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Régis and I were riding
through the outskirts of São Paulo on our way to Campinas.The
World Cup was on and Régis shares
Brazil's big-time enthrallment with the series. At one point,
in an email, Régis reprimanded me for referring to the "Australia
and Brazil game." "In
Brazil, you never write the 'Brazil - Australia game', but 'Brazil
x Australia'. The x meaning the match, the 'hardness' of the
game .... It sounds like a battle, for us, not like
a game." Régis told
me he was devoted to a local football team and went to almost
all their games."My team's name
is Palmeiras (Palms), founded in 1914 by Italian immigrants
to keep alive Italian traditions in São Paulo." I
asked him how the team was doing.
(mp4, 23 seconds, 3 mb)
George Lakoff, July 4, 2006
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George came to visit Susan Bee and me on the Fourth of July.
He was in town to promote his new book, Whose
Freedom?: The Battle Over America's Most Important Ideal. I
asked him why John Kerry had failed to respond forcefully to the Swift
Boat smears. You can hear Susan in the background. (mp4, 1 min., 8 mb)
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Leslie Scalapino was in New York for the Poetry Project panels on her work. She came by our place for lox & bagels. I asked her about the time she literally lost her breath in Tibet.
(mp4, 48 seconds, 7.8 mb)
Henry's Dilemma, July 26, 2006
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Henry Hills
I turned the tables on Henry, who has been filming me for
thirty years. He was briefly in New York, on his way
back to Prague, where he has been living for the past year.
(mp4, 30
sec., 4 mb)
Mimi on the Beach, August 8, 2006
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Mimi Gross
Mimi believes the key thing about doing portraits is the
relationship you have with the subject. A couple of years ago,
she did a portrait
of Felix and me. We were at Herring Cove beach and Mimi,
as always, had brought a sketchbook. Talking to Mimi gave me
the idea to do these portraits.
(mp4, 40
sec., 5 mb)
Loss & Beans. June 26, 2006
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Loss Peqeuño Glazier
I was back in Buffalo and at
one my favorite spots, Ted's Red Hots (the one on Niagara Falls
Boulevard). We got to talking about Cuba, which we had visited,
together with Ernesto Livon-Grosman, Johanna Drucker, and
Brad Freeman, in January 2003. Loss met his future wife on that
trip. I asked him what
he liked to eat in Havana.
(mp4, 1 min., 7.4 mb)
Caroline's Norwegian Speakin', November 12, 2006
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Caroline Bergvall
In June, 2005, I was invited to read at poetry festival
in Norway. I couldn't go, but I urged the organizers to invite
Caroline, who grew up, at least partly, in Norway, but nobody
there (at least among the poets I know) were aware of that. But
they sure are now.
(mp4, 32 seconds, 4.3 mb)
- Portraits series 1 : Régis Bonvicino, George Lakoff, Heny Hills, Mimi Gross, Loss Pequeño Glazier, Caroline Bergvall
- Portraits series 2 : Pierre Joris, Wystan Curnow, Levhi Lehto, Robert Grenier, James Sherry, Johanna Drucker
- Portraits series 3 : Ann Lauterbach, Karen Mac Cormack, Steve McCaffery, Mei-mei Berssenbrugge, Nick Piombino, Richard Tuttle
- Portraits series 4 : Rod Smith, Nicole Brossard, Douglas Messerli, Peter Middleton, Norman Fischer, Tina Darragh
- Portraits series 5 : Myung Mi Kim, Charles Alexander, Alan Davies, P. Inman, Phong Bui, Bob Perelman
- Portraits series 6 :Kenneth Goldsmith, John Yau, Peter Gizzi, Dubravka Djuric, Elizabeth Willis, Tan Lin
- Portraits series 7 : John Ashbery, Rae Armantrout, Emma Bee Bernstein, Susan Howe, Sigmund Laufer
- Portraits series 8: Maggie O'Sullivan, Christian Bök, Darren Wershler, Tonya Foster, Marty Ehrlich & Erica Hunt, Lev Rubinstein
- Portraits series 9: David Antin, Ted Greenwald, Jerome Rothenberg, Diane Rothenberg, Ron Silliman, Joel Kuszai
- Portraits series 10: Peter Gizzi, Elizabeth Willis, John Tranter, Bruce Andrews, Cecilia Vicuña, Tom Raworth
- Portraits page 11: Ben Yarmolinsky, Hank Lazer, Marjorie Perloff, Alan Loney, Claude Royet-Journoud, Li Zhimin
- Portraits page 12: Arkadii Dragomoschenko, Susan Howe, Ernie Gehr
Thanks for Steve McLaughlin for technical and design assistance. These video recordings are being made available
for noncommercial and educational use only. All rights to this
recorded material belong to the artist. ©2006-2012 Charles Bernstein.
Used with permission of Charles Bernstein. Distributed by PennSound.