Lecture de Poète, filmed by François Sarhan, Paris, 2012
Royet-Journoud reads "A la ressemblance des bêtes" from Théorie des prépositions, P.O.L, 2007
"Kardia," Eric Pesty éditeur, 2009
"Asservissement de l'air à son vacarme," A la Pension Victoria, 2011
Claude Royet-Journoud
I dropped by Claude's apartment early in the afternoon
on Rue de l’Aqueduc
while I was in Paris for my Double Change reading. We talked through the day, just until I had to leave for Lyon. (mp4, 36 sec., 9.4 mb)
La Notion d'Obstacle (Gallimard, 1978) (31:38): MP3
Keith Waldrop reads from his translation, The Notion of Obstacle (Windsor: Awede Press, 1978) Note: Royet-Journoud placed a ticking clock on the podium, which can be heard in the recording.
from Les Objets Contiennent l'Infini (Gallimard, 1983), Book 3 (prose section) (2:54): MP3
Reading at the Centre international de poésie Marseille, June 1990