
Image credit: Noah Saterstrom
PoemTalk #27, discussing Duncan's "Often I Am Permitted to Return to a Meadow," feat. Jeffrey Robinson, Jerome Rothenberg, and Charles Bernstein
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
PennSound #38: Robert Duncan on Walt Whitman
Complete recording (16:33): MP3
- Introduction (2:44): MP3
- Jim Powell (12:56): MP3
- Aaron Shurin (12:24): MP3
- Leslie Scalapino (8:49): MP3
- David Bromige (15:01): MP3
- Aldon Nielsen (13:05): MP3
- Robert Glück (17:31): MP3
- Complete reading (1:23:42): MP3
- Part 1 (46:42): MP3
- The drive to wreck the Christian tradition (5:10): MP3
- Mystery in Imagist poems and Yeats' turn to philosophy (4:04): MP3
- What arouses the poet to write and H.D.'s interest in astrology (1:41): MP3
- Jung and Freud (3:18): MP3
- H.D.'s interest in the period at the end of the 18C and the war trilogy (3:19): MP3
- Lore and the lure of meaning (2:04): MP3
- Divine mystery, Robert Graves' handbook on Greek mythology, and variations on myths (8:55): MP3
- Comparative religion and contradictory stories (4:38): MP3
- Fictions and the matter of the poem and rarefied literature (3:18): MP3
- Contradictions in Bible passages, the cult of Mary Magdalene, and H.D.'s use of Biblical figures (10:12): MP3
- Part 2 (46:12): MP3
- Part 5 (44:29): MP3
- Part 6 (44:11): MP3
"Another Look at Imagism," recorded at University of Maine, Orono, March 31, 1983
- Part 1 (46:35): MP3
- Hulme, the beginning of Imagism, and the Neoplatonic idea of what an image is (5:47): MP3
- Accurate presentation in Hulme v. later Imagist poems (2:58): MP3
- The mystery of what Imagism was (6:10): MP3
- Flint's description of Imagism from the March 1913 issue of Poetry (5:58): MP3
- Evocation, the nature of the magic image, the presence of the idea, and the manifestation of divine forces (12:09): MP3
- Pound, rhythm and the intellectual and emotional complex (4:12): MP3
- Simplex/complex split between Impressionist Imagism and Pound's Imagism (4:02):MP3
- Eliot's etherized patient as a memorable image, his conversion to the Anglo-Catholic Church, and world poetry (5:10): MP3
- Part 2 (46:41): MP3
- Part 3 (30:46): MP3
Recording courtesy of Rachel Blau DuPlessis.
- Robert Duncan: introductory remarks (2:38): MP3
- Robert Duncan: Walking on Kearny Street (1:03): MP3
- Robert Duncan: Descriptions of Imaginary Poetries (3:30): MP3
- Robert Duncan: Stuff ark mower bottle (1:24): MP3
- Michael McClure: And cold tired empty to be so spread in air (1:29): MP3
- Michael McClure: La Plus Blanche (1:01): MP3
- Michael McClure: Mad Sonnet (1:07): MP3
- Michael McClure: We're in the middle of a deep cloud (0:44): MP3
- Robert Duncan: RE- (2:06): MP3
- Michael McClure: Cousin to the mole and mold (2:03): MP3
- Michael McClure: Ode to Jackson Pollock (3:38): MP3
- Robert Duncan: A Set of Romantic Hymns (13:00): MP3
- Michael McClure: A Fantasy and Courtly Poem (1:37): MP3
- Michael McClure: Yes Table (1:46): MP3
- Michael McClure: Rant Block (4:18): MP3
- Robert Duncan: A Poem of Despondencie (3:56): MP3
- Michael McClure: The Rains of February (1:49): MP3
- Michael McClure: How beautiful gravity is (1:20): MP3
- Michael McClure: How beautiful gravity is (second reading) (0:28): MP3
Complete reading (49:38): MP3
(There is a five-second break at around 44:00 where the tape turned.)
Reading in Buffalo, 1982
All poems read, with the exception of "The Five Songs", appear in the "The Regulators" sequence of Passages, from Ground Work II: In the Dark.
Complete preamble (17:54): MP3
"On Olson and Projective Verse," New College, February 17, 1982
Complete recording (2:21:27): MP3
Lectures on Walt Whitman, New College, June 11-18, 1981
June 11, 1981
June 16, 1981
June 18, 1981
Recordings provided courtesy of David Levi Strauss.
Recordings provided courtesy of David Levi Strauss.
June 23, 1981
June 30, 1981
July 2, 1981
Reading of Various Poems at Intersection, March 24, 1981
- Introductory remarks (3:06): MP3
- The Dignities (11:07): MP3
- The First (6:35): MP3
- Stimmung (7:07): MP3
- Enthralled (3:03): MP3
- Quand le Grand Foyer Descends dans les Eaux (6:21): MP3
- Blood's Domain (4:50): MP3
- After This Passage (3:35): MP3
- With In (0:59): MP3
- From the Fall of 1950 December 1980 (4:36): MP3
Complete reading (51:51): MP3
Reading on "Wind and Sea, Fire and Water" at the American Psychoanalytic Society, November 23, 1980
Complete reading (1:24:09): MP3
"Beginning with Sordello...", recorded March 30, 1980
Complete recording (1:39:45): MP3
Lectures at the Zen Center, recorded February 10 and March 9, 1980
Charles Olson Memorial Lectures at SUNY-Buffalo, March 1979
"The Adventure of Whitman's Line," recorded February 18, 1979
"Physics and Literature," Miriam College, 1978
Complete recording (1:00:10): MP3
Lecture and Reading, UCSD, February 17, 1978
- Complete Recording, (43:36)MP3
Duncan in Class, November 11, 1977
- Part 1, (53:56)MP3
- Part 2, (1:02:54)MP3
- Recording courtesy of Michael Davidson
Reading at the Woodberry Poetry Room, Harvard College Library, 1977
- Introduction by Jim Randall (1:42): MP3
- Toward His Malaise (from "To Master Baudelaire") (7:39): MP3
- Among His Words (from "To Master Baudelaire") (1:42): MP3
- The Face (from "To Master Baudelaire") (2:13): MP3
- A Glimpse (4:04): MP3
- And Hell is the Realm of God's Self-Loathing (0:40): MP3
- O! (3:52): MP3
- Childhood's Retreat (1:27): MP3
- Structure of Rime XXVIII: In Memoriam Wallace Stevens (3:22): MP3
- A Little Language (from "Dante Etudes") (7:01): MP3
- To Speak My Mind (from "Dante Etudes") (1:29): MP3
- Everything Speaks to Me (from "Dante Etudes") (2:14): MP3
- My Soul Was as if Free (from "Dante Etudes") (3:59): MP3
- Nor Dream in Your Hearts (from "Dante Etudes") (1:20): MP3
- For the Sea is God's (from "Dante Etudes") (1:52): MP3
- Where the Fox of This Stench Sulks (from "Dante Etudes") (3:34): MP3
- In Truth Does She Breathe Out Poisonous Fumes (from "Dante Etudes") (1:36): MP3
- Then Many a One Sang (from "Dante Etudes") (1:23): MP3
- In My Youth Not Unstained (from "Dante Etudes") (1:49): MP3
- And a Wisdom as Such (from "Dante Etudes") (1:24): MP3
- Of Memory (from "Four Supplementary Etudes") (3:23): MP3
- Hers (from "Four Supplementary Etudes") (0:58): MP3
- I Too Trembling (from "Four Supplementary Etudes") (1:11): MP3
- In the South (from "An Alternate Life") (9:39): MP3
- Home Coming (from "An Alternate Life") (4:17): MP3
- Supplication (from "An Alternate Life") (4:55): MP3
- Quotidian (from "An Alternate Life") (8:10): MP3
- Closing Remarks (0:24): MP3
Special thanks to the Woodberry Poetry Room at Harvard University for providing these recordings.
Reading at San Diego State University, March 26, 1976
- Complete Recording, (46:31)MP3
Objectivists and After
Reading at the Poetry Center at San Francisco State University, December 12, 1972
- Poetry, a Natural Thing (2:46): MP3
- Spark from this Flint by von Heartstruck (3:46): MP3
- Opening: Eliot & the Metaphysical Poets (3:34): MP3
- Being Imitations, Derivations, and Varitations upon Certain Conceits and Findings Made Among Hard Lines (0:52): MP3
- From Sir Walter Raleigh's "What Is Our life?" (3:43): MP3
- From Thomas Suttle's "The Burning Babe" (5:33): MP3
- From George Herbet's "Jordan I" (2:47): MP3
- From George Herbert's "Jordan II" (1:26): MP3
- Passages 36 (False Start and Tape Change) (1:12): MP3
- Passages 36 (Complete) (6:39): MP3
- Despair in Being Tedious (4:20): MP3
- Opening : On "Over There" (3:28): MP3
- Over There (4:26): MP3
- Structured of Rime 28: In Memoriam Wallace Stevens (3:23): MP3
Complete reading (48:46): MP3
"Romeo and Juliet as a Mystery Play," UC Berkeley, February 8, 1972
Complete recording (1:45:01): MP3
Reading From Passages in Berkeley, March 6, 1970
- Introduction by David Bromige & "This Place Rumored to Have Been Sodom" & Passages 1-10 (48:23): MP3
- Passages 11-13 (25:18): MP3
- Passage 14 (29:03): MP3
Recording courtesy of Ron Silliman.
- Part 1 (45:41): MP3
- Part 2 (45:26): MP3
Reading at SUNY Buffalo, July 27, 1968
- Complete Recording, (1:04:15)MP3
BPC Lecture, 1966
- Complete Recording, (1:27:58)MP3
- Recording courtesy of Michael Davidson
At the Berkeley Poetry Conference, 1965
- Often I am Permitted to Return to a Meadow (from The Opening of the Field) (1:08): MP3
- Structure of Rime 9 (from The Opening of the Field) (2:03): MP3
- Structure of Rime 10 (from The Opening of the Field) (1:38): MP3
- Structure of Rime 11 (from The Opening of the Field) (1:13): MP3
- Apprehensions (from Roots and Branches) (17:02): MP3
- Osiris and Set (from Roots and Branches) (2:54): MP3
- A Poem Beginning with a Line by Pindar (from The Opening of the Field) (11:14): MP3
higher quality version courtesy of Michael Davidson (13:54): MP3
- The Continent (from Windings) (4:30): MP3
- The Multiversity (from Groundwork, Vol. 1) (4:04): MP3
"Often I Am Permitted to Return to a Meadow" is also featured on PoemTalk Episode 27.
At the Berkeley Poetry Conference, July 16, 1965
- Part 1: Passages 1-16 (1:03:03): MP3
- Part 2: Passages 16-25 (35:53): MP3
Robert Duncan ii, , directed by Richard O. Moore, recorded in San Francisco, November 2, 1965
Reading in Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 29, 1964
- Introduction and Opening: On the Open Field (5:17): MP3
- Roots and Branches (1:18): MP3
- What Do I Know of the Old Law? (3:23): MP3
- Opening: On Publication and the Floating Bear (2:26): MP3
- Afterthought (4:47): MP3
- Opening: Play in H.D. Book (1:09): MP3
- "What Time of Day Is It?..." (6:53): MP3
- Opening: On "Passages" (The Cantos and Spring & All) (3:50): MP3
- Passages (7:33): MP3
- A Song of the Old Order (2:48): MP3
- Witch's Song (from Faust Foutu: A Comic Masque) (3:29): MP3
- Complete reading (44:07): MP3
Reading in Vancouver, British Columbia, July 26, 1963
- The Question (3:01): MP3
- Structure of Rime 9 (2:11): MP3
- Structure of Rime 10 (1:41): MP3
- Structure of Rime 11 (1:31): MP3
- Ingmar Bergman's Seventh Seal (2:15): MP3
- Apprehensions (17:35): MP3
- Come Let Me Free Myself (1:39): MP3
- Risk (4:44): MP3
- Structure of Rime: "Back to the figure..." (4:34): MP3
- Osiris and Set (4:31):MP3
- Two Presentations (5:46): MP3
- A Song of the Old Order (4:04): MP3
- Witch's Song (from Faust Foutu: A Comic Masque) (3:26): MP3
- Opening: On A Set of Romantic Hymns - To Michael McClure and Percy Bysshe Shelley (1:28): MP3
- A Set of Romantic Hymns (8:38): MP3
- Sonnet 1(2:53): MP3
- Sonnet 2 (0:57): MP3
- Sonnet 3, from Dante's Sixth Sonnet (0:53): MP3
- Sonnet 4 (1:34): MP3
- Opening: On the Pindar poem and Apprehensions (1:16): MP3
- Witch's Song from Faust Foutu (repeated) (2:16): MP3
- A Poem Beginning with a Line from Pindar (12:12): MP3
Complete reading (1:34:05): MP3
Reading at the University of British Columbia, August 5, 1963
Complete reading (2:02:37): MP3
Reading with Paul Carroll, March 29, 1962
Complete reading (44:23): MP3
Interview and Reading with Robert Creeley, Placitas, New Mexico, January 18, 1962
- Robert Creeley Interviews Robert Duncan, Part 1 (16:09): MP3
- Robert Creeley Interviews Robert Duncan, Part 2 (9:07): MP3
- Structure of Rime XVIII from Roots and Branches (1:33): MP3
- Intro to 1st Kundry Poem (1:03): MP3
- Structure of Rime XVII from Roots and Branches (1:58): MP3
- Duncan Addresses Creeley (file blank) (1:15): MP3
- Poems from Letters (6:37): MP3
- At Home and Other Poems (5:56): MP3
- Song and Other Poems (7:03): MP3
- For Charles and Other Poems (7:17): MP3
- The Question and Other Poems from The Opening of the Field (5:35): MP3
- Yes, As a Look Springs to Its Face and Other Poems (10:24): MP3
- Structure of Rime XIII and Other Poems (6:48): MP3
Reading in Vancouver, British Columbia, July 23-25, 1961
- July 23 Reading (3:05:22): MP3
- July 24 Reading (3:32:11): MP3
- July 25 Reading (3:10:17): MP3
Reading at Second City, Chicago, Illinois, April 7, 1960
Sponsored by Paul Carroll and Big Table
Complete reading (59:59): MP3
Reading and discussion of "Often I am Permitted" at the Poetry Center at San Francisco State University, May 18, 1959
- Often I Am Permitted (2:00): MP3
- Complete reading (1:01:41): MP3
Text of poem
Original recording by the Poetry Center at San Francisco State University. PennSound publication made with thanks to the Poetry Center at San Francisco State University for their archival work.
"Often I Am Permitted to Return to a Meadow" is also featured on PoemTalk Episode 27.
Robert Duncan reading his poems, Berkeley, CA, March 22, 1952
From the Lee Anderson Collection at the Beinecke Library, Yale University.
- Unkingd by Affection (1:25): MP3
- Africa Revisited (9:18): MP3
- Five Pieces (1:57): MP3
- Hero Song (1:08): MP3
- An Imaginary Woman (1:23): MP3
- The Dreamers (2:04): MP3
- The Helmet of Goliath (2:27): MP3
- The Kingdom of Jerusalem (1:56): MP3
- The Mirror (2:24): MP3
- The Reaper (1:33): MP3
- Huon of Bordeaux (1:01): MP3
- The Albigenses (2:05): MP3
Complete recording (29:28): MP3
Recording of Robert Duncan's songs and early poetry, 1951
- Part 1 (24:54): MP3
- Part 2 (44:14): MP3
Beginning audio is distorted, but improves into the reading.
The Opening of the Field (date and location unknown)
- Part 1 (29:23): MP3
- Part 2 (29:23): MP3
Reading and Discussing Robert Duncan's Work, Date and Location Unknown
Complete reading (16:34): MP3
Reading from "Medea at Kolchis: The Maiden Head" and "A Play with Masks", Date and Location unknown
Complete reading (51:07): MP3
Recording courtesy of Bob Perelman.
Reading of various poems, Date and Location Unknown
- A Poem Beginning With A Line by Pindar (12:03): MP3
- An Owl Is An Only Bird of Poetry (4:55): MP3
- Apprehensions (17:18): MP3
- Two Presentations (5:40): MP3
- Uprising (3:27): MP3
Charles Olson Memorial Lectures, Date and Location Unknown
"Sound and Voice," Date Unknown
From the Talk Series curated by Bob Perelman
- Tape 1 (1:29:51): MP3
- Tape 2 (1:28:58): MP3
- Tape 3 (44:53): MP3
- Tape 4 (39:41): MP3
Also of Interest:
Recording played by Ed Kissam and David Bromige, Date and Location Unknown
In a class, David Bromige played this recording of Duncan, possibly a duplicate of one on this page
Complete recording (1:00:57): MP3
These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only.
All rights to this recorded material belong to the author's estate. (c) 2010 by the Jess Trust.
Used with permission of the Jess Trust. Distributed by PennSound.