- More Like Liverpool (6:46): MP3
- Vase Poppies (1:02): MP3
Full reading: MP3 (30:15)
"Vase Poppies" is also featured on PoemTalk Episode 36.
These recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use
only. All rights to this recorded material belong to the author. © 2017
Jennifer Scappettone. Used with permission of Jennifer Scappettone. Distributed by