
Photograph © Kyran Owen-Mankovich
Reading from Poets on the Road with Barbara Henning, May 27, 2023
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Reading with Kimberly Lyons and Barbara
Henning, Unnameable Books, Brooklyn, October 26, 2022
Reading at POG Tuscon with Barbara Henning, February 16, 2019
Complete Recording (1:21:14): MP3
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Reading for Belladonna* with Barbara Henning at McNally Jackson Williamsburg, January 18, 2019
Complete recording (1:06:10): MP3
No Title: Jazz & Poetry on the Occasion of the Clyfford Still Museum, 2012
- Days & Nights (1:44): MP3
- Something happened this weekend (1:12): MP3
- for Edwin Deby (0:13): MP3
- She had ruby red lacquer on her fingernails (1:03): MP3
- sexuality because of sexism is a problem for most women (0:40): MP3
- Poem to Piss Everyone Off (0:38): MP3
- The little dwarf boy (0:15): MP3
- Winter is so punk. (1:37): MP3
- in my dream (0:14): MP3
- "To be without humor is to be
without intelligence." (2:44): MP3
- The inevitability of Gradualism (0:19): MP3
- In June (1:11): MP3
- Coming by foot across 109th (1:27): MP3
- Trash Stars (0:56): MP3
These poems can be found in the following books:
The No-Travels Journal (Cherry valley Editions 1975): She had ruby red lacquer on her fingernails; Coming by foot across 109th
a brass choir approaches the burial ground (Big Deal 5 1977): Something happened this weekend
Hearts in Space (Kulchur Press 1980): Poem to Piss Everyone Off; The little dwarf boy; "To be without humor is to be / without intelligence"; In June
Zombie Notes (Sun Press 1985): Days & Nights; for Edwin Denby; Winter is so punk.; in my dream
Imaginary Income (Hanging loose Press 1992): sexuality because of sexism is a problem for most women
Untapped Maps (Potes & Poets Press 1993): The inevitability of Gradualism; Trash Stars
Recorded at the Dikeou Collection, Denver, by Rachel Cole Dalamangas. Mixed by Raphael Fiorda
Reading from Edges of Water (Chax Press 2012), Poetry Project, St. Mark's, New York City, March 30, 2011
- introduction (2:52): MP3
- The indigo blue head scarf poem (1:35): MP3
- hear
sounds of beads of sweat drying
make sorrow better
(0:55): MP3
- everything turns on a delicate measure
was it the same night they were to meet
or had the night already passed
how fragile was the night they were to meet
never mentioned again
(1:36): MP3
- Whales started small
blotches of verde
horse carrying in its teeth resilience through black
(0:53): MP3
- the lioness with a cacophonous fan
or learning noise
that same person over and over
who we are in defiance of fools
sleeping in wisteria
(1:15): MP3
- Blind I see you
Putting on a show
or identity hankers to reign forever
In the gardener's house there is someone
entering the house of someone by that name
entering the house of the garden
(1:25): MP3
- clothesline (0:37): MP3
- to our foreheads shaking
poorly built ruckous of howling abstraction
or it could be dangerous for me to leave my sight
(1:06): MP3
- What made the scholar holler
Was her love of Mozambique
(0:43): MP3
- Why that day
except that in it we took a walk
by a choking ocean
(0:44): MP3
- Star-crossed cermanic lovers end it all
or scrubland
(1:00): MP3
- antecedently
by previously
born from
(1:05): MP3
- rough boys carried the lilacs in (0:54): MP3
- Lorine threw the dish at the door
That couldn't have been
(0:42): MP3
- my neighbors relax on their flat southwest porch
chatting in Spanish Just
like I always wanted my neighbors to do
Christian monasteries and Ottoman mosques
or there arrives the fitful pinched
(1:37): MP3
- flowered napkins thrown over baseball caps Lawrence of Arabia style
riding double on the pinto rocking horse chanting
"We are weirdos traveling in a weird world."
—Benjamin and Jacob ages 6 and 4
Consider the skipping
for Wallace Stevens after Anecdote of the Jar
(1:21): MP3
- she rarely took the bridge (1:58): MP3
- howled and trilling
Will there be rapids?
or a fava bean shaped pool
he mailed the year straight unto the tongue
(1:05): MP3
- Not a triptych
not an accidental
scrambled on a wrinkled
(0:37): MP3
- ...the beauty of the air So tonic draught intensity a liquid or
when you were dead
will I still always be here
(1:13): MP3
- losing our sense of nostalgia
exploding houses
(0:48): MP3
- ambient
or blister chic
(1:04): MP3
- perforated with apertures for archers
in coffee and carpet shops
(0:58): MP3
- created from local materials like dirt
or visitors sometimes wept on the bedroom threshold
(1:22): MP3
- Cricket katydid Cicada (0:54): MP3
- Complete reading (33:05): MP3
Reading at Woodland Pattern Book Center, Milwaukee, March 24, 2011
- Introduction (01:48): MP3
- Plaudit Or, She Found Herself Mesmerized by the Hand Gestures of the Mourners (01:48): MP3
- Now This Vague Melancholy (01:52): MP3
- I'm Not Alone (00:17): MP3
- A History of English Speaking Peoples Or, Tea in the Shape of a Kite and Medusa's Hairdo (03:34): MP3
- Now, Even the Jungle Wanted Him Dead Or, She Closed the Door Behind Her (01:35): MP3
- Her Hat Blew Off, It Happened A Long Time Ago When You Were Small (01:26): MP3
- I Fell In Love (00:17): MP3
- Whenever I Snow and Goodbye To the Twentieth Century (02:14): MP3
- Number 5 (01:55): MP3
- Flax Straw Broom On A Long Handle Or, Perles Among Hoggs (02:23): MP3
- Darkness Sprang The Swans From The Shellacked Pond Or, Blue Cerulean, A Kind of Plum, Blue Gum Veins Through Skin Steel At Twilight Thin Milk Vapor Over A Soggy Ground (02:43): MP3
- Nox Or, The Boys Are Rightly Pale Or, A Study in Snow (01:52): MP3
- Secrets Of The Cover Girl Or, The Fair and Square Silk Ribbon In The Middle Of The Road (01:38): MP3
- I Can't Imagine What Is Keeping Me Up Or, A Slab Of Vision (02:31): MP3
- A Moroccan Sun Visits Connecticut (00:29): MP3
- Oh Over Every Life Sized Drought Or, A Solid Interval Between Crenels And A Battlemented Parapet Or, Just Say No (01:20): MP3
- Fvsh'ot Fash'on Fashion (00:32): MP3
- The Wounded Day (01:25): MP3
- Introduction to Soap Bubble Set, 1936, Or That's When She Said Does It Matter Which Is Which (0:26): MP3
- Soap Bubble Set, 1936, Or That's When She Said Does It Matter Which Is Which (2:24): MP3
POG Sound, University of Arizona Writing Center, Tucson, November 17, 2007

Photograph © Barbara Henning
- Complete reading (31:58): MP3
Belladonna* Reading Series, New York, March 13, 2007
- Introduction (3:59): MP3
- Complete reading (25:50): MP3
- Complete reading (24:50): MP3
- History of Collaboration (8:28): MP3
- Complete recording (51:59): MP3
- Complete recording (32:21): MP3
Belladonna* Reading Series, New York, March 30, 2000
- Complete reading (20:42): MP3
(with Susan Howe and Barbara Einzig)
- Seeking Air, 7 (1:19): MP3
- Seeking Air, 19 (1:43): MP3
- Seeking Air, 28 (3:12): MP3
- Seeking Air, 63 (0:49): MP3
- Seeking Air, 102 (0:21): MP3
Complete program (30:27): MP3
Reading at SUNY-Buffalo, February 8, 1985
- Introduction (2:39): MP3
- Complete reading (32:00): MP3
- Introduction (1:44): MP3
- If I had a father (0:22): MP3
- For Edwin Denby (0:12): MP3
- Lauren certainly has the right name (0:11): MP3
- Big John's Lilies (0:23): MP3
- What Comes In the Mail Will Have Its Affect on the Heart (0:27): MP3
- Hammer (0:12): MP3
- It is evening (0:49): MP3
- To fly into a rage (0:42): MP3
- We Can't Find The Traitor But Of Course He's Staying Right Here in London at the Windsor Hotel (2:04): MP3
- Around here the tide consists entirely of water (1:13): MP3
- Every Day (2:05): MP3
- It must have been late already when we started (0:28): MP3
- I thought she said "There's a bullet hole in my skull the size of Detroit" (1:43): MP3
- Dreamed up over your hair and eyes (2:03): MP3
- Stone Letter in a Pot (0:55): MP3
- Poems Without Names, or, Your Plane Takes Off (1:19): MP3
- from AE (8:29): MP3
- from Minnesota Maps (4:47): MP3
- Complete reading (30:59): MP3
Reading for the Droll/Kolbert Gallery Series, January 10, 1980
Reading for the Bloomsday Readings Series, St. Mark's Church in the Bowery Poetry Project, February 24, 1980
with Bob Holman
- Complete reading (10:07): MP3
This recording is from the Maureen Owen Collection of Greenwich Village Poetry, at the Yale Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Reading for the St. Mark's Church in the Bowery Poetry Project, December 17, 1978
This recording is from the Maureen Owen Collection of Greenwich Village Poetry, at the Yale Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
- Introductory comments (0:55): MP3
- Coco in the Freezer (0:57): MP3
- To Charles Reznikoff (2:08): MP3
- Soaring (0:28): MP3
- The Airplane Story (3:54): MP3
- Aviation (0:13): MP3
- In the air (2:19): MP3
- A Heart That's Been Broken (1:07): MP3
- Postscript to the Rest of My Life (1:02): MP3
- The Bed of Tulips and the Electric Firefly (2:53): MP3
- These are Cottonwoods (2:49): MP3
- The Kidnapping (0:34): MP3
- The Origin of Haiku (0:13): MP3
- The Merry-Go-Round (0:19): MP3
- Complete reading (20:30): MP3
Appearing with Robin Messing on Public Access Poetry, New York, February 28, 1978
Reading in Hartford, CT, June 3, Year Unknown
with Carole Spearin McCauley
- Complete reading (15:42): MP3
This recording is from the Maureen Owen Collection of Greenwich Village Poetry, at the Yale Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
Reading at St. Mark's Poetry Project, Date Unknown
- Complete recording (4:56): MP3
These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only.
All rights to this recorded material belong to the author. © 2023 Maureen Owen.
Used with the permission of Maureen Owen. Distributed by PennSound.