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Richard O. Moore

page edited by Olivier Brossard

Read Olivier Brossard's essay on these recordings at Jacket2

USA: Poetry1 by Richard O. Moore (1966)

produced in 1965–66; first broadcast on KQED for National Educational Television (NET)

  1. Allen Ginsberg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti, March 6

  2. Watch on Media.SAS
  3. Robert Duncan and John Wieners, March 13

  4. Watch on Media.SAS
  5. Philip Whalen and Gary Snyder, March 20

  6. Watch on Media.SAS
  7. Brother Antoninus and Michael McClure, March 27

  8. Watch on Media.SAS
  9. Theodore Roethke, April 3 [not available]

  10. Anne Sexton, July 31

  11. Watch on Media.SAS
  12. Richard Wilbur and Robert Lowell, August 7

  13. Watch on Media.SAS
  14. Louis Zukofsky, August 14

  15. Watch on Media.SAS

    Extended version: MP4 (Media.SAS mirror), external link (Indiana University Media Collections)

  16. Kenneth Koch and John Ashbery, August 21

  17. Watch on Media.SAS
  18. Frank O'Hara and Ed Sanders, August 28

  19. Watch on Media.SAS
  20. Denise Levertov and Charles Olson, September 4

  21. Watch on Media.SAS
  22. Robert Creeley, September 11

  23. Watch on Media.SAS
  24. In Search of Hart Crane, September 18 [not available]

USA: Poetry, NET Outtakes Series (1978)

produced from unpublished footage from the original production of the USA: Poetry series in 1965–66

Robert Duncan, filmed November 2, 1965

Available at SFSU's DIVA online collection: external link

Also avaiable as a digitized VHS, provided by Pierre Joris: Watch here.

Additional filmography

Moore reading his own work

Reading from Particulars of Place (Omnidawn, 2015), Spring 2015

filmed by Flinn Elizabeth Moore Rauck

  1. Introduction & Exile (1:56): MP4, Vimeo
  2. Dreams (0:29): MP4, Vimeo
  3. Waterfall (1:26): MP4, Vimeo
  4. Where (0:24): MP4, Vimeo

Lunch Poems, UC Berkeley, December 3, 2009

  • Complete Recording (47:03): MP3

Reading at UC Berkeley, March 23, 1952


1USA: Poetry program #1 on William Carlos Williams was produced by Craig Gilbert and directed by George Jacobson, and therefore omitted from this listing. As of January 2019 the episode can be accessed through YouTube.

These recordings are available for noncommercial and educational use only. PennSound Moore page © 2019 by Flinn Elizabeth Moore Rauck for the Estate of Richard O. Moore. "USA: POETRY" series © 1966 National Educational Television and Radio Center. Selected recordings used with the permission of Flinn Elizabeth Moore Rauck for the Estate of Richard O. Moore. Distributed by PennSound.