Charles Bernstein
back to Bernstein PennSound main page
Full Readings (some segmented readings have their own linked page)
Anthology Film Archives, New York, April 3. 1977
Full reading (25:39): MP3
- "Latex Dummy," sec. 7 from "A Person Is Not an Entity Symbolic.." (from The Sophist) (0:57): MP3
- "People should love and approve of me," sec. 13 from "A Person Is Not an Entity Symbolic.." (from The Sophist) (1:06): MP3
- "Sentences" (from Parsing) (1:11): MP3
- "Asylums" (from Islets/Irritations) (8:26): MP3
(30 seconds of music bleeds in midway)
- "Of course ..." (from Shade) (2:32): MP3
- from "Three or Four Things I Know about Him" (from Content'sDream) (2:29): MP3
- "Palukaville" (from Poetic Justice) (8:59): MP3
Place Center, New York, Dec. 18, 1977
This reading was organized by Phil Smith (Demise); Bernstein read with Kathy Acker.
Full reading (44:41): mp3
- As If the Trees By Their Very Roots Had a Hold of Us (from Senses of Responsibility) (3:33): MP3
- Loose Shoes (from Sense of Responsibility) (3:06): MP3
- "Likening then..." (from Poetic Justice) (0:46): MP3
- St. McC. (from Shade) (1:16): MP3
- from "Faculty Politics" (from Poetic Justice) (2:19): MP3
- Soul Under(from Shade) (2:12): MP3
- Long Trails of Cars Return From the Beach (from Shade) (3:31): MP3
- Lapidary Entropy (from Islets/Irritations) (8:23): MP3
- from The Occurrence of Tune (19:08): MP3
Folio Books, Washington, DC, 1978
Complete reading (38:52): MP3
- Introduction by Doug Lang
- As If the Trees by Their Roots Had Hold of Us (from Senses of Responsibility) (time marker 2’36”)
- Loose Shoes (from Senses of Responsibility) (6’17”)
- “Likening Then” (9’43”) Shade?
- St.McC (from Shade) (10’29”)
- For – (from Shade) (12’00”)
- from Faculty Politics (from Poetic Justice) (22’00”)
- Roseland from Parsing (12’43”)
- Soul Under (from Shade) (27’42)
- Palukaville (from Poetic Justice) (30’25”)
West End bar, New York, March 12, 1978
Full reading (34:33): MP3
- Epigraphs for "Stray Straws and Straw Men" (from Content's Dream): MP3
- "of a sort" (unpublished): MP3
- Resistance (from Senses of Responsibility): MP3
- Nudge (from Shade) MP3
- "So really not visit a ..." (from Controlling Interests): MP3
- Hotel Empire (from Poetic Justice) MP3
- eLecTrIc (from Poetic Justice) MP3
- Kiff-Kiff (from Shade): mp3
- Matters of Policy (from Controlling Interests): mp3
Six Fillious Reading (with McCaffery, Higgins, et al), February
7, 1979
Reading at the Grand Piano, San Francisco, with Barrett Watten, February 20, 1979
Complete reading (46:29): MP3
- Introduction (3:10): MP3
- "The Italian Border of the Alps" (from Controlling Interests) (10:20): MP3
- "Poem" (from Shade) (2:33): MP3
- "To Which I Never Wanted" (from Senses of Responsibility) (1:55): MP3
- "For ------" (from Shade (9:50): MP3
- "Soul Under" (from Shade) (2:50): MP3
- "As Is the Trees by Their Very Roots Had Hold of Us" (from Senses of Responsibility) (3:14): MP3
- "Matters of Policy" (from Controlling Interests) (12:25): MP3
(recording courtesy of Ron Silliman)
Reading for Emily Dickinson's Birthday Celebration, St. Mark's Church in the Bowery Poetry Project, December 10, 1979
Reading three Dickinson poems, segmented below, plus the Dickinson medley from Parsing, not segmented.
- "I cannot live with You" (read by Charles Bernstein) (2:02): MP3
- "To fill a Gap" (read by Charles Bernstein) (0:16): MP3
- "There is a solitude of space" (read by Charles Bernstein) (0:22): MP3
- Complete reading (5:49): MP3
Droll/Kolbert Gallery Series, January 3, 1980
Complete reading (43:31): MP3
Reading in the Woodberry Poetry Room, Harvard College Library, December 11, 1980
Complete reading (50:54): MP3; remastered and segmented version at Harvard.
- Introduction by Stratis Haviaris
- Palukaville (from Poetic Justice) (2’24”)
- Poem (from Shade) (8’33”)
- For – (from Shade) (10’44”)
- Simple Pleasures (from Controlling Interests) 19’37’
- March (25’28”) (from Stigma)
- Sprocket Damage (from Islets/Irritations) (26’53”)
- Islets/Irritations (31’10”)
- Island Life (from Controlling Interests) (37’20”)
Segue Series Reading at the Ear Inn, Spring 1980, reading with Hannah Weiner and James Sherry from Weiner's Clairvoyant Journal
(20:06): MP3
Reading "I and The" from The Sophist, probably early 1980s in New York, loction unknown (possibly private recording)
(23:21): MP3
Lobby Press Newsletter 18 & 19, 1983
with Nick Piomino and in PennSound singles: Larry Wendt, Ellen Zweig, Marina LaPalma, Paul Buck
Complete Bernstein reading two poems (10:07): MP3
- 00:00 "Islets/Irritations"
- 6:50: "Azoot D'Puund"
New Langton Arts Residency, San Francisco, January 28, 1983
"Characterization," a talk, was also presented as part of this residency
Tape one (42:11): MP3
from Resistance
- 0:39 Consideration
- 2:57 But Boxes Both Boats
- 3:36 Dunvegan
- 4:40 Playing with a Full Deck
- 6:50 The Sheds of our Webs
- 7:39 If There Were a God
- 9:03 Misty
- 9:36 Forefright
- 11:00 The Land and Its People
- 12:05 Stunment
- 12:55 Airshaft
- 13:23 You
- 14:10 Forensic Gastronomy
- 15:23 Ideopathic Pathenogenesis
from The Sophist
- 16:22 intro
- 16:42 The Years as Swatches
- 18:12 Outrigger
- 23:28 Foreign Body Sensation
- 31:03 Prosthesis
- 33:49 Brain Side View
- 40:27 introduction to Entitlement (cut off)
Tape two complete (50:09): MP3
- introduction to Entitlement (continued)
- 2:00 Entitlement: with Lyn Hejinian as Liubov Popova, Jean Day as Jenny Lind and Bernstein as John Milton
[tape flip near beginning; Larry Eigner's voice at end]>>>
- 10:27 Amblyopia
- 34:02 to 50:09
- segemented file of "Entitlement": (11:51): MP3
Legend, read
by Andrews, Silliman, DiPalma, Bernstein — March 10, 1981
Ithaca, NY, May 8, 1982
Full Reading with Alan Davies (1:26): MP3
from Resistance (collected in Republics of Reality 1975-1995):
- Consideration (2:19): MP3
- But Boxes Both Boat (0:40): MP3
- Dunvegan (1:03) : MP3
- Playing with a Full Deck (1:59): MP3
- The Sheds of Our Webs (0:43): MP3
- If There Were a God (1:08: MP3 )
- Forefright (1:11): MP3
- The Land and Its People (1:08): MP3
- Air Shaft (0:20): MP3
- You ((0:38): MP3
- Ideopathic Pathenogenesis (0:50): MP3
- Entitlement from The Sophist ((9:42): MP3
- Sprocket Damage from Islets/Irritations (4:17): MP3
- The Simply from The Sophist (13:22): MP3
The Poetry
Project, St Mark's Church, New York, October 17, 1983
Recording (39:50): MP3
- Fear and Trespass (from The Sophist) 2’34”
- from Resistance (9’56”)
- Searchless Warrant (from The Sophist) (19’15”)
- Prosthesis (21’35”) (from The Sophist)
- Preface to Content’s Dream (24’04”)
- The Voyage of Life (28’00”) (from The Sophist)
- Dysraphism (from The Sophist) (30’13”)
Reading at the Village Gate, NY, June 18, 1984.
Featuring Diane War, Steve McCaffery, and Erica Hunt.
- 0:00 3 FIFTHS EQUALS (from Legend, read with Steve McCaffery)
- 15:18 Introduction to Entitlement
- 16:49 Entitlement (Charles Bernstein as John Milton, Diane War as Jenny Lind, Erica Hunt as Liubov Popova)
- Complete recording (24:35): MP3
Reading with Maureen Owen at the Ear Inn, NYC - March 11, 1984
Recording (36:00): MP3
0:00: A Person Is Not an Entitity Symbolic but the Divine Incarnate (from The Sophist)
18:14: Surface Reflectance
Charles Bernstein, February 9, 1985
Complete Reading (47:00): MP3
- 0:00 Poem (from Shade)
- 2:36 Ballet Russe (from Shade)
- 4:06: "Take then, these ..." from Shade
- 4:36 Bulge (from Resistance)
- 5:49 Foam Post (from Rough Trades): text
- 8:00 Like Declations in a Hymie Cemetary (from The Sophist)
- 10:00 Safe Medhods of Business (from The Sophist
- 23:22 The Years as Swatches (from The Sophist)
- 24:46 Amblyopia (from The Sophist)
Ear Inn, NYC, March 23, 1985: MP3
- 0:00 From lines of Swinburne
- 1:05 Foam Post
- 4:17 Like DeCLaraTionS in a Hymie CEMetArY (from The Sophist)
- 6:13 Salt Mines Regained
- 7:01 Rowing with One Oar
- 8:05 The Harbor of Illusion
- 9:27 Safe Methods of Business
- 24:06 Romance
- 24:55 The Poet from Another Planet
- 25:59 Of Time & the Line
- 28:45 Fear of Flipping
- 38:42 Verdi and Post-modernism
School of Writing, Vancouver, New Poetics Collqueum, August, 1985
Reading at the Poetry Project, St Mark's Church, NYC, February 26, 1986
a solo evening at St Mark's, thanks to Eileen Myles
(1:24:26): MP3
0:00 "A Person Is Not an Entity Symbolic but the Divine Incarnate"(from The Sophist)
16:42 "Brain-Side View" (from The Sophist)
23:11 "Foreign Body Sensation" (from The Sophist)
31:45 "Pockets of Lime" (from Rough Trades)
47:48 "The Years as Swatches" (from The Sophist)
49:30 "We Sell Ice Picks, Don't We?" (from Rough Trades)
50:53 "Searchless Warrant" (from The Sophist)
53:20 "Epiphanies of Suppression 3" (from Rough Trades)
54:20: "Rowing with One Oar" (from Rough Trades)
55:20: "From Lines of Swinburne" (from The Sophist)
56:35: "The Harbor of Illusion" (from The Sophist)
58:15 "Blow-Me-Down Etude" (from Rough Trades)
Pallson's, NYC - October 17, 1987, (35:14): MP3
0:11 Mr. Matisse in San Diego
1:28 How to Disappear
2:18 Targets of Opportunity
3:01 Nina's Party to Judy's Jim
3:56 Force of Feeling
4:55 I'll Call When I Get There
6:22 Untitled
8:28 Plausibly Deniable Link
9:56 Hard Copy
11:03 Mall at Night
11:57 Reprensible Privilege
13:18 Catabolism
14:40 Critic's Chair
15:47 Soapy Water
18:08 The Lives of the Toll Takers
WKCR-FM (NY) studio recording (unedited): 1988
1. Desalination (Dark City) (first two words ["suddenly without"] are cut off
2. (7:04) Kiwi Bird in Kiwi Tree (Rough Trades)
3. (8:36) Of Time and the Line (Rough Trades)
4. (12:21) The Lives of the Toll Takers (Dark City)
(31:23): MP3
Ear Inn, January 9, 1988, with Bruce Andrews
Pinch hitting for Susan Howe (initial announcement by Bernstein), Andrews & Bernstein read their collaboration from Legend (10:59): MP3
University of Arizona, Poetry Center, Tucson, Feb. 3, 1988

Tucson, 1988
recording courtesy Poetry Center
1. Lois Shelton Introduction (5:52): MP3
2. Island Life (from Controlling Interests) (16:04): MP3
3. Epiphanies of Suppression 3 (from Rough Trades) (1:06): MP3 : : text
4. Of Time and the Line (from Rough Trades) (2:52): MP3 : : text
5. Targets of Opportunity (from Rough Trades) (1:15): MP3 : : text
6. Hard Copy (from Residual Rubbernecking [collected in Republics of Reality] (1:20): MP3
7. [Untitled] (from Residual Rubbernecking) [collected in Republics of Reality] (:58): MP3
8. Mall at Night (from Residual Rubbernecking) [collected in Republics of Reality] (1:17): MP3
9. Foreign Body Sensation (from The Sophist) (10:05): MP3
10. Blow Me Down Etude (from Rough Trades) (incomplete recording) (7:58): MP3 ::text
Reading with Steve Farmer, Ear Inn, NY, February 20, 1988 (41:06): MP3
0:0" Desalination
6:41 Beginning with Lines torn from Irby (from Absent Father in Dumbo )
7:45 Reperfusion (from Absent Father in Dumbo )
8:44 Mall at Night (from Residual Rubbernecking)
10:19 The Years as Swatches (in memoriam Robert Duncan)
12:36 Common Stock
17:00 House of Formaldehyde
19:30 Polynesian Days (after Brossard)
24:20 The View from Nowhere
28:44 from an ongoing interview with Tom Becket
Temple University, Philadelphia - November 15, 1988:
1. The Blue Divide ("Then suddenly ...")
School of Writing -- 1989 reading
MLA Off-Site Reading, Bick's Books, Washington D.C., December 28, 1989
complete recording (28:58): MP3
from The Nude Formalism unsegmented: (14:39): MP3
from The Nude Formalism segmented:
1. Opening Comments (1:31): MP3
2. Fragments from the 17th Manifesto of Nude Formalism (1:17): MP3
3. Gosh (1:27): MP3
4. The Cost of Doing Business (2:10): MP3
5. Emma: (0:42): MP3
6. Ding Dong You Are Wrong (1:34): MP3
7. No Way (0:26): MP3
8. Thrush (1:39): MP3
9. Freud's Butcher (1:22): MP3
10. Water Poem (0:45): MP3
11. Vault and Volley (:52): MP3
from Dark City:
12. How I Painted Certain of My Pictures (7:36): MP3 [N.B. first five words cut off: "You say I'm like a ..."]
(recording courtesy of A.L. Nielsen / the Heatstrings Archive)
Segue Series reading at the Ear Inn, NYC, with Gil Ott, February 19, 1989
(43:48): MP3
Living Theater, NYC, with Jackson Mac Low and Nick Piombino, March 28, 1990
from The Absent Father in Dumbo (27:14): MP3
"Slowed Reason," collaboration with Piombino (1:37): MP3
Mac Low's Free Gatha 1, performed with Mac Low and Piombino (5:36): MP3
Poetry Project, April 18, 1990 (intro Ed Friedman)
"Debris of Shock / Shock of Debris," "The Ballad of the Blue-Green Plate," "Sunsickness," Virtual Reality," and "How I Painted Certain of My Pictures"
- video
- Complete reading audio (43:48): MP3
Naropa Institute, Boulder, Co. - July 11, 1991 (with Nathaniel Mackey and Susan Howe via Naropa)
introduction by Andrew Schelling (2:26): MP3
not even sure I can represent myself (0:17): MP3
"Reveal Codes" (from Dark City) (13:01): MP3
"Reading the Tree" (from Rough Trades) (15:19): MP3
"The Influence of Kinship Patterns upon the Perception of an Ambiguous Stimulus" (from Dark City) (6:40): MP3
Complete reading (35:39): MP3
Disscussion and reading at the Arts Court, Ottawa, with Karen Mac Cormack, November 30, 1991
Discussion (1:20:48): MP3
Reading (38:30): MP3
Reading with Keith Waldrop, Poetry Project, St. Mark's Church, NYC - 1992 (44:28): MP3
0:00 intro by Ed Friedman
From The Nude Formalism:
1:46 intro / epigraphs by CB
3:27 Fragments from the 17th Manifesto
5:00 Gosh
6:14 The Cost of Doing Business
8:10 Emma:
8:58 Ding-Dong,You're Wrong
10:18 No Way
12:16 Vault and Volley
13:03 Debris of Shock/Shock of Debris
18:11 Heart in My Eye
21:24 The Ballad of the Blue-Green Plate
23:44 The Pobble Who Had No Toes & Had No Names

photo © Lawrence Schwartzwald, just beore this reading with Ann Lauterbach.
Reading at the Ear Inn, with Ann Lauterbach January 4, 1992
(36:58): MP3
1. Locks without Doors
2. 9:24 from The Subject
3. 24:20 "Dark City"
Radical New Jewish Culture Festival, curated by John Zorn, Knitting Factory, NYC - October 11, 1992
complete reading (42:29) MP3
Introduction (1:20): MP3
"Islets/Irritations" (from Islets/Irritations) (5:49): MP3
"Motion Sickness" (from Islets/Irritations) (5:20): MP3
"Sentences My Father Used" (from Controlling Interests) (12:28) MP3
"March" (from Stigma) (1:40): MP3
"Bought Off" (from Stigma) (1:20): MP3
"Why I Am Not a Christian" (1:57): MP3
from "A Person Is Not an Entity Symbolic but the Divine Incarnate" (4:45): MP3
"The Influence of Kinship Patterns upon the Perception of an Ambiguous Stimulus" (from Dark City) (6:38): MP3
photos ©Lawrence Schwartzwald; right: draft of "Reznikoff's Nearness"
Reading as part of The Tenth Muse II, Unterberg Poetry Center, 92nd Street Y, New York: March 8, 1993
with Clark Coolidge and Susan Howe
introduction by Robert Creeley
complete reading (31:17): MP3
0:00 Creeley intro
4:45 Canti Antichi (from Girly Man)
5:57 from the Manufacture of Negative Experience (from With Strings)
15:37 “Poem” (“A soul is an imaginary thing”)
16:58 Techniques of the Observed (from Residual Rubbernecking)
17:50 Almost There (from Residual Rubbernecking)
18:47 Buffalo Nights (from Residual Rubbernecking)
19:36 For Love Had Such a Spirit (from Controlling Interests)
25:12 Circumstraint (from With Strings)
Recording courtesy of the Unterberg Poetry Center
Reading at the Ear Inn, with Leslie Scalapino, April 2, 1994
full reading (40:23): MP3
- "Echo Off (Use Other Entrance)" (10:08): MP3
from Residual Rubbernecking (1995):
- "Residual Rubbernecking" (1:29): MP3
- "Are You Being Sarcastic?" (0:35): MP3
- "Rivulets of the Dead Jew" (0:47): MP3
- "Swelled by Certainty" (0:32): MP3
- "Edlin" (0:32): MP3
- "Revolutionary Poem" (0:26): MP3
- "Sane as Tugged Vat, Your Love" after Leevi Lehto (2:14): MP3
- "Nuclear Blanks" after Estaban Pujals (3:20): MP3
- "Claire-in-the-Building" (4:20): MP3
- "Low Regrets" (2:17): MP3
- "Memories" (3:55): MP3
- "Max Weber's Favorite Tylenol for Teething" (2:20): MP3
- "The Republic of Reality" (7:39): MP3
Reading in Monterey, Mass., July 27, 1994
(1:33:34): MP3
"Echo Off : Use Other Entrance"
"Pinky Swear Sonnet"
"Memories Custom Blinds"
"Buffalo Nights"
"Dear Mr. Fannelli"
"A Defence of Poetry"
"The Lives of the Toll Takers"
"Emotions of Normal People"
November 6, 1994, SUNY-Buffalo, with Susan Howe & Dennis Tedlock, intro Joseph Conte:
Complete reading (27:12): MP3
Intro by Bernstein
0:37 Claire-in-the-Building (from My Way)
4:44 Lift Jar Agate (from Residual Rubbernecking in Republics of Reality: 1975-1995)
5:57 Sane as Tugged Vat
8:14 Residual Rubbernecking (from Residual Rubbernecking in Republics of Reality: 1975-1995)
9:51 Buffalo Nights (from Residual Rubbernecking)
10:52 Edlin (from Residual Rubbernecking)
11:20 The Ache of the Archivist(from Residual Rubbernecking)
12:17 Rivulets of the Dead Jew (from Residual Rubbernecking)
13:02 Memories (from With Strings)
17:00 Max Weber’s Tylenol for Teething (from With Strings)
19:39 Ms. Otis Regrets (from With Strings)
UC-Berkeley, February 7, 1995, introduced by Douglas Messerli (recorded by A.L. Nielsen)
(35:21) MP3
Robert Creeley and Susan Howe at SUNY Buffalo - March 31, 1995
MLA Offsite Reading at the Four Seasons Hotel, Washington D.C., December 27, 1996
1. Don't Be So Sure (Don't be Saussure) (0:46): MP3
2. The Knees Have It (0:30): MP3
3. Gertrude and Ludwig's Bogus Adventure (1:37): MP3
4. Ruminative Ablution (0:58): MP3
5. from an ongoing interview with Tom Beckett (2:37): MP3
6. Innappropriate Touching (1:47): MP3
7. He's So Heavy He's My Sokal (2:44): MP3
Sun & Moon Press salon, Los Angeles, Feb. 28, 1998 (recorded by A.L. Nielsen)
(19:58) MP3
introduction by Douglas Messerli
Pinot Blanco (from With Strings)
Explicit Version Number Required (from My Way)
Inappropriate Touching (from My Way)
Hoods & Scatters (from My Way)
"Residual Rubbernecking" (from Republics of Reality)
"Like This" (from My Way)
Reading at University of California, San Diego, Spring 1998
complete recording (55:47): MP3
0:00 intro by Rae Armantrout
4:14 intro by Charles Bernstein
3:05 tr. of Giraut de Bornelh (epigrah from "Against National Poetry Month as Such")
3:50 Don't Be So Sure
(from "Revenge of the Poet-Critic" in My Way).
4:31 Sprung Monuments
(from With Strings)
4:51 Little Orphan Anagram
(from With Strings)
10:00 Poem Composed for Jackson Mac Low. . .
(from With Strings)
14:37 Johnny Cake Hollow
(from With Strings)
15:32 Thinking I Think, I Think
(from With Strings)
20:47 Doggy Bag
(from With Strings)
24:06 Ruminative Ablution
((from With Strings)
25:19 Dear Mr. Fanelli (from My Way)
29:35 But Pharaoh Did Not Listen to Moses
(from With Strings)
30:17 Anaffirmation
(from With Strings)
30:54 The Boy Soprano
(from With Strings)
31:43 Solidarity Is the Name We give to What We Cannot Hold (from My Way)
35:38 What is the role of the poet in society?, from An Ongoing Interview with Tom Becket (in My Way)
37:53 from "Revenge of the Poet-Critic" (from My Way)
39:04 "Log Rhythms" (text from Granary book with Susan Bee; collected in With Strngs)
"Cortland Review":
Dec. 1, 1999 New School University (NY):
Reading and Interview with David Lehman
- Introduction by David Lehman (4:20): MP3
- A Defence of Poetry (5:07): MP3
- Ruminative Ablution (1:03): MP3
- Poem Composed for Jackson Mac Low... (4:51): MP3
- Thinking I Think I Think (5:36): MP3
- Anaffirmation (0:43): MP3
- Make it Snappy & That's Final (0:45): MP3
- from Every Which Way but Loose (4:10): MP3
- Hoods and Scatters (1:10): MP3
- The Boy Soprano (1:49): MP3
- Laurel's Eyes (3:01):MP3
- Death is the Cool Night (0:35):MP3
- dew and die (2:49): MP3
- The Impunity of Garden Flowers (1:05): MP3
- Like This (8:17): MP3
- Interview with David Lehman (20:56):
Courtesy of The Cortland Review.
from the libretto to Shadowtime at Kelly Writers House, UPenn,
13, 2000
Harvard University - February 21, 2001
- Introduction by Don Share (3:15): MP3
- And they say... (w/ Strings epigraph by Giraut de Bornelh) (1:16): MP3
- Don't Be Saussure (from My Way) (0:44): MP3
- Thinking I Think I Think (5:36): MP3 text
- Slap Me Five, Cleo, Mark's History (12:56): MP3 text
image of Bernard Duvier's "Cleopatra" (subject of poem)
- Log Rhythms (15:48): MP3 text
- from Shadowtime (22:00): MP3
Segue Series reading at Double Happiness, NYC - March 3, 2001
(35:00): MP3
The Line Reading Series, January 15, 2002
reading from Rough Trades
Live at WKCR-FM (New York) on March 8, 2002
Recorded live at WKCR-FM (New York) by Tom Kelly on March 8, 2002:
1. "For---" from Shade (Republics of Reality: 1975-1995) (11:10): MP3 or RealAudio
2. "Today's Not Opposite Day" from With Strings (14:31): MP3 or RealAudio
3. "The Impunity of Garden Flowers" from With Strings (1:12): MP3 or RealAudio
4. "Johnny Cake Hollow" from With Strings (1:04): MP3 or RealAudio
5. "Memories" from With Strings (4:25): MP3 or RealAudio
6. "Doggy Bag" from With Strings (2:49): MP3 or RealAudio
Reading at Kelly Writers House, University of Pennsylvania, September 25, 2003
from Let's Just Say (Girly Man):
- In Particular (05:29): MP3
(text published on-line by Jacket)
- Thank You for Saying Thank You (03:59): MP3
- Shuffle card poetics (11:45): MP3
from World on Fire (Girly Man):
- Didn't We (01:58): MP3
- The Folks Who Live on the Hill (01:19): MP3
- One More for the Road (00:54): MP3
- In a Restless World Like This Is (00:53): MP3 (this poem on PoemTalk at the Writers House); audio / text alignment
- Ghost of a Chance (00:47): MP3
- ChoCho Ch'Boogie (01:28): MP3
- Stranger in Paradise (01:17): MP3
- Broken English (01:52): MP3
- Lost in Drowned Bliss (01:01): MP3
- Sunset at Quaquaversal Point (01:41): MP3
- A Flame in Your Heart (02:03): MP3
from Let's Just Say:
- Let's Just Say (04:22): MP3
- "every lake" (01:33): MP3
Daily Pennsylvanian article on the reading and reception.
From Radio Poetique's Poetic Brooklyn, Pete's Candy Store, September 13, 2004
- The Years as Swatches (from The Sophist) (1:34): MP3
- Like DeCLaraTionS in a Hymie CEMetArY from The Sophist) (2:05): MP3
- Aquiescence (from The Sophist) (1:15): MP3
- Likeness (from Girly Man) (7:44): MP3
- The Warble of the Ammonia-Bellied Barkeep (from Girly Men) (2:01):
- The Ballad of the Girly Man (from Girly Man) (4:30): MP3
Segue at Bowery Poetry Club, New York, October 2, 2004
Complete Recording (46:57): MP3
- Introduction by Gary Sullivan (3:49): MP3
From The Sophist
- From "Entitlement" (7:21): MP3
- Dysraphism (9:19): MP3
From Girly Man
- Likeness (6:54): MP3
- If You Lived Here You'd Be Home Now (0:33): MP3
- Secrets of a Clear Hand (1:49): MP3
- Self-Help (6:52): MP3
- The Warble of the Ammonia-Bellied Barkeep (1:41): MP3
- The Bricklayer's Arms (4:32) MP3
- The Ballad of the Girly man (3:58): MP3 [NOTE: This is the first public reading of this poem]
Discrete Reading Series,Chicago, November 21, 2004
3030 Arts Space Chicago. Curated by Kerri Sonnenberg & Jesse Seldess
Complete reading (48:39): MP3
- War Stories (with Emma Bee Bernstein) (5:43): MP3, Text
- Likeness (6:21):MP3
from With Strings:
- Why We Ask You Not to Touch (0:24): Mp3
- Lilly's Dream (0:36): Mp3
- The Smell of Cheap Cigars (0:19): MP3
- Anaffirmation (0:36): Mp3
- Little Orphan Anagram (0:19): MP3
- Doggy Bag (2:17): MP3
- The Bricklayer's Arms (4:41): MP3
- Castor Oil (with Emma Bee Bernstein) (0:59): MP3
- Self-Help (7:50): MP3
- The Ballad of the Girly Man" (3:57): MP3
- "Stelae for Failed Time" from Shadowtime (6:30): MP3
Mills College, Oakland, November 9, 2004
- In Particular (4:57): MP3 text
- Thank You For Saying Thank You (3:43): MP3 text
World On Fire:
- Didn't We (1:32): MP3
- The Folks Who Live on the Hill (1:15): MP3
- One More for the Road (0:53): MP3
- In a Restless World Like This Is (0:52): MP3
(this poem on PoemTalk at the Writers House)
audio / text alignment
- Ghost of a Chance (0:53): MP3
- ChoCho Ch’Boogie (1:29): MP3
- Stranger in Paradise (1:19): MP3
- Broken English (2:04): MP3
- Lost in Drowned Bliss (0:59): MP3
- Sunset at Quaquaversal Point (2:02): MP3
- A Flame in Your Heart (2:03): MP3
- Self Help (7:04): MP3
- The Bricklayer's Arms (4:38): MP3
- Castor Oil (0:52): MP3
- How Empty is My Bread Pudding (11:15): MP3
- The Ballad of the Girly Man (3:34): MP3
- Stelae for Failed Time (6:43): MP3
Five Poems from Girly Man, December 20, 2004
- Didn't We (from World on Fire) (1:33): MP3 text
- Castor Oil, with Emma Bee Bernstein (from Likeness) (1:28): MP3
- War Stories, with Emma Bee Bernstein (from Girly Man) (5:57): MP3 text
- Likeness (from Likeness) (7:11): MP3
- every lake... (from Let's Just Say) (1:06): MP3
Produced by Charles Morrow Productions
Matt Stine, Engineer; studio recording, New York
University of Chicago, Nov. 20, 2006
video and audio of lecture and reading
The Offpage Performance, Indiana
University of Pennsylvania, April 11, 2006
in collaoboration with aubibleword.com
Complete Recording (61:57): MP3
- Introduction by Kenneth Sherwood (5:02): MP3
- Introducation by Charles Bernstein (0:46): MP3
- Sentences from Parsing (5:43): MP3
- Talk Leader: Matters of Policy (0:20): MP3
- Matters of Policy from Controlling Interests (13:37): MP3
- Azoot d'Puund (from Poetic Justice/Repulics of Reality) (5:47): MP3
- Talk Leader: Twelve Tribes of Dr. Lacan (0:58): MP3
- Twelve Tribes of Dr. Lacan (2:54): MP3
- Talk Trailer: Twelve Trives of Dr. Lacan (0:15): MP3
- Talk Leader: Interview in Fulcrum (0:09): MP3
- Interview in Fulcrum (5:20) MP3
- Theory of Flawed Design (1:46) MP3
- Talk Leader: Venereal Muse (0:32): MP3
- Venereal Muse /Charles Baudelaire (0:54): MP3
- Le Pont Mirabeu/ Apollinaire (1:40): MP3
- Talk Leader: From The Subject (0:27): MP3
- Jenny's Song: From The Subject (4:47): MP3
- Dr. F F's Response, from The Subject (2:01): MP3
- Talk Leader: Lenny Paschen (0:21): MP3
- From Lenny Paschen (0:48): MP3
- Impovisation: based on Likeness (from Girly Man) (3:49): MP3
- Outro- Ken Sherwood (0:51): MP3
Detailed performance log by Ken Sherwood at audibleword.com
This site mirrors the reading at audibleworld.
Cue Foundation launch/reading for Girly Man, January 16, 2007
audio and video
at Bowery Poetry Club, New York, April 28, 2007
Poems for Jerome McGannn at 70, May 28, 2007 (private recording session)
- For Love Has Such a Spirit that if It Is Portrayed it Dies (from Controlling Interests)(6:01): MP3
- The Simply (from The Sophist)(15:58): MP3
- from Lines of Swinburne (from The Sophist)(1:15): MP3
- A Foin Lass Bodders Me by Louis Zukofsky (6:04): MP3
- Don't Get me Wrong (from Girly Man)(1:30): MP3
- Shenandoah (from Girly Man)(2:39): MP3
- Lenny Paschen Redux (1:00): MP3
- Wherever Angels Go (from Girly Man) (1:37): MP3
- Sad Boy's Sad Boy (1:25): MP3
- Loneliness in Linden (1:16): MP3
- from Canti Antichi (from Girly Man) (1:00): MP3
- Dea%r Fr~ien%d, (3:38): MP3
- Shenandoah (2:39): MP3
Pitkin's, New York, June 6, 2007, with John Ashbery
University Beinecke Library, Oct. 16, 2007: MP3 (49:49)
A Celebration of Jackson Mac Low's Thing
of Beauty,
January 18, 2008
Me Conceptual?," Conceptural Poetry & Its Others,
Poetry Center, University of Arizona, Tucson, June 2009.
A 40th Anniversary Celebration of Technicians of the Sacred, at the Bowery Poetry Club, September 14, 2008
March 14, 2009
full reading (42:35): MP3
1. Manifest Aversions, Conceptual Conundrums, & Implausibly
Deniable Links (8:58): MP3
2. Pompeii (1:08): MP3
3. Fold (3:44): MP3
4. The Sixties, with Apologies (2:01): MP3
5. Stupid Men, Smart Choices (1:25): MP3
6. The Moment Is You (4:59): MP3
7. Won’t You Give Up This Poem to Someone Who Needs It?
(1:17): MP3
8. The Honor of Virtue (0:30): MP3
9. Death on a Pale Horse (1:02): MP3
10. On Election Day (4:30): MP3 | text
11. Morality (2:03): MP3
12. If You Say Something, See Something (0:52): MP3
13. Today Is the Last Day of Your Life Until Now (0:54): MP3
14. Time Served (1:42): MP3
15. And Aenigma Was His Name, O! (0:22): MP3
16. Be Drunken (1:57): MP
New Reading Series at 21 Grand, Oakland, Calif., June 21, 2009 (46:16): MP3
photo: Alan Bernheimer
“In the Middle of the Way” (tr. of Drummond, beg. cut off)
Loneliness in Linden
Won’t You Give Us This Poem to Someone Who Needs It
Stupid Men, Smart Choices
Death on a Pale Horse
Sad Boy’s Sad Boy
The Sixties with Apologies
Two Stones with One Bird
Most Frequent Words in Girly Man
Lenny Paschen Redux
Dear Friend …
On Election Day | text
And Aenigma Was His Name, O!
Castor Oil
Tomorrow, Dawn …” (Hugo) & video with text
If You Say Something, See Something
Today Is the Last Day of Your Life Til Now
Time Served
Le Pont Mirabeau(Apollinaire)
“Madame Moiselle” from Shadowtime
Be Drunken (Baudelaire)
All the Whiskey in Heaven
Poetry and Cultural Studies: A Reader Launch Reading, the Bowery Poetry Club, September 19, 2009
from "A Blow Is Like an Instrument" (8:35): MP3
Poems for the Millennium III, Kelly Writers House, University of Pennsylvania, October 7, 2009 (12:12): MP3
For Emma: After Edward Lear’s “The Old Man of Whitehaven”; CB tr. of an 1847 poem from Hugo’s Les Contemplations; From Swinburne, “The Ballad of Burdens”; CB tr of Heine’s "Der Tod, das ist die kühle Nacht" followed by poem after "Der Tod" from Shadowtime; “The Introvert,” after Wordworth’s "The Hermet"; excerpt from Whitman’s “RESPONDEZ!”; CB tr. of Baudelaire’s “Enivrez-vous”: “Be Drunken”; Blake’s “The Sick Rose” from Song of Experience
+: beginning of reading for PM3 at Bowery Poetry Club, 3.29.09 with intro, after Lear and Joris reading tr. of Baudelaire (3:21): MP3
Harvard University, Barker Center, October 5, 2009
complete reading (59:19): MP3
1. introduction by Stephanie Sandler (1:53): MP3
2. "In the Middle of the Way" (tr. of Carlos Drummond de Andrade) (1:01): MP3
from Recalculating (work in progress):
3. The Sixties with Apologies (1:38): MP3
4. Fold (3:07): MP3
5. The Honor of Virtue (0:14):MP3
6. Sad Boy's Sad Boy (1:10): MP3
7. Loneliness in Linden (1:07): MP3
8. On Election Day (3:45): MP3
9.: Dear%r Fr~ien%d, (3:01): MP3
10. The Twelve Tribes of Dr. Lacan (2:05): MP3
11. The Truth in Pudding (13:19): MP3
12. Morality (1:25): MP3
13. Won't You Give Up This Poem to Someone Who Needs It? (1:07): MP3
14. Stupid Men, Smart Choices (1:25): MP3
15. Two Stones with One Bird (1:12): MP3
from All the Whiskey in Heaven: Selected Poems:
16. Dear Mr. Fannelli (4:42): MP3
17. from "The Republic of Reality (0:50): MP3
18. Rivulets of the Dead Jew (0:32): MP3
19. Doggy Bag (1:14): MP3
20: from "Today is not Opposite Day" (0:35): MP3
21: every lake (1:08): MP3
from Recalculating:
22. Catullus 85 (0:10): MP3
23. And Aenigma Was His Name, O! (0:16): MP3
24. tr. of Hugo, Les Contemplations #XIV (Demain, dés l'aube ...) (1:05): MP3
25. If You Say Something, See Something (0:36): MP3
26. Today Is the Last Day of Your Life 'til Now (0:39): MP3
27. Time Served (1:25): MP3
28. The Introvert (O:45): MP3
29. Sapphics (0:34): MP3
30. tr. of Baudelaire, "Be Drunken" (1:10): MP3
31. tr. of Apollinaire, "Le pont Mirabeau" (1:22): MP3
32. "Madame Moiselle" from Shadowtime (0:34): MP3
33. “All the Whiskey in Heaven” (1:16): MP3
Recorded by the Woodberry Poetry Room Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard.
Coming in from the Cold: Celebrating Twenty Years of the MLA Off-Site Poetry Reading at the Philadelphia Mariott, December 29, 2009
Complete reading (8:20): MP3
University of Washington, Bothel. Jan. 6, 2010
recorded by Joe Milutis
Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle, January 7, 2010
introduced by Jeanne Heuving: MP3
recorded by Joe Milutis
Kootenay School of Writing, Vancouver at W2 Gallery, Jan. 8, 2010:
Recorded by Fred Wah
Reading at the Banff Center (Alberta, Canada)
"In(ter)ventions: Literary Practice at the Edge," Feb. 20, 2010
audio and video
Launch and Signing of All the Whiskey in Heaven, Zinc Bar, NY, March 28, 2010
a reading of Charles Bernstein's poetry by friends and poets
Photos and full reading at this linked page
PennState University, Dec. 2, 2010: MP3
from All the Whiskey in Heaven and Recalculating. Introduced by Jeffrey Nealon. Roughly: "Unready, Unwilling, Unable," "Palukaville, "from 'Ambliopia," "Loneliness in Jersey City," "Every True Religion Is Bound to Fail," "Poems for Rehab," ""The 60s with Apology," "Theory of Flawed Design," For [Name Redacted], "Evaluation," "The Ballad of the Girly Man," "All the Whiskey in Heaven."
Dia Art Foundation, with Trace Peterson, Dec. 6, 2010: VIDEO
- Poem Loading: MP3
- Unready, Unwilling, Unable: MP3
- Two Birds with One Stone: MP3
- Armed Stasis: MP3
- The Moment Is You: MP3
- Fold: MP3
- Dea%r Fr~ien%d: MP3
- And Aenigma Was His Name, O: MP3
- Poems for Rehab: MP3
- [There once was a woman from Whitehaven] : MP3
- The Introvert: MP3
- Time Served: MP3
- Recalculating: MP3
- Before You Go: MP3
- All the Whiskey in Heaven: MP3
Complete reading: MP3:
Reading for Art, Fantasy, and Experience at the Gross Foundation, New York, December 12, 2010
Complete reading (14:25): MP3
Complete discussion (11:27): MP3
Boise State MFA Reading Series, March 18, 2011
(1:04:13): MP3
Copenhagen, Gyldendal, May 8, 2011
(27:53): MP3
University of California, Los Angeles, intro Brian Kim Stefans, May 16, 2011
(1:16:50): MP3
Poetry Project,, St. Mark's Church, New York, October 5, 2011
(44:40): MP3; video
Poetry Foundation, Chicago Humanties Festival, November 13, 2011 ;
- Poetry reading only (45:48): MP3
- Complete with intro and discussion (01:04:00): MP3
track list for reading only:
- 00:00: Chimera
- 00:51: Autopsychographia (after Pessoa)
- 01:40: Unready, Unwilling, Unable
- 08:22: In Utopia
- 10:09: The Sixties, with Apologies
- 11:47: Armed Stasis
- 12:24: Pompei
- 03:22: Two Stones with One Bird
- 13:40: A Theory's Evolution
- 15:08: Long Before the Rain, I Wept
- 15:49: This Poem Is in Finnish
- 18:19: The Bound Listener
- 24:09: Dea%r Fr~ien%d
- 27:32: The Introvert
- 28:28: At Sunset ...
- 28:59: Sapphics
- 29:45: Before You Go
- 34:42: Strike!
- 44:14: Misfortune
- 44:48: Chimera
Lyric Nation: 3 poems read with Felix Bernstein for The Nation, Jan. 3, 2012: "Chimera," Strike!, "All the Whiskey in Heaven"@The Nation
Three poems ( 10:19): MP3
1. Chimera (1:13): MP3
2. Strike! (7:55): MP3 | text
3. All the Whiskey in Heaven (1:05): MP3
Artist's Institute, Jan. 7, 2012, New York, wirth Paolo Javier
- "Likeness" (improvisaton, based on poem in Girly Man): (04:02): MP3
- "Live of the Toll Takers" (Dark City): (17:57): MP3
- Discussion with Javier (42:12): MP3
Lyrik Kabinett, Munich, January 25, 2012. Bilingual reading with Norbert Lange.
- Introduction by Christian Lux: MP3
- "What Makes a Poem a Poem" (improvisation): MP3
- comment and intro to "Kiwi": MP3
- "Kiwi Bird in Kiwi Tree": MP3
- "Bricklayer's Arms": MP3
- "Catabolism": MP3
- "Influence of Kinship Patterns on the Perception of an Ambiguous Stimulus": MP3
- "Thank You for Saying Thank You": MP3
- "Let's Just Say": MP3
- "Verdi and Postmodernism": MP3
- "Castor Oil": MP3
- "Johnny Cake Hollow": MP3
- "All the Whiskey in Heaven": MP3
- Discussion: MP3
- "The Elfking" (adaption of Goethe's "Der Erlkonnig"): MP3
Xavier University, Feb. 1, 2012, Cincinnati, OH
(34:06): MP3
University of California, San Diego, May 2, 2012, introduction by Michael Davidson, discussion (cut-off) follows:
(140:59): MP3
Gallery Eof, Paris, reading Pied bot with tr. Martin Richet: "St McC," "Poem," "of course," "Take, Then, These," and at 15:33 "Dodgem" (read simultaneously) (from Shade) and new poems ("Autsopsychgraphia," "Dear Friend," "Strike!"): March 22, 2012
(32:11): MP3
Convergence on Poetics, University of Washington Bothell, North Creek Events Center, September 27-30, 2012:
- Charles Bernstein (10:21): MP3
- Complete reading (2:02:52): MP3
Conjunctions reading, New York, Jan 13, 2013
- Also the Sun Rises (4:32): MP3
- Sunset at Race Point (3:29): MP3
- As If by Moonlight (0:34): MP3
- Introduction to from "Today's Not Opposite Day" and "Elfking" (1:16): MP3
- from Today's Not Opposite Day (0:43): MP3
- Elfking (2:42): MP3
- Chimera (1:27): MP3
- All the Whiskey in Heaven (1:18): MP3
Complete Reading (17:42): MP3
Charles Bernstein and cris cheek reading Jackson Mac Low's "Forties 19," AWP Conference, Boston, March 8, 2013
Complete reading (6:47): MP3
Zinc Bar Nov. 23, 2013 (with Richard Tuttle)
- intro by Genji Amino (4:35) MP3
- 1:17 S’i Fosse
- 3:22 Errata
- 5:31 This Poem Is a Hostage
- 5:43 The Wages of Pascal
- 7:00 Ides of July
- 7:59 The Threshold
- 8:46 Why I Am Not a Buddhist
- 9:19 from Duplexities
- 10:00 Dim Lands of Peace
- 11:00 Me and My Pharaoh
- 22:50 Totally Unexceptional
- 23:46 Why I Am not a Hippie
- 24:10 This Poem Is a Decoy
- 24:30 Medical Marijuana
- 25:00 Double Blind
- 25:15 My Mommy Is Lost
- 25:30 Spring
- 25:50 Autobiography of a Ex-
- 26:20 Passing
- 26:38 from Duplexities
- 28:15 Drambuie
- 28:15 Song of the Wandering Poet
- 29:02 Fare Thee Well
Reading (31:52) MP3

Reading with Bruce Andrews at The Stone (NYC) on April 12, 2014
- Introduction by Bernstein (1:58): MP3
- Andrews: Table of Contents to Andrews's I Don't Have Any Paper So Shut Up (read with Bernstein); second part of "I Guess Work the Time Up" from Give Em Enough Rope. (30:52): MP3
- Bernstein: "The Lie of Music" for John Zorn at 60 (read with Andrews), "My Father Would be a Yarn Salesman," "Totally Unexceptional," "Morality," "S'i' fosse" "Elfking," "Drambuie," "Fare Thee Well" (36:00): MP3
- Andrews and Bernstein read simultaneously from passages they selected from William Burrough's Nova Express and The Ticket that Exploded. (8:30): MP3
EPC@20 Celebration, September 12, 2014
- "The Pataque(e)rical Wager: Midrashic Antinomianism and the Authority of Bent Studies" (Intro by cris cheek) (65:50): MP3
- Reading/Performance (34:32): MP3
Berlin launch for Angriff der Schwierigen Gedichte (Lux Books) on Nov. 21, 2014 at LiteratHausBerlin
with translators Tobias Amslinger, Léonce W. Lupette, Norbert Lange & Mathias Traxler
MP3 of complete reading (2 hours)
Norbert Lange and Bernstein reading their collaboration "Apoplexy/Apoplexie" in Dresden, May 13, 2015 (24:29): MP3
Literaturwerkstatt, Berlin, May 15, 2015
photo © Robert Golinski
Connaisseur des Chaos: C=H=A=R=L=E=S B=E=R=N=S=T=E=I=N
Tobias Amslinger, Norbert Lange, Léonce W. Lupett, Mathias Traxler, and Charles Bernstein
Moderator: Simone Kornappel
- Introduction by Simone Kornappel (5:45): MP3
- Johnny Cake Hollow (1:07): MP3
- Norbert Lange, introduction (5:13): MP3
- Sagen wir einfach / Let's Just Say (3:50): MP3
- Dysraphism / Dysraphismus (13:45): MP3
- The Bricklayer's Arms / Die Arme vom Maurer (11:22): MP3
- Susan Bee talk (slide presentation -- audio only) (20:56): MP3
- Wherever Angels Go / Wo immer Engel schweben (2:48): MP3
- Catabolism / Kräfteverfall (6:57): MP3
- Doggy Bag / Restebox (3:14): MP3
- Discussion: Simone Kornappel and group (15:07): MP3
- Thank You for Saying Thank You / Danke fürs Bedanken (simultanaety) (7:30): MP3
Thanks to Matthias Kniep and Literaturwerkstatt.org
Charles Bernstein reading from a manuscript in progress,Near/Miss, for Fantasy Reading No. 9 with Susan Stewart, Bowery Poetry, New York, June 7, 2015.
- Introduction (0:50): MP3
- Introductory Comments (1:18): MP3
- Thank You for Saying You're Welcome (12:52): MP3 (text at PN Review)
- There's a Hole in My Pocket (0:28): MP3
- Fado (1:40): MP3 (text and info at Sybli)
- The Island of Lost Song (6:19): MP3
- This Poem Is a Hostage (0:17): MP3
- Doggone Sane (4:19): MP3 (text at Table Talk)
- Mystic Brokerage (4:07): MP3
- My Mommy Is Lost (0:38): MP3
- Anti-Metaphysical Poem (0:32): MP3
- Seldom Splendor (0:35): MP3
- This Poem Is a Decoy (0:11): MP3
- The Wages of Pascal (1:10): MP3
- They Also Serve Who Wade (0:45): MP3
- Echologs, a collaborative translation with Richard Tuttle of Virgil's Eclogs, III (11:12): MP3
- Sacred Hate (2:07): MP3 (text in The Nation)
- Beyond Compare (0:18): MP3
- My Father Would Be a Yarn Salesman (11:36): MP3
- Drambue (1:01): MP3
Complete Reading (1:03:03): MP3
Wexler Studio, KWH, Penn, Oct. 6, 2015
Shadowtime, Scene 6, "Seven Tableaux Vivants Representing the Angel of History as Melancholia"
- Laurel's Eyes: MP3
- Tensions: MP3
- Hashish in Marseilles: MP3
- After Heine: MP3 / translation of "Death Is the Cool Night": MP3
- One-and-a-Half Truths: MP3
- Can'ts: MP3
- Madame Moiselle ...MP3
Complete scene (10:59): MP3
Bard College, Institute for Writing and Thinking, introduced by erica kaufman, July 14, 2015 (40:47): MP3
Reading and Launch of Barbaric Vast & Wild: Poems for the Millenium Vol. 5, The Poetry Project, October 14, 2015
- Complete Reading (11:01): MP3
- for segmented readings of John Clare, Khlebnikov, Resnikoff, Joe Hill, Mother Goose, and Harry Partch, and commentary on Clare, go to Jacket2
Pitch of Poetry book Launch, KWH, UPenn, April 12, 2016
- Complete Reading (1:07:04): MP3
see also: video of this event.
"Sign Under Test": Selected poems for Ian Probstein Russian tr. selected by Probstein
Complete recording (80 min.): MP3
"In Place of a Preface a Preface" (from With Strings): (4:51): MP3
Contemporary Poetics Research Centre, Birkbeck, University of London, Oct. 10, 2016
recorded by Colin Still / Optic Nerve
- Autopsycgographia (0:52): MP3
- Preface to Ptich of Poetry (6:54): MP3
- Thank You for Saying Your're Welcome (11:20): MP3
- S'i Fosse" (1:57): MP3
- Come to Think of It from The Course, with Ted Greenwald (3:50): MP3
- Pinky's Rule (10:01): MP3
Versatorium performances of "Asylum" at Litteraturhaus, Vienna, July 2, 2017: MP3
Performers in order of appearance: Sonja Martinelli, Gilbert Waltl, Natalie Neumaier, Helmut Ege, Gregor Pirgie, Julia Dengg,
Mathias Müller, Felix Reinstadler, Aigerim Havranek, Alexander Wöran. Versatorium performed the poems and translations "Asyl", "Asyle", "Aus gegebenem Anlass", "Asylum" and "Asyl" by Charles Bernstein and Versatorium in the Literaturhaus Wien. The poems pick up material from Erving Goffman's "Asylums. Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates" (1961) and more recent documents reflecting the situation and process of refugees trying to attain political asylum in Austria. Ten voices alternate the pieces in a parallel reading of the poems. All of the poems are published in: Versatorium (Ed.): Charles Bernstein = Karl Elektric. Gedichte und Übersetzen (Quintano Forlag, Malta/Oslo 2017).
Dia's Readings in Contemporary Poetry launch at 192 Books, NY, September 21, 2017
- If Sappho Were a UFO (01:54): MP3
- Our United Fates (05:16): MP3
Erica Hunt and Charles Bernstein Reading at Segue at the Zinc Bar, NYC, January 28th 2017
- Sarah Arkebauer's introduction (1:30): MP3
- Charles Bernstein, set 1 (15:33): MP3
- Charles Bernstein, set 2 (33:23): MP3
- Complete Recording (1:37:17): MP3
First set: The Alphabet of the Tracks, Clouds after Rain, Karen Carpenter, Affect Theory, Turn Off Your Poetry Blocker, Shanty, Where You There When They Crucified Our Lord?, Shields Green, Beeline, Ring Song, My Luck, The Wreck of Hope, Lacrimae Rerum
Second set: Unnerstan Exakly (with Ted Greenwald), Song Sparrow, Ballad Laid Bare By Its Devices (Even): A Bachelor Machine for MLA, Concentration, Our United Fates. See Bernstein video page for video.
Berlin Poetry Festival May 25, 2018, opening poems of first night:
- "Ballad Laid Bare (By its Devices Even) (11:59): MP3 and text (from Critical Inquiry blog)
- "Our United Fates" (4:52): MP3 and text (from The A-Line)
- short video clip of the reading by Andrea Boegner: MP4
- Full reading (16:52): MP3
- Norbert Lange and Bernstein read collaboration "Apoplexy/Apoplexie" (Near/Miss) as part of dialog at festival on May 26, 2018 (21:14): MP3
- All three poems in Near/Miss. Recordings by Mathias Traxler
Related: Conversation with Norbert Lange at the Berlin Poetry Festival, May 25, 2019. (46:29): MP3
Near/Miss launches:
McNally Jackson, New York, Nov. 7, with Tracie Morris, Amy Sillman, and Felix Bernstein (also see video): MP3
Sillman: "Pinky's Rule." Felix Bernstein: "Don't Tell Me about the Tide," "Intaglio," "Apoplexie," and "Klang." Morris: "Our United Fates" and "The Ballad Stripped Bare. Bernstein: "In Utopia," "High Tide at Race Point," "Drambuie," "My Luck," "Seldom Splendor," "Lacrimae Rerum" and "Fare Thee Well"
Bridge Street Books, Washington, DC, Nov. 12: MP3
Thank You for Saying You’re Welcome, Nowhere Is Just around the Corner, S’i’ Fosse, Corrections, Bluebird of Happiness, I Used to be a Plastic Bottle, Also Rises the Sun, Recap. Intro by Rod Smith. (also see video)
Penn Book Center, Nov. 14: MP3
Me and My Pharaoh, Ballad Stripped Bare, Our United Fates, Ring Song, Don’t Say I Passed
Enclave Series Reading, Zoom, July 26, 2020:
Rae Armnantrout intro: MP3
Reading: MP3
Full recording: MP3
video on Bernstein video page
The Tugboat and the Quail, As if by Moonlight, Shelter in Place, The Death of Sean Bonney, Shields Green, Heard Immunity, The Wreck of Hope, Likeness, I’s Song, Wanderers Nightsong, [What time is now?], Beeline, Covidity, Zeno’s Way, Before the Promise.
Reading at Kenyon College, April 20, 2022: new poems followed by excertps from Shadowtime: MP3
photo & poster
Readings in Italy: Milan, Rome, Naples, Catania, Fall 2022: PennSound page, Jacket2 page
'T' Space, Rhinbeck, NY, October 14, 2023: poetry and architecture
Jacket2 track listing and photos
full reading mp3, & video & full video: mp4
& Two video clips by Susan Wildes:
from "The Father": mov
The Lie of Architecture": mov
"Pre-Owned Poems"
•At Network ofr New York Schopol Studies, Royal Holloway at King's, London, May 27, 2023, reading with Denise Riley and Alice Notley (37:05): MP3
•At Resnick-Pasloff Foundation, Oct. 20, 2023
Erica Hunt introduction (18:45): MP3
"Pre-Owned Poems" (51:14): MP3
Full recording (1:09:12): MP3; & raw wav
•At POG, Tucson, Oct. 7, 2023, VIDEO/MP$
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© 1977–2023 Charles Bernstein and all applicable authors and author estates.
Recordings available for non-commercial and educational use only. All rights reserved.
Distributed with permission of Charles Bernstein and all applicable authors and author
estates by PennSound.