
Emily Dickinson
PoemTalk #87, Discussing Emily Dickinson's "She rose to His Requirement," and "Wild Nights - Wild Nights!," feat. Michelle Taransky, Cecilia Corrigan, and Lily Applebaum on April 14, 2015
For complete recording and program notes go to Jacket2
selections from the PennSound archives
Naomi Replansky reads poems by other poets at the home of Marcia Eckert and Tom Haller, New York, June 17, 2015
- After Great Pain (1:07): MP3
- The Soul Selects Her Own Society (0:38): MP3
John Richetti: from "106 Favorite Poems, Good for Memorizing," 2014
- Because I Could Not Stop for Death (1:07): MP3
- A Narrow Fellow in the Grass (1:01): MP3
- There's a certain slant of light (0:44): MP3
- Success is counted sweetest (0:33): MP3
- The soul selects her own Society (0:36): MP3
PoemTalk #32, discussing Susan Howe's interpretation of Emily Dickinson's "My Life had stood -- a Loaded Gun," May 24, 2010
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
- owning Emily Dickinson (1:59): MP3
- on Marta L. Wenrer's Dickinson Project (2:11): MP3
from Poets for the Millennium Vol. 3 launch reading, Kelly Writers House, October 7, 2009
- Jeffery Robinson reading Emily Dickinson's "I think I was enchanted" (1:50): MP3
- Reading Emily Dickinson's "My Life Had Stood -- a Loaded Gun" and the associated passage about the poem in My Emily Dickinson (6:34): MP3
from above, beginning "When I love a thing..."]
from above, beginning "I go in disguise, so under stress..."]
Susan Howe's interpretation of "My Life had stood -- a Loaded Gun" is also featured on PoemTalk Episode 32.
- Reading from My Emily Dickinson (2:00): MP3
- On power, writing as a woman, and Emily Dickinson (2:26): MP3
Susan Howe: Lecture on Emily Dickinson at SUNY Buffalo, September 28, 1990
- Part 1 (1:58:15): MP3
- Part 2 (28:47): MP3
See also: Susan Howe's interpretation of "My Life had stood -- a Loaded Gun" on PoemTalk Episode 32.
recordings courtesy of David Levi Strauss, introductions by Aaron Shurin
Complete Lecture on Emily Dickinson, Part I, September 20, 1985
- Challening the Image of Emily Dickinson as Eccentric, Reactive, and Fragile (11:06): MP3
- On the Comings and Goings of the Amherst Town and Church, Her Secondary School Education, and Her Daily Interactions (10:39): MP3
- On Her Family Life (3:34): MP3
- Reading from Emily Dickinson's Letters (8:28): MP3
- On the Patterns of her Friends and Family (13:47): MP3
- Reading from Emily Dickinson's Letters (3:19): MP3
- On Her Productivity During 1862 (2:39): MP3
- On Williams and Dickinson, and Not Providing Explanations (4:55): MP3
- Death and the Civil War in Relation to her Poetry (10:57): MP3
- Reading "Success is counted sweetest" (0:32): MP3
- Reading "Ambition cannot find him" (0:17): MP3
- Her Influences and Reading Interests (8:05): MP3
- Dilemmas of the Anthology Presentation, Rhythmic Shifts, Metric Variations, and Her Use of the Dash (3:23): MP3
- On the Notions of Place and Home (14:47): MP3
- Complete lecture (1:35:46): MP3
Complete Lecture on Emily Dickinson, Part II, September 23, 1985
Complete lecture (1:35:58): MP3
Complete Lecture on Emily Dickinson, Part III, September 25, 1985
- Complete lecture (1:56:13): MP3
from the New York Talk Series, New York, NY, February 24, 1984
- Susan Howe reading from "My Emily Dickinson" (1:06:46): MP3
- Discussion (57:50): MP3 (Charles Bernstein, George Butterick, Madeline Keller, Jeanne Lance, Lydia Davis, Edie Jarolim, Janet Chalmers, Eliot Weinberger, George-Thérèse Dickenson.)
- - Dickinson's mixing of pronouns (2:08): MP3
- - Dickinson and Higginson (6:52): MP3
- - shifting values and ambiguity in relation to Dickinson's writing (8:50): MP3
- - Dickinson's Master Letters (0:48): MP3
- - ambiguity and uncertainty as a different epistemological (3:06): MP3
- - sovereignty in relation to ambiguity (3:14): MP3
- - Dickinson's reclusiveness (4:23): MP3
- - the recurrence of the color white (1:20): MP3
- - working out of the English male tradition and political issues in Dickinson's poetry (4:23): MP3
- - Sewall on Mabel Loomis Todd and Austin Dickinson (2:45): MP3
- - coming to Dickinson from the perspective of a 20th century woman (5:14): MP3
- - officially accepted interpretations of Emily Dickinson (12:31): MP3
- - power in inconclusiveness (2:15): MP3
- Complete event (2:04:37): MP3
Robert Duncan: Lectures on Emily Dickinson, New College, June 23-July 2, 1981
Recordings provided courtesy of David Levi Strauss.
June 23, 1981
June 30, 1981
July 2, 1981
- Part Three (2:51:53): MP3
(featuring Jan Heller Levi, Charles Bernstein, Susan Leites, Charles Doria, Virginia Terrace, Barbara Guest, Madeleine Keller and Vicki Hudspith, Armand Schwerner, Karen Edwards, Jackson Mac Low, Maureen Owen, and Susan Howe)