Recordings Courtesy of David Levi Strauss
On Jack Spicer
Ron Silliman, Michael Palmer intro to Robin Blaser, Blaser
Vocabularies; date and location unknown.
- Complete recording (1:23:42): MP3
Susan Thackrey
On Heidegger's Nazism, at Guerrero ST; recorded May 12, 1990.
- Complete recording (2:05:38): MP3
John Thorpe
544 Naroma; recorded June 12, 1983.
- Complete recording (59:12): MP3
Interview at Copp Street, SF; recorded September 7, 1990.
- Complete recording (2:36:09): MP3
Kurt Kren
Interview with David Levi-Strauss, location unknown; recorded September 22, 1984.
- Complete recording (1:47:47): MP3
- Complete recording (1:47:33): MP3
This is Not a Talk, at Intersection; recorded 11/3/87.
- Complete recording (1:31:15): MP3
Loaction unknown; recorded 5/25/82.
- Complete recording (2:55:24): MP3
Conversation with John High at Guerrero ST; recorded 12/14/90.
- Complete recording (1:04:36): MP3
Reading at the Ear Inn, NYC; recored 3/30/85.
- Complete recording (43:55): MP3
At KNBR, recorded 6/19/unknown year.
- Complete recording (06:30): MP3
Olson Panel at Berkley; recorded 2/23/91.
- Complete recording (1:57:22): MP3
On Joseph Beuys at Guerrero ST; recorded 4/28/90.
- Complete recording (1:48:54): MP3
Radio Show at KPFA; recorded 11/24/85.
- Complete recording (24:41): MP3
At SPE; recorded 10/86.
- Complete recording (1:11:45): MP3
The Poetics of Instruction, location unknown; recorded 3/10/89.
- Complete recording (1:34:22):MP3
Write the Margin Panel, at Intersection; recorded 12/1/87.
- Complete recording (1:37:12): MP3
At the Incognito Lounge, San Jose; recorded 11/16/89.
- Complete recording (1:03:40): MP3
Unknown location and date.
- Complete recording (1:31:28): MP3
Padraigin McGuillicuddy
The Patriarchy Revealed: A Feminist View of St Patrick. At KPFA; recorded March 17, 1981.
- Complete recording (46:33): MP3
Hermann Nitsch
On philosophy and his work, lunch at the Basel Arts Festival; recorded 1975.
- Complete recording (21:46): MP3
Reading at the Berkeley Poetry Conference, Introduction by Robert Duncan, July 23, 1965
- Complete recording (3:18:18): MP3
Presentation at New College; recorded November 12, 1981.
- Complete recording (1:22:34): MP3
Fred Ritchin
Salgado Symposium at the Herbst Theatre, SF; recorded October 6, 1990.
- Complete recording (44:56): MP3
Avital Ronell
Atopos Talk at New Langton Arts; recorded November 22, 1991.
- Complete recording (1:36:34): MP3
Suzy Sontag
Lecture at the College of Marin, November 28, 1979
- Complete recording (1:19:48): MP3
In Relation, at Guerrero; recorded May 26, 1990.
- Complete recording (2:42:34):MP3
On Olsen. Albequerque, recorded 1966.
- Complete recording (1:08:40): MP3
Three lectures on Emily Dickinson, Introduced by Aaron Shurin, Reading introduction by Duncan McNaughton. at the New College, September 20-25, 1985
September 20, 1985
- Lecture on Emily Dickinson, Part I (1:35:46): MP3
September 23, 1985
- poetry reading (complete / not segmented) (53:56): MP3
- Lecture on Emily Dickinson, Part II (1:35:58): MP3
September 25, 1985
- Lecture on Emily Dickinson, Part III (1:56:13): MP3
"A Sense of Measure," Berkeley Poetry Conference, July 23, 1965
- Complete recording (1:25:39): MP3
Jaime De-Argulo
Reading of Indian Tales; location and date unknown.
- Complete recording (1:33:42): MP3
Satirical Verses. Alternative Radio, Boulder; recoreded April 11, 2000.
Recordings courtesy of David Levi Strauss
- Complete recording (58:41): MP3
Translations by Lyn Hejinian. Langton Arts; recorded March 17, 1988.
Recordings courtesy of David Levi Strauss
- Complete recording (1:25:24): MP3
Reading at Naropa; recorded July 26, 1978.
Lectures at the Zen Center, February 10, 1980
- Lecture 1 (1:59:26): MP3
- Lecture 2 (47:17): MP3
Lectures on Walt Whitman, New College, June 11-18, 1981
June 11, 1981
June 16, 1981
June 18, 1981
- Part Three (2:44:11): MP3
Lectures on Emily Dickinson, New College, June 23-July 2, 1981
June 23, 1981
June 30, 1981
July 2, 1981
- Part Three (2:51:53): MP3
Lecture on Charles Olson and Projective Verse at the New College, February 17, 1982
- Complete recording (2:21:27): MP3
On Artaud at Naropa; recorded July 15, 1992.
- Complete recording (58:52): MP3
Tom Ferentz
The Ethics of Photographing Poor People. Location and date unknown.
- Complete recording (47:09): MP3
Pablo Fernandez
Interview in Havana and recording of unknown location and date
- Interview (1:16:12): MP3
- Unknown (48:37): MP3
Peter Hartman
Music Class, April 1, 1980
- Complete recording (1:04:03): MP3
Music Class, April 16, 1980
- Complete recording (1:36:14): MP3
Lecture on Music and Expressionism, May 14, 1980
- Complete recording (1:59:18): MP3
Reading at New College; recorded January 23, 1980.
- Complete recording (1:34:00): MP3
Alex Carey
Managin Opinion: Corporations and Propaganda. Recorded at KPFA, date unknown.
- Complete recording (1:05:03):MP3
Complete recording (1:47:33): MP3
Charles Olson lecturing at the Berkeley Poetry Conference, July 23, 1965
Introduction by Robert Duncan.
- Complete recording (3:18:18): MP3
Robert Duncan at the Zen Center, February 10, 1980
- Lecture 1 (1:59:26): MP3
- Lecture 2 (47:17): MP3
Robert Duncan at the New College, February 17, 1982
Lecture on Charles Olson and Projective Verse
- Complete recording (2:21:27): MP3
Robert Creeley at the New College, September 20-25, 1985
Three lectures introduced by Aaron Shurin. Reading introduction by Duncan McNaughton.
September 20, 1985
- Lecture on Emily Dickinson, Part I (1:35:46): MP3
September 23, 1985
- poetry reading (complete / not segmented) (53:56): MP3
- Lecture on Emily Dickinson, Part II (1:35:58): MP3
September 25, 1985
- Lecture on Emily Dickinson, Part III (1:56:13): MP3
These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only.
All rights to this recorded material belong to the author. © 2012 The Respective Authors.
Used with the permission of The Respective Authors. Distributed by PennSound.