Password Books and Cassettes

and poetry/literature in electronic media.


Sample Poems / New Books 95/96 / Shareware Poetry / Poetry on Cassette / Complete Stocklist / Digital Poetry / Poetry Bestsellers / Special Offers / How to Order / Blurbs / Register your interests /


Poetry in translation / Fiction / Drama / Criticism / Women's writing / Irish writing / U.S. writing / Canadian fiction & poetry / Post-Colonial writing / Russian writing / Chinese literature / Icelandic writing / Lesbian and Gay writing


Anvil Press Poetry / Arc Publications / Crocus Books / Dangaroo Press / The Dedalus Press / The Enitharmon Press / Flambard Poetry / The Gallery Press / Glas New Russian Writing / Headland Publications / Insomniac Press / IRON Press / Katabasis / Mare's Nest Publishing / Peepal Tree Books / Peterloo Poets / The Rockingham Press / Salmon Poetry / Smith/Doorstop Books / Stride Publications / Sun & Moon Press / Wellsweep / White Pine Press / Zoland Books

This catalogue of over 1,200 titles is one important part of the international service provided by Password in bringing together writers and readers. Password distributes books, cassettes, and electronic poetry by international mail order and through bookshops. Password's trade distribution network supplies book stores in Britain, Ireland, Europe and further afield, using a team of four sales representatives and administrative staff in the head office. We can deliver Electronic Poetry to your e- mailbox! (See Digital Poetry and Shareware Poetry.)

Hard copies of this catalogue can be obtained free of charge by contacting staff at the Manchester office who will also be pleased to add your name to our mailing lists for regular updates and advance information on new titles.

We welcome comments on this catalogue. Please e-mail Claire Turner at Password.

Password Home Page.