Posted 10/17/2007 (link)
Olson reads nearly a dozen selections from The Maximus Poems, including "Maximus, Letter 7" also known as "Marsden Hartley's eyes." Clicking on the title above takes you directly there. PennSound features several additional recordings of Olson, including his 1963 performance at the Vancouver Poetry Festival, as well as recordings by other Black Mountain poets, such as Robert Creeley and Ed Dorn.
Posted 10/18/2007 (link)
 Last month, Rae Armantrout read to a full room at Penn's Kelly Writers House, delighting the audience with selections from her latest book, Next Life, including "Reserved," "Empty" and "Make it New." She also shared a broad sample of work from two forthcoming maunscripts, Versed and Dark Matter. Clicking on the title above takes you directly there. This most recent reading is one of five featured on PennSound, spanning the course of almost twenty years. Armantrout's poem "The Way" was also featured in PennSound podcast #6.
Posted 10/19/2007 (link)
On October 12th, DuPlessis visited Studio 111 to record a number of poems from her latest collection, Torques: Drafts 58-76 (Salt, 2007), as well as a masterful reading of "Draft 85: Hard Copy," which Al Filreis recently highlighted on his blog. Clicking on the title above takes you directly there. Additional poems from Torques: Drafts 58-76 can be found on DuPlessis' PennSound author page, along with a conversation with Charles Bernstein, as part of his Close Listening series.
Posted 10/22/2007 (link)
PennSound is very proud to announce the addition of John Ashbery to our site, and all this week, we'll be highlighting recordings from our collection. Our first selection is a Segue Series reading from September 16, 1978, featuring four poems that would appear in 1979's As We Know: "A Box and its Contents," "The Cathedral Is," "Silhouette" and a long excerpt from "Litany." Clicking on the title above takes you directly there. This particular reading marks the beginning of the Segue Series—curated by Ted Greenwald and PennSound's co-director, Charles Bernstein. On our site, you'll find dozens of Segue recordings spanning the past three decades, from the Ear Inn, Double Happiness and its current home, the Bowery Poetry Club.
Posted 10/23/2007 (link)
PennSound is very proud to announce the addition of John Ashbery to our site, and all this week, we'll be highlighting recordings from our collection. Today's selection is one of two recordings from Ashbery's 2002 visit to Penn as a Kelly Writers House Fellow. This hour-long reading features poems from your name here (2000) and As Umbrellas Follow Rain (2001)—including "Merrily We Live," "The Underwriters" and "A Linnet"—along with the poet's explanations and asides. Clicking on the title above takes you directly there. Now entering its tenth year, the Kelly Writer House Fellows Program has showcased a wide array of poetic voices, from Ashbery to Donald Hall, Adrienne Rich to June Jordan. This spring, the program will feature, among others, Jerome Rothenberg.
Posted 10/24/2007 (link)
PennSound is very proud to announce the addition of John Ashbery to our site, and all this week, we'll be highlighting recordings from our collection. Today's selection is the second of two recordings from Ashbery's 2002 visit to Penn as a Kelly Writers House Fellow—an hour-long conversation with Al Filreis and Penn students, along with phone-in and e-mail guests who participated in the webcast. Hear Ashbery discuss his life and writing, as well as what poets, in retrospect, he'd add to his groundbreaking volume, Other Traditions. Clicking on the title above takes you directly there. Visit Ashbery's PennSound author page for links to more information on his 2002 visit, including photos and streaming video of both his reading and this conversation.
Posted 10/25/2007 (link)
PennSound is very proud to announce the addition of John Ashbery to our site, and all this week, we'll be highlighting recordings from our collection. Today's selection is a June 6, 2007 reading at Mo Pitkin's with Charles Bernstein, sponsored by Poetry magazine and McSweeney's. Hear Ashbery read exclusively from his latest collection, A Worldly Country, released this past February. Clicking on the title above takes you directly there. In addition to our newly-added Ashbery recordings, PennSound features a wide array of documents from the New York School's first and second generations. Hear Kenneth Koch reading at the Kelly Writers House in 1998, recordings of James Schuyler made at the Chelsea Hotel in 1986, Ron Padgett's 2003 visit to Penn, and three decades of readings by Anne Waldman.
Posted 10/26/2007 (link)
PennSound is very proud to announce the addition of John Ashbery to our site, and all this week, we'll be highlighting recordings from our collection. Our final selection is a single poem, "They Dream Only of America," recorded July 22, 1994 in Hudson, NY, and featured in Exact Change Yearbook #1, edited by Peter Gizzi. Clicking on the title above takes you directly there. The Exact Change Yearbook, was an ambitious, and unfortunately short-lived endeavor (#1 is the sole volume)—collecting recordings from some of the 20th Century's most influential poets, including Robert Creeley, Jack Spicer, Bernadette Mayer and Ted Berrigan—and is but one of many anthologies, series and collections archived on PennSound.
Posted 10/29/2007 (link)
Earlier this month, Frank Sherlock visited PennSound's Studio 111 to record a number of poems, both old and new. This hour-long session features a broad selection of Sherlock's distinctly Philadelphian work, from book-length poems such "Spring Diet of Flowers at Night" and "Wounds in an Imaginary Nature Show," along with brief delights like "ISO Personals" series. Clicking on the title above takes you directly there. PennSound remains committed to presenting the global as well as the local, the historical alongside the contemporary. Stay tuned this week for selections highlighting the best of Philadelphia's poetry scene, plus new material from some of the 20th Century's most influential poets.
Posted 10/30/2007 (link)
On October 3rd, poet CAConrad stopped by PennSound's Studio 111, recording more than fifty poems for us. This session features a generous selection from three of Conrad's most recent books— Deviant Propulsion (2006), The Book of Frank (2008) and (Soma)tic Midge (2007)—ranging from the personal to the political, intimacy to hilarity. Clicking on the title above takes you directly there. PennSound remains committed to presenting the global as well as the local, the historical alongside the contemporary. Stay tuned this week for selections highlighting the best of Philadelphia's poetry scene, plus new material from some of the 20th Century's most influential poets.