Tracie Morris
Readings and Conversations at WPS1, Clocktower Studio, New York
Program One: Reading/Performance
- Discussion of first two poems (0:32): MP3
- Premie: Baby Girl Morris 2 lbs. 0 oz. (1:08): MP3
- Heroine (0:59)MP3
- Discussion of next two poems (0:19): MP3
- There's Traces (1:20): MP3
- Physical Plane (1:09): MP3
- Discussion of Vertical (0:32): MP3
- Vertical (0:50): MP3
- Discussion of Sound Poetry (1:07): MP3
- My Great Grand Aunt Meets a Bush Supporter (2:01): MP3
- Discussion of Petro (0:43): MP3
- Petro (1:34): MP3
- Discussion of narrative poetry (0:58): MP3
- "What the sister brother ..." (1:12): MP3
- Discussion of previous poem and Seeing an Ex-Lover in a Public Place (2:10): MP3
- Seeing an Ex-Lover in a Public Place (0:37): MP3
- Discussion of poems written for experimental theater (1:25): MP3
- Afro-Futurism (1:50): MP3
- Discussion of Afro-Futurism and Mother Earth (0:49): MP3
- Mother Earth (0:44): MP3
- Discussion of Project Princess (0:38): MP3
- Project Princess (1:25): MP3
Complete program (25:39): MP3
Program Two: Conversation
- Introduction (1:06): MP3
- On where the poem exists (1:58): MP3
- On composing sound poems (5:17): MP3
- On living performatively (4:30): MP3
- On the connection between artistic and political acting (2:05): MP3
- On the effectiveness of art in transforming society (3:01): MP3
- On being from Brooklyn (2:28): MP3
- On performing in slam (3:04): MP3
- On influences, immediate company, and historical materials (4:38): MP3
Complete conversation (28:10): MP3
Studio engineer: Darrell McNeill
PoemTalk #159, Discussing bpNichol's "Dada Lama" and "A Small Song That Is His," feat. Tracie Morris, Douglas Kearney, and Derek Beaulieu
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
PoemTalk #142, Discussing Charles Bernstein's "As If the Trees by Their Very Roots Had Hold Of Us," feat. Tracie Morris, Danny Snelson, and Marjorie Perloff
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
PoemTalk #118, Discussing M. NourbeSe Philip's "Zong!", feat. Alexandria Johnson, Tracie Morris, and Amber Rose Johnson
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
PoemTalk #108, Discussing Tracie Morris' "Slave Sho to Video aka Black but Beautiful," feat. Camara Brown, Edwin Torres, and Brooke O'Harra
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
PoemTalk #75, Discussing Will Alexander's "Compound Hibernation"
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
PoemTalk #39, Discussing Etheridge Knight's "The Sun Came" and Gwendolyn Brooks' "Truth"
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
PoemTalk #6, Discussing a Jaap Blonk sound poem
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
Performing with Tongo Eisen-Martin, Flow Chart Foundation, Hudson, NY, September 22, 2023
External Mirror: Vimeo
Invisible Man on a Station in the Metro, Wexler Studio, May 11, 2023
Complete Recording (02:43): MP3
Morris and Charles Bernstein read an excerpt from their collaboration "Omnipresence"
for the Elliot Bay Bookstore launch of the new issue of Conjunctions (1/21/22): MP4
Recording in Wexler Studio, Kelly Writers House, 2017
Resonate/Ursonate (41:14): MP3
Morris's "Resonatae," her improvised collaboration or "handholding" with Ernst
Schwitters's recording of Kurt Schwitters's "Ursonate" is part of handholding: 5 Kinds (Kore Press, 2016) and was recorded at the
Wexler Studio at Kelly Writers House. In this two-track recording, Schwitters's recording
is aligned with Morris's. Recording engineer: Zach Carduner
Vocarium Reading Series, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, November 2, 2017
Watch on Media.sas
Also featuring Douglas Kearney.
Reading with Paolo Javier at the Lévy Gorvy Gallery for the launch of Dia's Readings in Contemporary Poetry: An Anthology, April 20, 2017
Complete recording (49:16): MP3
Watch on Media.sas
Segmented video from this recording is available at Jacket2.org.
The text of Morris's "Enclosed," an engagement with Gertrude Stein, has been published in
handholding: 5 kinds (2016). The excerpt Morris read in honor of William J. Harris is
available here: PDF.
WHAT I SAY Anthology Reading for the 2016 National Black Writers Conference at AWP, Brooklyn, NY, March 31, 2016
Reading by Tracie Morris (11:03): MP3
Complete reading (1:54:16): MP3
Recording for Dia's Readings in Contemporary Poetry, October 13, 2015
Full recording available here.
- Intro by Charles Bernstein (3:10): MP3
- New poems (20:55): MP3
- Re-Sonate (after Kurt Schwitters) (excerpt) (4:38): MP3
- Improvisations (3:45): MP3
- Coda to "My Great Grand Aunt Meets a Bush Supporter" ("It all started ...") (5:51): MP3
- Complete recording (37:52): MP3
(with Kenneth Goldsmith and Marina Rosenfeld)
- Leopold Senghor's "Speech and Image": An African Traditional of the Surreal (5:23): MP3
- Quotes from Josephine Baker and excerpts from Kurt Schwitters's "Ursonate" (5:37): MP3
- Amiri Baraka, Excerpt of Scene II from Dutchman (with Kenneth Goldsmith) (3:31): MP3
- Bob Kaufman, "O-Jazz-O," "A Terror is More Certain..." and "On" (with Marina Rosenfeld) (10:11): MP3
- Surrealist Game (with Kenneth Goldsmith) (2:14): YouTube
Complete program (57:57): MP3
- Complete reading (4:05): MP3
On stillness, movement and power at the Kelly Writers House, November 14, 2013 (as part of ModPo live webcast) (1:32)
Watch on Media.sas
- Introduction by Al Filreis (10:38): MP3
- Introduction (4:55): MP3
- Blackout 1977 (3:24): MP3
- Crazy Talk (1:00): MP3
- Somniac (0:57): MP3
- Apology to Pangea (1:40): MP3
- Excerpted by Walt D (0:19): MP3
- Untitled (1:23): MP3
- Sean Bell (1:03): MP3
- Myomectomy Psycho Takes a Bow (3:21): MP3
- Breasts in the Bra (1:25): MP3
- Shangol's Wife (0:56): MP3
- Sethe on the Raft (1:21): MP3
- In My Baby Bikini (3:05): MP3
- A Dream Within a Dream (by Edgar Allan Poe) (2:33): MP3
- Katrina Blues (2:11): MP3
- Mahalia Theremin (3:23): MP3
- The Mrs. Gets Her Ass Kicked (7:03): MP3
- Q & A (8:48): MP3
- Complete recording (60:24): MP3
My Great Grandaunt (2:06): MP3
- Complete reading (5:15): MP3
Reading at the University of Arizona Poetry Center, March 28, 2009 - POG Sound
Complete reading (33:44): MP3
- Introduction (3:07): MP3
- Heroine (2:09): MP3
- Hard Kore (1:55): MP3
- The Mrs. Gets Her Ass Kicked (6:01): MP3
- Africa(n) (6:17): MP3
- My Great Grand Aunt Speaks to a Bush Supporter (2:26): MP3
- Coda (1:18): MP3
- Money (10:04): MP3
- Getaway 1928 (4:25): MP3
- Pretty Feet (6:25): MP3
- Petro (4:28): MP3
- A Dream Within A Dream (by Edgar Allan Poe) (4:13): MP3
Complete reading (53:06): MP3
- Get It, Got It (a collaboration with Elliott Sharp) (2:52): MP3
- from "Gallery" (1:15): MP3
- from "Truth Be Told" (1:48): MP3
Complete recording (28:05): MP3
Tracie Morris reading Conceptual Poetry & Its
Others at the Poetry Center
University of Arizona, May 29 - 31, 2008
For a segmented video of Morris's solo performance, click here.
"Truth Be Told," collaboration performed with Charles
Bernstein (11:24): MP3, text (from Brooklyn
- Chain Gang (2:07): MP3
Friday, October 17, Dystopic Unity (2:11): MP3
Saturday, October 18 (3:29): MP3
Whitney Museum 2002 Biennial Exhibit
- From Slave Sho to Video aka Black but Beautiful (3:40): MP3
Vision Festival with DD Jackson, New York, 1997
- "A Little" (3:16): MP3
- "Chain Gang" (4:18): MP3
- "The Mrs. Gets Her Ass Kicked" (3:31): MP3
- Complete Recording (55:39): MP3
These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational
use only. All rights to this recorded material belong to the author. © 2017 Tracie Morris.
Used with permission of Tracie Morris. Distributed by PennSound.