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Clayton Eshleman

Close Listening: a reading and conversation with Penn students, October 19, 2005

Afternoon Reading:

  1. Translation of César Vallejo's poem written on 6 November, 1937 (4:53): MP3
  2. Introduction to Juniper Fuse (7:41): MP3
  3. Blue Zone (12:22): MP3
  4. Inside Caryl's Left Shoulder (6:59): MP3

Studio 111 interview with Penn students (41:45): MP3

Evening Reading:

  1. Introduction by Erin Gautsche (4:16): MP3
  2. Translation of Arthur Rimbaud's Le Bateau Ivre (8:04): MP3
  3. Blue Zone (11:22): MP3
  4. Nocturnal Veils (6:14): MP3
  5. An Enigmatic Signifier (2:41): MP3
  6. Unbuckled Tongue (3:27): MP3
  7. Unica Zurn (7:17): MP3
  8. One If By Land, None If By Void (7:07): MP3
  9. Some Rock Off Which to Travel (2:11): MP3
  10. Inside Caryl's Left Shoulder (6:43): MP3
  11. Cemetaries of Paradise (6:42): MP3
  12. Brief Question and Answer Session (6:25): MP3

Reading His Translations of Cesar Vallejo for the Contemporary Writers Series at Mills College on February 15, 2007

  1. The Spider (1:23): MP3
  2. Dregs (1:39): MP3
  3. Muleteers (1:43): MP3
  4. To My Brother Miguel (1:19): MP3
  5. Trilce 1 (0:56): MP3
  6. Trilce 5 (1:26): MP3
  7. Trilce 8 (0:52): MP3
  8. Trilce 9 (1:24): MP3
  9. Trilce 36 (2:30): MP3
  10. Trilce 57 (1:27): MP3
  11. I am Going to Speak of Hope (3:12): MP3
  12. Untitled (2:10): MP3
  13. Untitled "And if..." (1:50): MP3
  14. Telluric and Magnetic (4:31): MP3
  15. Untitled "This happened..." (2:08): MP3
  16. Untitled "I have..." (2:34): MP3
  17. Intensity and Height (1:21): MP3
  18. Clapping and Guitar (2:19): MP3
  19. Untitled "Let the Millionaire" (4:48): MP3

  20. Complete Reading (1:18:11): MP3

Reading Translations of César Vallejo's Poems Woodland Pattern Book Center, Milwaukee, WI. December 9 and 10, 2006

December 9, 2006 - "The Complete Vallejo" Reading with César Ferreira

  1. Introduction (3:22): MP3
  2. Poems from Los Heraldos Negros (The Black Heralds)

  3. The Black Heralds/ Los Heraldos Negros (in Spanish and English) (2:59): MP3
  4. The Spider (1:37): MP3
  5. The Black Cup (1:29): MP3
  6. Lines (1:36): MP3
  7. Epexegesis (0:54): MP3
  8. I was born on a day (2:02): MP3
  9. Poems from Trilce

  10. Poem 36 (in Spanish) (2:39): MP3
  11. Poem 36 (in English) (2:20): MP3
  12. Poem 49 (2:06): MP3
  13. Poem 57 (1:26): MP3
  14. Poem 65 (2:37): MP3
  15. From Poemas Humanos (Human Poems)

  16. Introduction to Poemas Humanos (0:52): MP3
  17. Untitled (in Spanish) ("Considerando en fr�o, imparcialmente...") (2:07): MP3
  18. Untitled ("Considering coldly, impartially...") (2:20): MP3
  19. Untitled ("Today I would like to be happy willingly...") (1:56): MP3
  20. Untitled ("Chances are I'm another...") (2:13): MP3
  21. Untitled ("There are days there comes to me...") (3:06): MP3
  22. The Wretched (3:54): MP3
  23. Poems from España, Aparta de mí Este Cáliz (Spain, Take This Cup from Me)

  24. Section from Battles in Spain (4:06): MP3
  25. Poem 10 (2:45): MP3
  26. Poem 12, Masa (in Spanish and English) (3:09): MP3

  27. Short Question and Answer Session (14:48): MP3
  28. December 10, 2006 - Lecture and Question/Answer Session

  29. A Translation Memoir: Translating Vallejo as a Poetic Apprenticeship and Lifelong Journey (1:43:09): MP3

Reading his translations of Aimé Césaire's Notebook, NYC, March 8, 2001

  • Part 1 (1:01:48): MP3
  • Part 2 (28:38): MP3

On Artaud at Naropa; recorded July 15, 1992.

Recordings courtesy of David Levi Strauss

  • Complete recording (58:52): MP3

Reading at Wednesdays @ 4 Plus, SUNY-Buffalo November 2, 1994

  • Complete reading (54:31): MP3

Reading at St. Mark's Poetry Project, November 16, 1992

  • Complete recording (50:33): MP3

Poems from The Gull Wall, date and location unknown

Recorded on audiocassette. Featured in the Joris and Peyrafitte tape collection.

Part of a joint reading with Allen Fisher and Kenneth Irby

  • Poems from The Gull Wall (25:42): MP3

Also of interest:

  • Clayton Eshleman at the benefit reading for Will Alexander (12:42): MP3 on 1/13/08
  • These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only. All rights to this recorded material belong to the author. © 2007 Clayton Eshleman. Studio 111 conversation © 2005 Clayton Eshleman/Charles Bernstein. Used with permission of Clayton Eshleman. Distributed by PennSound.