Brian Kim Stefans
- Complete reading (41:36): MP3
Complete reading (3:53): MP3
Segue Series Reading at the Bowery Poetry Club, February 28, 2009
Note: due to recording complications, only the following have been salvaged from the reading.
- The New (1:13): MP3
- Third Season: Harold and Sonia, First (10:10): MP3 / Final (1:35): MP3
- The Card Players (3:21): MP3
Appearing on Ceptuetics Radio, hosted by Kareem Estefan, June 18, 2008
Complete program (28:05): MP3
Multimedia event page
Reading at the Kelly Writers House, University of Pennsylvania, January 16, 2007
- Introduction (4:36): MP3
- "The Crowds Were Getting Dressed" (2:02): MP3
- "All Over Theory Might Find Its Way Back" (0:54): MP3
- "Um Uh" (from The Screens) (4:01): MP3
- "Third Season: Harold and Sonia" (from Kluge: A Meditation) (16:47): MP3
Complete reading (34:25): MP3
Segue reading at the Bowery Poetry Club, NYC, March 13, 2004
- Introduction by Charles Borkhuis
- Axis Thinking from "The Screens"
- Selections from "What Does It Matter?" (or "Pasha Noise: Life and Contacts")
- "The Window Ordered to be Made"
- "Provincial Hack"
- "State of the Union"
- "Howlings in Favor of Tulsa"
Complete reading (23:36): MP3
Reading at the Kelly Writers House, University of Pennsylvania, February 6, 2002
- They're Putting a New Door In (1:36): MP3
- Axis Thinking, from The Screens (3:06): MP3
- Italics, from The Screens (2:43): MP3
- Biography of Roger Pellett (2:00): MP3
- Plausible Implausible (2:39): MP3
- I Know a Man (1:19): MP3
- The Warning (0:56): MP3
- Discussion of homepage Arras.net (13:59): MP3
- excerpt from "What I" and further discussion of digital poetics (22:01): MP3
- excerpts from "The Proverbs of Hell" and discussion (20:23): MP3
Complete reading (1:11:50): MP3, RealAudio
- Introduction (4:03): MP3
- Selections from "Open City" (4:56): MP3
- They're Putting in a New Door, Very Light and Sweet, and two other poems (4:01): MP3
- Excerpts from "The Proverbs of Hell" (12:02): MP3
- complete recording (21:09): MP3
Reading at SUNY Buffalo, 2001
Complete reading (18:07): MP3, RealAudio
- Opening Remarks (0:56): MP3
- Preporatory Meditation (0:57): MP3
- Antonio (a sonnet) (1:09): MP3
- Stare into the Common Joy (0:50): MP3
- Roger Pellet Bio (2:09): MP3
- Plausible / Implausible (3:19): MP3
- Holiday (5:19): MP3
- A Poem of Attitudes (7:31): MP3
- "Too much enjoyment in receiving..." (1:14): MP3
- Pasha Noise (1:19): MP3
Complete Reading (24:44): MP3
(with Ron Silliman, Al Filreis, Jena Osman and Bob Perelman)
Complete recording (1:51:06): .rm, MP3
Monday Series: Dan Farrell, Brian Kim Stefans, St. Mark’s Church, NY, April 12, 1999
Recorded on audiocassette. Recording hosted by the Library of Congress.
- Side A (48:19): link
- Side B (50:05): link
- Verl (0:34): MP3
- Terms of the Anglo Saxon Ritual (0:47): MP3
- Preparatory Meditation One (0:48): MP3
- Trouble on Triton in Arabesque (5:53): MP3
- Untitled (0:59): MP3
- Excerpt from That's Egypt (1:23): MP3
- Stake (7:03): MP3
- Excerpt from Diamond Grille by Fred Wah (1:30): MP3
Segue Series Reading at HERE, date unknown
Complete Reading (26:55): MP3
- Excerpt from "Reflections on Cyberpoetry" (an e-mail from "Thomas Stearns Eliot")
- Excerpt from "Electronic Desires"
- Excerpt from "A Poem of Attitudes"
- Stock figures from Kenny Goldsmith's "Day"
- Excerpt from "Gulf"
© 2012 by Brian Kim Stefans. These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and
educational use only. All rights to this recorded material belong to the authors. Used with permission of the authors.
Distributed by PennSound.