photo: © 2006 Charles Bernstein/Pennsound
PoemTalk #120, Discussing Ann Lauterbach's "Under the Sign", feat. Kate Colby , Matvei Yankelevich , and Christina Davis
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes at Jacket2 .
Close Listening: reading and conversation at WPS1, December 4, 2006
Program One: Poetry Reading from If In Time: Selected Poems 1975-2000 (New York: Penguin, 2001):
Full program (27:45): MP3
Typography (2:47): MP3
Diorama of the Uninhabited Yes (2:23): MP3
On (Thing) (1:02): MP3
Poise on Arrow (2:06): MP3
Eclipse with Object (1:19): MP3
Missing Ages (4:08): MP3
Harm's Way, Arm's Reach (2:55): MP3
The French Girl (2:29): MP3
True and False Green (0:44): MP3
Quotations from Reality (1:02): MP3
from Hum (New York: Penguin, 2005):
Instruction (1:02): MP3
Seen, Overheard (1:27): MP3
Opera (1:03): MP3
Postscript (1:41): MP3
Program Two Lauterbach in conversation with Charles Bernstein (28:27): MP3
talks about sound, performance, and folk music and goes on to
engage the difficult relation of gender and authority. She
also discusses "Missing Ages," a poem she read on program
one, and also her essay collection, The Night Sky: Writings
on the Poetics of Experience (New York: Viking, 2005).
Close Listening produced by Charles Bernstein for WPS1
WPS1 Studio Engineer: Lucy Sinanjuntak
© 2006 Ann Lauterbach and Charles Bernstein
PennSound Podcast #39
Ann Lauterbach (10:16) MP3
Reading for Ann Hamilton opening, 'T' Space, Rhinebeck, NY, July 16, 2023
Complete Reading (36:08): MP3
Ann Lauterbach Double Change Reading, Translated by Maïtreyi, with Introduction by Olivier Brossard, Atelier Michael Woolworth, Paris, France, October 15, 2019
Lecture on John Ashbery's "Self Portrait in a Convex Mirror," Double Change , Sorbonne University, Paris, France, October 14, 2019
Ann Lauterbach Double Change Reading, with Introduction and Translation by Alain Merlet, Nantes, France, October 12, 2019
Complete Reading (12:00): MP3
Reading at 'T' Space, Rhinebeck, NY, July 8, 2017
Introduction (3:30): MP3
Visit to the Country (1:10): MP3
The French Girl (3:36): MP3
Harm's Way, Arm's Reach (4:01): MP3
Domestic Modernism (2:03): MP3
Untitled (Spoon) (1:25): MP3
Letter in Praise of Promiscuity (2:00): MP3
Untitled (Against Perfection) (2:15): MP3
Classical Aubergine (2:02): MP3
Modes of Unbelief (2:48): MP3
Aftermath (7:09): MP3
Nave (7:24): MP3
Reading at Bard College Studio, July 4, 2017
Catbird (3:18): MP3
Crow (0:48): MP3
Involute (0:54): MP3
Nave (4:41): MP3
Under the Sign (0:41): MP3
Segue Series Reading at the Zinc Bar , NYC, March 22, 2014
Glyph (1:21): MP3
Domestic Modernism (0:45): MP3
Without Irony (1:01): MP3
Capture Lucretius (0:39): MP3
Untitled (a Value) (4:28): MP3
Curtain (1:19): MP3
Revolution (1:15): MP3
Humpty Dumpty (4:10): MP3
Poem 26 (Day breaks into pestulance...) (2:14): MP3
Poem 27 (The notion that, among creatures, humans have no natural capacity...) (1:21): MP3
Poem 28 (Irritant of lost time: immaterial repitition...) (2:07): MP3
Letter (in Praise of Promiscuity) (2:07): MP3
Zero & A (4:43): MP3
Some Elements of the Poem (7:23): MP3
Complete Reading (47:10): MP3
Watch on
Introduction by Charles Bernstein (6:40): MP3
Introduction by Ann Lauterbach (3:08): MP3
Glyph (1:23): MP3
Enigma of the Cat (4:06): MP3
Triptych (Van Eyck) (2:26): MP3
Night News With Fake Zebra (2:49): MP3
Domestic Modernsim (1:08): MP3
Introduction to Alice in October (1:40): MP3
Alice in October (2:22): MP3
The Tears of Eros (After Bataille) (2:27): MP3
Task: to Open #9 (3:07): MP3
Task: to Open #29-30 (5:19): MP3
discussing Dear Instructor (2:25): MP3
Untitled (Spoon) (0:45): MP3
Letter (in Praise of Promiscuity) (1:21): MP3
Untitled (Against Perfection) (2:03): MP3
Zero & A (4:29): MP3
A Plan (0:49): MP3
Untitled (Fate) (2:36): MP3
discussing Beauty and Consolation (Richard Rorty) (2:12): MP3
Beauty and Consolation (Richard Rorty) (1:30): MP3
Untitled (a Value) (4:49): MP3
Some Elements of the Poem (6:47): MP3
Complete audio (1:06:48): MP3
with Paul Foster Johnson
Complete reading (28:32): MP3
Lauterbach lecture, "The Given and the Chosen,"
on video, from the School of VIsual Arts in New York, Feb. 11, 2010. LINK
"George Oppen: How Shall I Speak?"; Lauterbach's poem, "Oppen's Way" (8:40):
Watch on
Ann Lauterbach
Ann had come to town to pack up her loft on Duane Street.
She had lost her lease.
I talked to her at the Clocktower studios
of WPS1.
(mp4, 39 seconds, 7.7 mb)
Introduction (2:22):
Harmony (0:47):
Victory (2:42):
Precision Tuning (1:15):
XYZ Plus Minus (2:46):
Acrostic (Barbara Guest) (0:40):
"Back" (2:25):
The Book and Dream Club (1:17):
Fragment (4:24):
Fragment (12:34):
Complete reading (36:39): MP3
Complete reading (46:39): MP3
Introduction (2:24): MP3
Secular Portrait of Jack Spicer (unpublished) (1:57): MP3
Homage to William Carlos Williams (1:41): MP3
Solstice (published as part of "Winter Strawberries") (0:55): MP3
New Brooms (2:32): MP3
Legacy (2:30): MP3
Bookmark, Horizon (Emily Dickinson) (published in Hum as "Bookmark, Horizon (Emily Dickinson, Joseph Cornell)") (3:20): MP3
Untitled (published as "Splendor")(2:02): MP3
Marjorie and Forrest in Moscow (published in Hum as "M. and F. at the K.G.B.")(1:45): MP3
Fragment Oscillating History and Magic (published as part of "Snow") (1:29): MP3
April.doc (unpublished) (3:31): MP3
September Song (4:48): MP3
Interleavings (Paul Celan) (1:23): MP3
Complete Reading (30:30): MP3
[ all poems published in the sequence, "The Call," in If in Time: Selected Poems 1975-2000 (Penguin, 2001) unless otherwise noted ]
Wednesday Series: Jocelyn Saidenberg, Ann Lauterbach, St. Mark’s Church, NY, March 24, 1999
Recorded on audiocassette. Recording hosted by the Library of Congress.
Side A (48:35): link
Side B (48:42): link
introduction (1:59): MP3
Opening Day (4:44): MP3
In the Museum of the Word (Henri Matisse) (7:23): MP3
Archaeology (9:04): MP3
Blurb for "On a Stair", "A Valentine for Tomorrow" (5:10): MP3
Nocturnal Real (4:09): MP3
On Tower (1:13): MP3
On Thing (1:12): MP3
Daylight Savings Time (3:11): MP3
Unimpeachible Wilderness (3:10): MP3
Complete recording (38:06): MP3
The Marginalization of Poetry, Segue Series at Double Happiness, NYC, March 22, 1997
The Marginalization of Poetry - an evening of responses to Bob Perelman 's recent book of that name from Princeton
University Press, with Bob Perelman , Ann Lauterbach , Ron Silliman , Juliana Spahr , and Steve Evans .
Moderated by Sean Killian (curated by Sean Killian & Dan Machlin ).
Part 1: Watch on
Part 2: Watch on
Complete reading (50:25): MP3
Reading at the Ear Inn , January 4, 1992
Complete reading (32:54): MP3
"Opening Day" from Clamor , recorded January 4, 1992 (4:38): MP3
Poetry 1991 : The State of the Art, St. Marks Symposium, New York, May 3, 1991
Also on PennSound:
These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial
and educational
use only. © 2017 Ann Lauterbach.
Used with permission. Distributed by PennSound.