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Your Language My Ear | Твой язык моё ухо

Russian and American Poetry at Close Quarters

For more information about the YLME project, see our web portal here / Для информации о проэкте «ТЯМУ», посетите наш интернет-портал здесь

Your Language My Ear III, March 13–20, 2019 / Твой язык моё ухо II, 13–20 марта 2019

Leonid Schwab, bilingual reading and interview in Russian with James McGavran, Alex Moshkin, and Michael Wachtel, recorded on March 18, 2019 in the Wexler Studio at Kelly Writers House / Леонид Шваб, двуязычное чтение и собеседование по русски с Джеймсом МакГавраном, Алексом Мошкиным, и Майклом Вахтелем, записано 18 марта, 2019 в Студии звукозаписи им. Векслера Дома писателей им. Келли в Университете Пенсильвании

Complete Recording / Полная запись (41:04): MP3

  1. Ah the seagulls… / Ах, чайки...; English translation read by Michael Wachtel; translated by Val Vinokur, Adrienne Raphel, Elena Mikhailik, Polina Barskova, and Maria Khotimsky
  2. These Manchurian plateaus… / Эти маньчжурские плато...; English translation read by James McGavran; translated by Kevin Platt, Sibelan Forrester, James McGavran, Katherine O'Conner, and Leonid Schwab
  3. My head is like a falcon… / Голова моя сокол...; English translation read by Michael Wachtel; translated by Maria Khotimsky, Michael Wachtel, Katherine O’Connor, Alexander Spektor, Anton Tenser, Adrienne Raphel, and Leonid Schwab
  4. There's no one to warn… / И некого зачем предупредить...; English translation read by James McGavran; translated by Eugene Ostashevsky, Katherine O’Connor, Lidia Tripiccione, Catherine Ciepiela, Michael Wachtel, Sally Pratt, Anton Tenser, Alexander Spektor, and Leonid Schwab
  5. In the terrifying dusk… / И в страшном сумраке аллей...; English translation read by Michael Wachtel; translated by Val Vinokur, Leonid Schwab, Alexander Spektor, Sally Pratt, Katherine O’Connor, Kevin M. F. Platt
  6. Krishna doesn't cry… / Кришна не плачет…; English translation read by James McGavran; translated by James McGavran, Sibelan Forrester, Alexander Spektor, Anton Tenser, Michael Wachtel, Sally Pratt, Leonid Schwab, and Katherine O’Connor
  7. On a business trip… / Находясь в командировке...; English translation read by Michael Wachtel; translated by James McGavran, Katherine O’Conner, Kevin M.F. Platt, Sibelan Forrester, Alexander Spektor, Val Vinokur, Sally Pratt, and Leonid Schwab
  8. No it would never come to pass… / Нет, никогда не может статься...; English translation read by McGavran; translated by James McGavran, Katherine O’Connor, Sibelan Forrester, Kevin Platt, and Leonid Schwab
  9. Moving like troops in personnel carriers… / Порывами ветра как мотопехота...; English translation read by Michael Wachtel; translated by Michael Wachtel, Katherine O’Connor, Lidia Tripiccione, Eugene Ostashevsky, Catherine Ciepiela, and Leonid Schwab

Eugene Ostashevsky and Julia Kolchinsky-Dasbach, bilingual reading and interview in English with Dmitri Kuzmin, recorded on March 18, 2019 in the Wexler Studio at Kelly Writers House / Евгений Осташевский и Юлия Дасбах, двуязычное чтение и собеседование по-английски с Дмитрием Кузьминым записано 18 марта, 2019 в Студии звукозаписи им. Векслера Дома писателей им. Келли в Университете Пенсильвании

Complete Recording / Полная запись (35:13): MP3

  1. Eugene Ostashevsky / Евгений Осташевский -- This is the story of a pirate / Это быль о пирате; English translation read by Dmitri Kuzmin; translated by Polina Barskova, Maria Khotimsky, Dmitri Kuzmin, and Eugene Ostashevsky
  2. Eugene Ostashevsky / Евгений Осташевский -- Listen parrot, says the pirate / Слышь, попугай, говорит пират; English translation read by Dmitri Kuzmin; translated by Dmitri Kuzmin, Yasha Klots, Luiza Moshkina, Leonid Schwab, and Mila Nazyrova
  3. Julia Kolchinsky-Dasbach / Юлия Дасбах -- My Mother as a Failed Sonnet, or Maybe Just a Forest / Мама как неудачный сонет, или просто как лес; English translation read by Dmitri Kuzmin; translated by Dmitri Kuzmin, Leonid Shwab, Julia Bloch, Alex Moshkin, Luiza Moshkin, Eugene Ostashevsky, and Julia Kolchinsky-Dasbach

Elena Mikhailik, bilingual reading and interview in English with Katherine O'Conner and Catherine Ciepiela, recorded on March 19, 2019 in the Wexler Studio at Kelly Writers House / Елена Михайлик, двуязычное чтение и собеседование по-английски, с Кэтрин О'Коннор и Кэтрин Сепиела записано 19 марта, 2019 в Студии звукозаписи им. Векслера Дома писателей им. Келли в Университете Пенсильвании

Complete Recording / Полная запись (56:52): MP3

Dmitri Kuzmin, bilingual reading and interview in Russian with James McGavran and Michael Wachtel, recorded on March 19, 2019 in the Wexler Studio at Kelly Writers House / Дмитрий Кузьмин, двуязычное чтение и собеседование по русски с Джеймсом МакГавраном и Майклом Вахтелем, записано 18 марта, 2019 в Студии звукозаписи им. Векслера Дома писателей им. Келли в Университете Пенсильвании

Complete Recording / Полная запись (49:41): MP3

Galina Rymbu, bilingual reading and interview in Russian with Marijeta Bozovic and Anastasia Osipova, recorded on March 19, 2019 in the Wexler Studio at Kelly Writers House / Галина Рымбу, двуязычное чтение и собеседование по русски с Мариетой Божович и Анастасией Осиповой, записано 18 марта, 2019 в Студии звукозаписи им. Векслера Дома писателей им. Келли в Университете Пенсильвании

Complete Recording / Полная запись (1:03:20): MP3

Bilingual reading at Kelly Writers House, featuring Dmitri Kuzmin, Elena Mikhailik, Galina Rymbu, and Leonid Schwab March 19, 2019 / Двуязычное чтение с Дмитрием Кузьминым, Еленой Михайлик, Галиной Рымбу и Леонидом Швабом в Доме писателей им. Келли, 19 марта 2019

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Complete Recording / Полная запись (57:02): MP3

  1. Elena Mikhailik, White-eyed monster— Елена Михайлик,Белоглазое змеечудовище...; translated by Sibelan Forrester, Polina Barskova, Boris Wolfson, Elena Mikhailik; read by Forrester, followed by the original, read by the poet
  2. Elena Mikhailik, When an old friend...—Елена Михайлик, Когда старый приятель...; translated by James McGavran, Sibelan Forrester, Val Vinokur, Catherine Ciepiela, Ostap Kin, and Elena Mikhailik; read by Ciepiela, followed by the original, read by the poet
  3. Dmitri Kuzmin, Kevin don't put...— Дмитрий Кузьмин, Кевин, не клади...; translated by James McGavran, Kevin Platt, Leonid Schwab, Yasha Klots, Michael Wachtel, Julia Bloch, and Dmitri Kuzmin; read by Bloch
  4. Dmitri Kuzmin, They want to do good...— Дмитрий Кузьмин, Они хотят делать хорошее дело...; translated by Catherine Ciepiela, Charles Bernstein, Matvei Yankelevich, Katherine O’Connor, and Pavel Khazanov; read by Wachtel
  5. Julia Bloch, Sleptember — Джулия Блох, Сонтябрь; translated by Dmitri Kuzmin, Kevin Platt, Leonid Schwab, Julia Dasbach; read by Kuzmin
  6. Galina Rymbu, a fragment from “the book of decline” I. (1) — Галина Рымбу, фрагменты из «книги упадка» I. (1); translated by Anastasiya Osipova, Val Vinokur, Marijeta Bozovic, Catherine Ciepiela, Mila Nazyrova; read by Vinokour
  7. Galina Rymbu, a fragment from “the book of decline” I. (2) — Галина Рымбу, фрагменты из «книги упадка» I. (2); translated by Anastasiya Osipova, Val Vinokur, Marijeta Bozovic, Catherine Ciepiela; read by Osipova
  8. Galina Rymbu, a fragment from “the book of decline” I. (3) — Галина Рымбу, фрагменты из «книги упадка» I. (3); translated by Anastasiya Osipova, Val Vinokur, Marijeta Bozovic, Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach, Catherine Ciepiela; read by Bozovic
  9. Galina Rymbu, a fragment from “the book of decline” I. (4) — Галина Рымбу, фрагменты из «книги упадка» I. (4); translated by Anastasiya Osipova, Val Vinokur, Marijeta Bozovic, Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach, Pavel Khazanov; read by Eugene Ostashevsky
  10. Val Vinokur, Ariadne — Вал Винокур, Ариадна; translated by Luiza Moshkin, Alex Moshkin, and Elena Mikhailik; read by Mikhailik
  11. Val Vinokur, Of the Father Tongue — Вал Винокур, < Отчего языка; translated by Maria Khotimsky and Leonid Schwab; read by Schwab
  12. Eugene Ostashevsky, Listen, parrot, says the pirate — Евгений Осташевский, Слышь, попугай, говорит пират; translated by Dmitri Kuzmin, Yasha Klots, Luiza Moshkina, Leonid Schwab, Mila Nazyrova; read by Kuzmin
  13. Eugene Ostashevsky, The pirate sails the Squeamish Main… — Евгений Осташевский, Плывет пират по морям по волнам; translated by Eugene Ostashevsky, Elena Mikhailik, Yasha Klots, Leonid Schwab, Dmitry Kuzmin; read by Schwab
  14. Julia Kolchinsky-Dasbach, My mother as a failed sonnet…— Джулия Колчинская-Дасбах, Мама как неудачный сонет…; translated by Dmitry Kuzmin, Leonid Shwab, Julia Bloch, Alex Moshkin, Luiza Moshkin, Eugene Ostashevsky, and Dasbach; read by Kuzmin
  15. Julia Kolchinsky-Dasbach, While everything falls apart, imagine…— Джулия Колчинская-Дасбах, Когда мир летит под откос, представь,,,; translated by Dmitry Kuzmin, Alex Moshkin, Luiza Moshkina, Michael Wachtel, Mila Nazyrova, and Dasbach; read by Moshkina
  16. Leonid Schwab, On a business trip…— Леонид Шваб, Находясь в командировке...; translated by James McGavran, Katherine O’Conner, Kevin M. F. Platt, Sibelan Forrester, Alexander Spektor, Val Vinokur, Sally Pratt, with Leonid Schwab; read by McGavran
  17. Leonid Schwab, The tranquil spirit dissipates… — Леонид Шваб, Дух безмятежный рассеивается...; translated by Alexandr Spektor, Anton Tenser, Alex Moshkin, Yasha Klots, James McGavran, Kevin M. F. Platt; read by Moshkin

Bilingual reading at Kelly Writers House, featuring Dmitri Kuzmin, Elena Mikhailik, Galina Rymbu, and Leonid Schwab, March 20, 2019 / Двуязычное чтение с Дмитрием Кузьминым, Еленой Михайлик, Галиной Рымбу и Леонидом Швабом в Доме писателей им. Келли, 20 марта 2019

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Complete Recording / Полная запись (1:05:23): MP3

  1. Julia Bloch, That the General Will is Indestructible — Джулия Блох, О том, что общая воля неразрушима; translated by Dmitri Kuzmin, Alex Moshkin, Luiza Moshkina, Leonid Schwab, Mila Nazyrova, Julia Kolchinsky-Dasbach; read by Kuzmin
  2. Elena Mikhailik, I'll reply to the Outer Sea —Елена Михайлик, Я отвечу Морю Внешнему; translated by Sibelan Forrester, Catherine Ciepiela, Elena Mikhailik, and Val Vinokur; read by Forrester
  3. Dmitri Kuzmin, It's easy to hate Russia from Latvia — Дмитрий Кузьмин, Удобно ненавидеть Россию из Латвии; translated by Michael Wachtel, Charles Bernstein, Leonid Schwab, Katherine O’Connor, and James McGavran; read by McGavran
  4. Galina Rymbu, world's time — Галина Рымбу, «время мира»; translated by Kevin M. F. Platt, Charles Bernstein, Anastasiya Osipova, Michael Wachtel, D. Brian Kim, Yehudith Dashevsky, Julia Bloch, Sibelan Forrester, and James McGavran; read by Dashevsky, Kim, Wachtel and the poet, alternating stanzas
  5. Val Vinokur, Of the Father Tongue — Вал Винокур, Отчего языка; translated by Maria Khotimsky and Leonid Schwab; read by Schwab
  6. Julia Kolchinsky-Dasbach, Other women don't tell you — Джулия Колчинская-Дасбах, Другие женщины тебе не скажут; translated by Dmitri Kuzmin, Luiza Moshkina, Alex Moshkin, Leonid Schwab, Mila Nazyrova, Julia Kolchinsky-Dasbach; read by Schwab
  7. Leonid Schwab, (1) These Manchurian plateaus… (2) These Manchurian plateaus… — Леонид Шваб, Эти маньчжурские плато...; first translation by Kevin M. F. Platt, Sibelan Forrester, Katherine O'Conner, James McGavran, with Leonid Schwab, read by Platt; second translation by Darya Bershadskaya

  8. ••

    Dmitry Kuzmin, "They Want to be Good," tr. Catherine Ciepiela, Charles Bernstein, Matvei Yankelevich, Katherine O’Connor, and Pavel Khazanov at Princeton, as part of the Your Language My Ear 2019 symposium: (2:25) Video/MP4

  9. Post-reading Discussion—Дискуссия после чтения

Your Language My Ear II, February 26–28, 2015 / Твой язык моё ухо II, 26–28 февраля 2015

Close Listening with Alexander Skidan and Charles Bernstein, recorded on February 27, 2015 in the Wexler Studio at the Kelly Writers House / «Близкое слушание» с Чарльзом Бернстином, записанное 27 февраля 2015 в Студии звукозаписи им. Векслера Дома писателей им. Келли

Program One / Первая серия

Reading from Red Shifting / Чтение из книги «Красное смещение» (26:55): MP3

Program Two / Вторая серия

Conversation / Разговор (35:57): MP3

Polina Barskova, reading in the Wexler Studio at the Kelly Writers House, February 26, 2015 / Полина Барскова, чтение в Студии звукозаписи им. Векслера Дома писателей им. Келли в Университете Пенсильвании, 26 февраля, 2015

  1. Первое утро (First Morning) (3:24): MP3
  2. First Morning – English Translation (2:48): MP3
  3. Прощатель (The Forgiver) (4:52): MP3
  4. The Forgiver – English Translation (4:54): MP3

Complete reading / Полная запись (16:11): MP3

Keti Chukrov, reading in the Wexler Studio at the Kelly Writers House, February 27, 2015 / Кети Чухров, чтение в Студии звукозаписи им. Векслера Дома писателей им. Келли в Университете Пенсильвании, 27 февраля, 2015

«Метропоэма» ("Metropoema", in Russian) (27:01): MP3

In Conversation with Kevin M. F. Platt, Marijeta Bozovic, and Stephanie Sandler / Разговор с Кевином М. Ф Платтом, Мариетой Божович, и Стефани Сандлер

Complete recording / Полная запись (37:25): MP3

Bilingual Reading from Kelly Writers House, February 27, 2015 / Двуязычное чтение в Доме писателей им. Келли, 27 февраля 2015

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Complete reading / Полная программа (1:30:47): MP3

  1. Kevin M. F. Platt, Introduction to KWH Reading—Кевин М. Ф. Платт, Вступительное слово к чтению в ДПК
  2. Polina Barskova, “First Morning”—Полина Барскова, «Первое утро»; translated by Catherine Ciepiela; read by Ciepiela, followed by the original, read by the poet, followed by a second translation, by Julia Bloch and Kevin Platt, read by Bloch
  3. Shamshad Abdullaev, “Yojō”—Шамшад Абдуллаев, «Ёдзё»; translated by Pavel Khazanov, Ariel Resnikoff, Alexandra Tatarsky, Val Vinokur, and Leonid Yanovsky; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Vinokour
  4. Shamshad Abdullaev, “End of the Week: A Walk with a Friend” —Шамшад Абдуллаев, «Конец недели: прогулка с другом»; translated by Suzanna Frank, James McGavran, Kevin M. F. Platt Ariel Resnikoff, Val Vinokur, and Michael Wachtel; read by Platt, followed by the original, read by the poet
  5. Alexandra Petrova, “Hurray, Uranus has been neutered…”— Александра Петрова, «Ура, урана оскопили»; translated by Val Vinokur, Ariel Resnikoff, and Alexandra Tatarsky; read by Tatarsky, followed by the original, read by the poet
  6. Alexandra Petrova, “This, by the sea”— Александра Петрова, «Это у моря»; translated by Polina Barskova, Catherine Ciepiela, David Hock, Alexandra Tatarsky, and Matvei Yankelevich; read by Yankelevich, followed by the original, read by the poet
  7. Keti Chukhrov, from “Communion”—Кети Чухров, из произведения «Комьюнион»; translated by Stephanie Sandler, Marijeta Bozovic, Kevin M. F. Platt, Ariel Resnikoff, Julia Bloch, Bela Shayevich, and Aleksandr Skidan; read by the poet and Marijeta Bozovic; followed by the original, read by the poet and Bozovic
  8. Aleksandr Skidan, four segments from “The Large Glass” —Александр Скидан, из поэмы «Большое стекло», translated by Genya Turovskaya; read by Matvei Yankelevich and the poet, alternating segments:

  9. Post-reading discussion with participants—Дискуссия после чтения

Bilingual Reading from Chapterhouse Café, Philadelphia, February 28, 2015 / Двуязычное чтение в кафе «Chapterhouse» (Филадельфия), 28 февраля 2015

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Complete Reading / Полная программа (1:38:56): MP3

  1. Kevin M. F. Platt, Introduction to Chapterhouse Reading—Кевин М. Ф. Платт, Вступительное слово к чтению в кафе «Chapterhouse»
  2. Viktor Ivaniv, “Artemis”—Виктор Иванив, «Артемида»; translated by Kevin Platt, Maya Vinokour, and Eugene Ostashevsky; translation read by Platt
  3. Polina Barskova, “First Morning” —Полина Барскова, «Первое утро»; translated by Catherine Ciepiela; read by the translator, followed by the original, read by the poet
  4. Polina Barskova, “Winter Landscape. Bruegel” —Полина Барскова, «Зимний вид. Брейгель»; translated by Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach; read by the translator, followed by the original, read by the poet
  5. Shamshad Abdullaev, “Locale as Film” —Шамшад Абдуллаев, «Окрестность как фильм»; translated by Catherine Ciepiela, Polina Barskova, Matvei Yankelevich, and Alexandra Tatarsky; read by Ciepiela, followed by the original, read by the poet
  6. Julia Bloch, “Etiological” —Джулия Блох, «Этиология»; translated by Shamshad Abdullaev; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Abdullaev
  7. Alexandra Petrova, “Beyond the horizon…” —Александра Петрова, «За горизонтом…»; translated by Stephanie Sandler; read by the translator, followed by the original, read by the poet
  8. Alexandra Petrova, “The ministry of hot water…”— Александра Петрова, «В министерстве горячей воды…»; translated by Stephanie Sandler; read by the translator, followed by the original, read by the poet
  9. Alexandra Petrova, “Catastrophe in poland alley...”— Александра Петрова, «Катастрофа в польском переулке...»; translated by Michael Wachtel, David Hock, Bob Perelman, and Alexandra Petrova; read by Wachtel, followed by the original, read by the poet
  10. Alexandra Petrova, “In a small church...” —Александра Петрова, «В маленькой церкви...»; translated by David Hock, Alexandra Petrova, Polina Barskova, Bob Perelman, and Michael Wachtel; read by Perelman, followed by the original, read by the poet; followed by a second translation by Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach, Val Vinokur, Alexandra Tatarsky, and Julia Bloch; read by Bloch
  11. Alexandra Petrova, “Things dissolve in darkness”— Александра Петрова, «Предметы растворяются во тьме»; translated by Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach; read by the translator, followed by the original, read by the poet
  12. Charles Bernstein, “Log Rhythms 1” —Чарльз Бернстин, «Лог Ритмы 1»; translated by Alexandra Petrova; read by the poet and the translator, alternating lines
  13. Aleksandr Skidan, “Pierrot le Fou” —Александр Скидан, «Безумный Пьеро»; translated by Stephanie Sandler, Val Vinokur, Charles Bernstein, Matvei Yankelevich, Ariel Resnikoff, and Cathy Ciepiela; read by Stephanie Sandler, followed by the original, read by the poet
  14. Aleksandr Skidan, “Kino Eye” —Александр Скидан, «Киноглаз»; translated by Marijeta Bozovic; read by the translator, followed by the original, read by the poet; followed by a second translation, by Val Vinokour, read by the translator
  15. Bob Perelman, “Sandy Lines” —Боб Перельман, «Строки об урагане Сэнди»; translated by Aleksandr Skidan, with Kevin M. F. Platt, Polina Barskova and Matvei Yankelevich; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Skidan
  16. Matvei Yankelevich, “Pose a world as a tautology, or an equilibrium…” —Матвей Янкелевич, «Представь мир как тавтологию, или равновесие…»; translated by Aleksandr Skidan, with Cathy Ciepiela, Polina Barskova, and Matvei Yankelevich; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Skidan
  17. Julia Bloch, “Etiological” —Джулия Блох, «Этиология»; translated by Keti Chukhrov; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Chukhrov
  18. Keti Chukhrov, from “Communion” —Кети Чухров, из произведения «Комьюнион»; translated by Stephanie Sandler, Marijeta Bozovic, Kevin M. F. Platt, Ariel Resnikoff, Alexander Skidan, Bela Shayevich, Julia Bloch, Alexandra Tatarsky; read by the poet, Bela Shayevich and Marijeta Bozovic; followed by the original, read by the author with Polina Barskova
  19. Ariel Resnikoff, “this & this” —Ариель Резников, «это и это»; translated by Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Dasbach

Bi-Lingual Reading at the Heyman Center, New York, March 3, 2015 / Двуязычное чтение в Центре Хеймана в университете Колумбия, Нью-Йорк, 3 марта 2015

Complete Reading / Полная программа (1:32:13): MP3

  1. Alan Timberlake and Kevin M. F. Platt, Introduction —Алан Тимберлейк и Кевин М. Ф. Платт, Вступительное слово
  2. Shamshad Abdullaev, “Locale as Film” —Шамшад Абдуллаев, «Окрестность как фильм»; translated by Catherine Ciepiela, Polina Barskova, Matvei Yankelevich, and Alexandra Tatarsky; read by Yankelevich, followed by the original, read by the poet
  3. Shamshad Abdullaev, “Yojō” —Шамшад Абдуллаев, «Ёдзё»; translated by Pavel Khazanov, Ariel Resnikoff, Alexandra Tatarsky, Val Vinokur, and Leonid Yanovsky; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Kevin Platt
  4. Shamshad Abdullaev, “End of the Week: A Walk with a Friend” —Шамшад Абдуллаев, «Конец недели: прогулка с другом»; translated by Suzanna Frank, James McGavran, Kevin M. F. Platt, Ariel Resnikoff, Val Vinokur, and Michael Wachtel; read by Platt, followed by the original, read by the poet, followed by a second translation, by Frank Sherlock; read by Platt
  5. Alexandra Petrova, “Beyond the horizon…” —Александра Петрова, «За горизонтом…»; translated by Stephanie Sandler, read by Kevin Platt, followed by the original, read by the poet
  6. Alexandra Petrova, “Catastrophe in Poland alley...” —Александра Петрова, «Катастрофа в польском переулке...»; translated by David Hock, Bob Perelman, Alexandra Petrova, and Michael Wachtel; read by Matvei Yankelevich, followed by the original, read by the poet
  7. Alexandra Petrova, “In a small church...” —Александра Петрова, «В маленькой церкви...»; translated by Polina Barskova, David Hock, Bob Perelman, Alexandra Petrova, and Michael Wachtel; read by Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach, followed by the original, read by the poet
  8. Alexandra Petrova, “Things dissolve in darkness” —Александра Петрова, «Предметы растворяются во тьме»; translated by Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach, read by the translator, followed by the original, read by the poet
  9. Alexandra Petrova, “This, by the sea” —Александра Петрова, «Это у моря»; translated by Polina Barskova, Catherine Ciepiela, David Hock, Alexandra Tatarsky, and Matvei Yankelevich; read by Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach, followed by the original, read by the poet
  10. Alexandra Petrova, “Hooray, Uranus has been neutered…” —Александра Петрова, «Ура, урана оскопили»; translated by Ariel Resnikoff, Alexandra Tatarsky, and Val Vinokur; read by Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach, followed by the original, read by the poet
  11. Aleksandr Skidan, “Pierrot le Fou” —Александр Скидан, «Безумный Пьеро»; translated by Charles Bernstein, Catherine Ciepiela, Ariel Resnikoff, Stephanie Sandler, Val Vinokur and Matvei Yankelevich; read by Yankelevich, followed by the original, read by the poet
  12. Aleksandr Skidan, “Kino Eye” —Александр Скидан, «Киноглаз»; translated by Marijeta Bozovic, read by Alexandra Tatarsky, followed by the original, read by the poet
  13. Aleksandr Skidan, three segments from "Scholia"—Александр Скидан, из цикла «Схолиа»; translated by Genya Turovskaya, read by the poet:
  14. Keti Chukhrov, from “Communion” —Кети Чухров, из произведения «Комьюнион»; translated by Stephanie Sandler, Marijeta Bozovic, Kevin M. F. Platt, Ariel Resnikoff, Julia Bloch, Bela Shayevich, and Aleksandr Skidan; read by the poet and Alexandra Tatarsky; followed by the original, read by the poet
  15. Post-reading discussion with participants—Дискуссия после чтения

Your Language My Ear I, April 22–23, 2011 / Твой язык моё ухо I, 22-23 апреля 2011

Bi-Lingual Reading at Claudia Cohen Hall; April 23, 2011 / Двуязычное чтение в зале Клаудии Коэн в Университете Пенсильвании; 23 апреля 2011

Complete Reading / Полная программа (1:56:48): MP3

  1. Kevin M. F. Platt, Introduction—Кевин М. Ф. Платт, Вступительное слово
  2. Polina Barskova, “Battle” —Полина Барскова, «Битва»; translated by Stephanie Sandler and Polina Barskova; read by Sandler, followed by the original, read by the poet
  3. Igor Belov, “dreadnaughts” —Игорь Белов, «Дредноуты»; translated by Maya Vinokour; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Vinokour
  4. Igor Belov, “in support of sound” —Игорь Белов, «опора звука»; translated by Matvei Yankelevich; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Yankelevich
  5. Charles Bernstein, “the moment is you” —Чарльз Бернштейн, «этот момент — это ты»; translated by Sergej Timofejev and Feodor Swarovski; read by the poet and the translators, alternating lines
  6. Julia Bloch, “untitled” —Джулия Блох, «без названия»; translated by Sergej Timofejev; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Timofejev
  7. Julia Bloch, “The Selfist” —Джулия Блох, «Самолок»; translated by Sergej Timofejev; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Timofejev
  8. Sarah Dowling, “Starlight Tours” —Сара Даулинг, «Звездный путь»; translated by Polina Barskova, Stephanie Sandler, Ksenia Shcherbino, and Valeria Tsygankova; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Tsygankova
  9. Viktor Ivaniv, “End of Biography 96”— Виктор Иванив, «Конец Биографии 96»; translated by Michael Wachtel; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Wachtel
  10. Semyon Khanin, “there they go crawling over goosebumps...”— Семён Ханин, «еще какие-то поползут по мурашкам»; translated by Charles Bernstein, Eugene Ostashevsky, and Matvei Yankelevich; read by Bernstein, followed by the original, read by the poet
  11. Semyon Khanin, “lips groping for the mouths...” —Семён Ханин, «нащупывая губами горлышко...»; translated by Julia Bloch, Kevin M. F. Platt, Maya Vinokour, and Alexander Zapol; read by Platt, followed by the original, read by the poet
  12. Eugene Ostashevsky, “DJ Spinoza talks to Flipper”— Евгений Осташевский, «Диджей Спиноза беседует с Флипером»; translated by Alexander Zapol; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Zapol
  13. Eugene Ostashevsky, “Now the Lord said to DJ Spinoza”— Евгений Осташевский, «И сказал Господь диджею Спинозе»; translated by Alexander Zapol; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Zapol
  14. Bob Perelman, “Confession” —Боб Перельман, «Признание»; translated by Sergej Timofejev; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Timofejev
  15. Charles Bernstein, “ruminative ablution” —Чарльз Бернштейн, «размышления об очищении»; translated by Ian Probstein; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Probstein
  16. Charles Bernstein, “Verdi and Postmodernism” —Чарльз Бернштейн, «Верди и постмодернизм»; translated by Ian Probstein; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Probstein
  17. Ksenia Shcherbino, “The Photographs of Atget and the Coat of Berenice Abbot” —Ксения Щербино, «фотографии атже и пальто беренис аббот»; translated by Stephanie Sandler, Ksenia Shcherbino, and Valeria Tsygankova; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Tsygankova
  18. Ksenia Shcherbino, “Gagarin” —Ксения Щербино, «Гагарин»; translated by Polina Barskova and Stephanie Sandler; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Sandler
  19. Feodor Swarovski, “Poor Jenny” —Федор Сваровский, «Бедная Женя»; translated by Stephanie Sandler; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Sandler
  20. Feodor Swarovski, “We The People” —Федор Сваровский, «Мы здесь люди»; translated by Eugene Ostashevsky; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Ostashevsky
  21. Feodor Swarovski, “Water” —Федор Сваровский, «Вода»; translated by Sarah Dowling; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Dowling
  22. Feodor Swarovski, “A Song About Captain Morales” —Федор Сваровский, «Песня о Капитане Моралесе»; translated by Michael Wachtel; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Wachtel
  23. Sergej Timofejev, “Truths” —Сергей Тимофеев, «Истины»; translated by Julia Bloch, Bob Perelman, and Kevin M. F. Platt; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Perelman
  24. Sergej Timofejev, “The Doll Incident” —Сергей Тимофеев, «Случай с куклами»; translated by Julia Bloch, Kevin M. F. Platt, Maya Vinokour, and Sergej Timofejev; read by the poet, followed by the translation, read by Platt

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