Refrigerator Defrosting, 1975
- Refrigerator Defrosting (14:21): MP3
- Refrigerator Defrosting, with Vocal Improvisation (10:03): MP3

Tardos' drawing of the recording setup, "the score as it were" (click on image for larger version)

Recorded Live at Roulette, New York, 18 November 1999
- For Armand Schwerner [first realization] (10:13) MP3
by Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos, 1999
Flute: Andrew Bolotowsky; Violin: Theresa Salomon; Soprano: Mary Hurlbut
- Three Cycles (21:10) MP3
by Anne Tardos
a. Nine Considerations
Flute: Andrew Bolotowsky; Violin: Theresa Salomon; Voice: Anne Tardos
b. Uxu-Duo, for Flute and Violin
Flute: Andrew Bolotowsky; Violin: Theresa Salomon
c. Songs from her book Uxudo, 1999
Flute: Andrew Bolotowsky; Violin: Theresa Salomon; Soprano: Mary Hurlbut
- 22nd Merzgedicht in Memoriam Kurt Schwitters [instrumental version] (14:49) MP3
by Jackson Mac Low, 1988
Flute: Andrew Bolotowsky; Voices: Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos, 1999
- For Armand Schwerner [second realization] (15:28) MP3
by Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos, 1999
Flute: Andrew Bolotowsky; Violin: Theresa Salomon; Soprano: Mary Hurlbut, Voices: Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos
CD available from Tarmac Books and Music
- Free
Gatha 1 & 2 (5:14): MP3
by Jackson Mac Low, 1978 and 1982, respectively.
Voices: Jackson Mac Low, Anne Tardos
- Lucas
1 to 29, For One or More Instrumentalists (in
memoriam Morton Feldman and for the musicians of Germany) (24:30): MP3
by Jackson Mac Low, 1990.
Flute: Andrew Bolotowsky; Clarinet: Daniel
Goode; Trombone: Robert Bethea; Violin: Gabriela Klassen
- 38th and 39th Merzgedichte (in memoriam Kurt Schwitters) (1:53):MP3
by Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos, 1993.
Voices: Jackson Mac Low, Anne Tardos
- Winds/Instruments (18:59): MP3
by Jackson Mac Low, 1980.
Flute: Andrew Bolotowsky; Clarinet: Daniel Goode; Trombone: Robert Bethea; Violin: Gabriela Klassen; Voice: Jackson Mac Low
- Milarepa Quartet for Four Like Instruments (3:50): MP3
by Jackson Mac Low, 1982
Flutes: Andrew Bolotowsky, Robert Dick, Barbara Held, and Susan Stenger
- Milarepa Gatha (5:17): MP3
by Jackson Mac Low, 1976.
Voices: Jackson Mac Low, Anne Tardos
- Phoneme
Dance (in memoriam John Cage) (5:05): MP3
by Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos, 1993.
Voices: Jackson Mac Low, Anne Tardos
- Thanks (9:57): MP3
by Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos, 1993.
Voices: Jackson Mac Low, Anne Tardos

Granary Books, 2006
Book (with CD) available from Granary
- Merzmix 2000 (excerpt) (1:56): MP3
by Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos
Voices: Jackson Mac Low, Anne Tardos; Flute: Andrew Bolotowsky; Electronic Realization: Tardos
- Milarepa Quartet for Four Like Instruments (3:53): MP3
by Jackson Mac Low, 1982
Flutes: Andrew Bolotowsky, Robert Dick, Barbara Held, Susan Stenger, 1982
- Guru-Guru
Gatha (excerpt) (2:12): MP3
by Jackson Mac Low, 1975
Voice: Jackson Mac Low, 1976
- A Piece for Sari Dienes (3:55): MP3
by Jackson Mac Low
Voices, Percussion Instruments: Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos, 1990
- 1st Milarepa Gatha (6:13): MP3
by Jackson Mac Low, 1976
Voice: Jackson Mac Low, Trombone: James Staley, 1982
- Tara Gatha (5:52): MP3
by Jackson Mac Low, 1975
Voices: Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos, 1984
- Four Vocabularies in Memoriam Armand Schwerner (2:43): MP3
by Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos, 1999
Voices: Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos, 2000; Electronic Realization: Anne Tardos, 2000
- Black Tarantula Crossword Gathas (excerpt) (3:38): MP3
by Jackson Mac Low, 1973
Voice: Jackson Mac Low, 1974
- A Vocabulary for Sharon Belle Matlin (5:21): MP3
by Jackson Mac Low, 1973
Voices include: Susan Musgrave, George Macbeth, Sean O'Huigin, bpNicol, and Jackson Mac Low, 1974
- The Bluebird Asymmetry (2:30): MP3
by Jackson Mac Low, 1967
Voices include: Susan Musgrave, George Macbeth, Sean O'Huigin, bpNichol, and Jackson Mac Low, 1974
- Refrigerator Defrosting-Pseudoglossolalia (4:29): MP3
by Anne Tardos and Jackson Mac Low
Original recording of “Refrigerator Defrosting," Anne Tardos, 1975. Added vocalizations: Anne Tardos and Jackson Mac Low, 1984
- Free Gatha 1 and Free Gatha 2 (5:19):MP3
by Jackson Mac Low, 1978 and 1981, respectively
Voices: Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos, 1993
- Vocabulary
Gatha for Malcolm Goldstein (6:17): MP3
by Jackson Mac Low, 1978 and 1981 respectively
Voices: Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos, 1993
- Gatha
in C for Theresa Salomon (4:12): MP3
by Jackson Mac Low, 2000
Violin: Theresa Salomon, 2002
- Phonemicon from "Hereford Bosons 1" (excerpt) (3:02): MP3
by Jackson Mac Low, 1984
Voices: Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos
© 2022 Anne Tardos. Recordings available for non-commercial and educational use
only. All rights to this recorded material belong to the author. Distributed with
permission of the author by PennSound.